Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?

Oct, 27, 2019 ~ By David Blackmon
During his press conference Sunday morning following his announcement of the U.S. military operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump said some congressional leaders were pre-briefed on the operation but not others: “We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.
“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.” Trump said that U.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists. “A leak could have caused the death of all of them,” Trump said.
It has now been confirmed that, among those who the White House and Pentagon chose not to brief were San Fran Nan and Bug-Eyed Adam Schiff. The Democrat toady news media and Twitter Perpetual Outrage Mob are naturally going berserk over this revelation, but the truth is that it is completely justified, and very likely prevented news of the operation being leaked to the New York Times and CNN in advance. Either of those media outlets has proved time after time that they would have no hesitation whatsoever to putting U.S. military lives in jeopardy if it meant scoring political points for their Democrat masters. Does anyone outside of the Democrat/media axis propaganda really think either Pelosi or Schiff could be trusted to hold this information secret? if they decided that leaking it was to their political advantage. So the President and his advisors were right to refuse to brief these seditious opponents in advance, for the sake of keeping the military personnel involved safe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin and leaders of the Syrian government could be trusted to hold the information confidential, but not the Democrat leaders in the United States congress.
This is a sad reality, but it is the reality in which the Democrats and their media toadies are forcing us all to live.

I wouldn't trust them to bring me a glass of water. Those two and the rest of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are far more dangerous to our country than ISIS is. They've proved it time and time again.They have no room to whine and moan since they're and have kept we the people in the dark over their kabuki theater impeachment crap. Surely the Elitist Leftist Democrats certainly don’t trust us (the people) they've lied at every opportunity.
To the larger point….I am not sure why any POTUS would be obliged to advise Congress on anything concerning the military considering that tens of Thousands of Americans have been killed in combat since 1960 alone and we haven’t been in a declared war since 1945.

Three generations of legislators have grown comfortable with this clear violation of the Constitution….so why should they (or we) expect to be notified until after the troops are out of harm’s way.

On this, I can’t blame the blob….his reasoning for not doing it is pure shit as is he…but at the end of the day he’s not wrong for not advising some members of congress.
Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?

Oct, 27, 2019 ~ By David Blackmon
During his press conference Sunday morning following his announcement of the U.S. military operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump said some congressional leaders were pre-briefed on the operation but not others: “We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.
“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.” Trump said that U.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists. “A leak could have caused the death of all of them,” Trump said.
It has now been confirmed that, among those who the White House and Pentagon chose not to brief were San Fran Nan and Bug-Eyed Adam Schiff. The Democrat toady news media and Twitter Perpetual Outrage Mob are naturally going berserk over this revelation, but the truth is that it is completely justified, and very likely prevented news of the operation being leaked to the New York Times and CNN in advance. Either of those media outlets has proved time after time that they would have no hesitation whatsoever to putting U.S. military lives in jeopardy if it meant scoring political points for their Democrat masters. Does anyone outside of the Democrat/media axis propaganda really think either Pelosi or Schiff could be trusted to hold this information secret? if they decided that leaking it was to their political advantage. So the President and his advisors were right to refuse to brief these seditious opponents in advance, for the sake of keeping the military personnel involved safe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin and leaders of the Syrian government could be trusted to hold the information confidential, but not the Democrat leaders in the United States congress.
This is a sad reality, but it is the reality in which the Democrats and their media toadies are forcing us all to live.

I wouldn't trust them to bring me a glass of water. Those two and the rest of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are far more dangerous to our country than ISIS is. They've proved it time and time again.They have no room to whine and moan since they're and have kept we the people in the dark over their kabuki theater impeachment crap. Surely the Elitist Leftist Democrats certainly don’t trust us (the people) they've lied at every opportunity.
I wouldn't trust them with your life,
Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?

Oct, 27, 2019 ~ By David Blackmon
During his press conference Sunday morning following his announcement of the U.S. military operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump said some congressional leaders were pre-briefed on the operation but not others: “We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.
“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.” Trump said that U.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists. “A leak could have caused the death of all of them,” Trump said.
It has now been confirmed that, among those who the White House and Pentagon chose not to brief were San Fran Nan and Bug-Eyed Adam Schiff. The Democrat toady news media and Twitter Perpetual Outrage Mob are naturally going berserk over this revelation, but the truth is that it is completely justified, and very likely prevented news of the operation being leaked to the New York Times and CNN in advance. Either of those media outlets has proved time after time that they would have no hesitation whatsoever to putting U.S. military lives in jeopardy if it meant scoring political points for their Democrat masters. Does anyone outside of the Democrat/media axis propaganda really think either Pelosi or Schiff could be trusted to hold this information secret? if they decided that leaking it was to their political advantage. So the President and his advisors were right to refuse to brief these seditious opponents in advance, for the sake of keeping the military personnel involved safe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin and leaders of the Syrian government could be trusted to hold the information confidential, but not the Democrat leaders in the United States congress.
This is a sad reality, but it is the reality in which the Democrats and their media toadies are forcing us all to live.

I wouldn't trust them to bring me a glass of water. Those two and the rest of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are far more dangerous to our country than ISIS is. They've proved it time and time again.They have no room to whine and moan since they're and have kept we the people in the dark over their kabuki theater impeachment crap. Surely the Elitist Leftist Democrats certainly don’t trust us (the people) they've lied at every opportunity.
You mean over tRump, McConnell, Me that crowd?

Fuck yes.
Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?

Oct, 27, 2019 ~ By David Blackmon
During his press conference Sunday morning following his announcement of the U.S. military operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump said some congressional leaders were pre-briefed on the operation but not others: “We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.
“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.” Trump said that U.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists. “A leak could have caused the death of all of them,” Trump said.
It has now been confirmed that, among those who the White House and Pentagon chose not to brief were San Fran Nan and Bug-Eyed Adam Schiff. The Democrat toady news media and Twitter Perpetual Outrage Mob are naturally going berserk over this revelation, but the truth is that it is completely justified, and very likely prevented news of the operation being leaked to the New York Times and CNN in advance. Either of those media outlets has proved time after time that they would have no hesitation whatsoever to putting U.S. military lives in jeopardy if it meant scoring political points for their Democrat masters. Does anyone outside of the Democrat/media axis propaganda really think either Pelosi or Schiff could be trusted to hold this information secret? if they decided that leaking it was to their political advantage. So the President and his advisors were right to refuse to brief these seditious opponents in advance, for the sake of keeping the military personnel involved safe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin and leaders of the Syrian government could be trusted to hold the information confidential, but not the Democrat leaders in the United States congress.
This is a sad reality, but it is the reality in which the Democrats and their media toadies are forcing us all to live.

I wouldn't trust them to bring me a glass of water. Those two and the rest of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are far more dangerous to our country than ISIS is. They've proved it time and time again.They have no room to whine and moan since they're and have kept we the people in the dark over their kabuki theater impeachment crap. Surely the Elitist Leftist Democrats certainly don’t trust us (the people) they've lied at every opportunity.
Trump is an untrustworthy pig. I will trust Nancy as I know her. As for Adam I believe he is trying to be honorable in his pursuit of the hanging of trumputin.
Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?

Oct, 27, 2019 ~ By David Blackmon
During his press conference Sunday morning following his announcement of the U.S. military operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump said some congressional leaders were pre-briefed on the operation but not others: “We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.
“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.” Trump said that U.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists. “A leak could have caused the death of all of them,” Trump said.
It has now been confirmed that, among those who the White House and Pentagon chose not to brief were San Fran Nan and Bug-Eyed Adam Schiff. The Democrat toady news media and Twitter Perpetual Outrage Mob are naturally going berserk over this revelation, but the truth is that it is completely justified, and very likely prevented news of the operation being leaked to the New York Times and CNN in advance. Either of those media outlets has proved time after time that they would have no hesitation whatsoever to putting U.S. military lives in jeopardy if it meant scoring political points for their Democrat masters. Does anyone outside of the Democrat/media axis propaganda really think either Pelosi or Schiff could be trusted to hold this information secret? if they decided that leaking it was to their political advantage. So the President and his advisors were right to refuse to brief these seditious opponents in advance, for the sake of keeping the military personnel involved safe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin and leaders of the Syrian government could be trusted to hold the information confidential, but not the Democrat leaders in the United States congress.
This is a sad reality, but it is the reality in which the Democrats and their media toadies are forcing us all to live.

I wouldn't trust them to bring me a glass of water. Those two and the rest of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are far more dangerous to our country than ISIS is. They've proved it time and time again.They have no room to whine and moan since they're and have kept we the people in the dark over their kabuki theater impeachment crap. Surely the Elitist Leftist Democrats certainly don’t trust us (the people) they've lied at every opportunity.
You mean over tRump, McConnell, Me that crowd?

Fuck yes.
It is obvious they are enemies to the United States. Politics takes precedence over everything.
There is a 100% chance they would have tipped off ISIS just so that Trump would not be able to gloat about it.

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Absolutely NOT.........
I would not trust them to watch my dog for the weekend.
Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?

Oct, 27, 2019 ~ By David Blackmon
During his press conference Sunday morning following his announcement of the U.S. military operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump said some congressional leaders were pre-briefed on the operation but not others: “We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.
“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.” Trump said that U.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists. “A leak could have caused the death of all of them,” Trump said.
It has now been confirmed that, among those who the White House and Pentagon chose not to brief were San Fran Nan and Bug-Eyed Adam Schiff. The Democrat toady news media and Twitter Perpetual Outrage Mob are naturally going berserk over this revelation, but the truth is that it is completely justified, and very likely prevented news of the operation being leaked to the New York Times and CNN in advance. Either of those media outlets has proved time after time that they would have no hesitation whatsoever to putting U.S. military lives in jeopardy if it meant scoring political points for their Democrat masters. Does anyone outside of the Democrat/media axis propaganda really think either Pelosi or Schiff could be trusted to hold this information secret? if they decided that leaking it was to their political advantage. So the President and his advisors were right to refuse to brief these seditious opponents in advance, for the sake of keeping the military personnel involved safe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin and leaders of the Syrian government could be trusted to hold the information confidential, but not the Democrat leaders in the United States congress.
This is a sad reality, but it is the reality in which the Democrats and their media toadies are forcing us all to live.

I wouldn't trust them to bring me a glass of water. Those two and the rest of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are far more dangerous to our country than ISIS is. They've proved it time and time again.They have no room to whine and moan since they're and have kept we the people in the dark over their kabuki theater impeachment crap. Surely the Elitist Leftist Democrats certainly don’t trust us (the people) they've lied at every opportunity.
To answer the lede..Yep!
Trump is an untrustworthy pig. I will trust Nancy as I know her. As for Adam I believe he is trying to be honorable in his pursuit of the hanging of trumputin.
Those two are loud mouths-telling them would be like telling Bagdady "look out".
Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?

Oct, 27, 2019 ~ By David Blackmon
During his press conference Sunday morning following his announcement of the U.S. military operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump said some congressional leaders were pre-briefed on the operation but not others: “We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.
“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.” Trump said that U.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists. “A leak could have caused the death of all of them,” Trump said.
It has now been confirmed that, among those who the White House and Pentagon chose not to brief were San Fran Nan and Bug-Eyed Adam Schiff. The Democrat toady news media and Twitter Perpetual Outrage Mob are naturally going berserk over this revelation, but the truth is that it is completely justified, and very likely prevented news of the operation being leaked to the New York Times and CNN in advance. Either of those media outlets has proved time after time that they would have no hesitation whatsoever to putting U.S. military lives in jeopardy if it meant scoring political points for their Democrat masters. Does anyone outside of the Democrat/media axis propaganda really think either Pelosi or Schiff could be trusted to hold this information secret? if they decided that leaking it was to their political advantage. So the President and his advisors were right to refuse to brief these seditious opponents in advance, for the sake of keeping the military personnel involved safe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin and leaders of the Syrian government could be trusted to hold the information confidential, but not the Democrat leaders in the United States congress.
This is a sad reality, but it is the reality in which the Democrats and their media toadies are forcing us all to live.

I wouldn't trust them to bring me a glass of water. Those two and the rest of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are far more dangerous to our country than ISIS is. They've proved it time and time again.They have no room to whine and moan since they're and have kept we the people in the dark over their kabuki theater impeachment crap. Surely the Elitist Leftist Democrats certainly don’t trust us (the people) they've lied at every opportunity.
I have no doubt that a Stalinist democrat would have leaked in the hopes of getting entire team killed just to make Trump look bad
Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?

Oct, 27, 2019 ~ By David Blackmon
During his press conference Sunday morning following his announcement of the U.S. military operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump said some congressional leaders were pre-briefed on the operation but not others: “We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.
“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.” Trump said that U.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists. “A leak could have caused the death of all of them,” Trump said.
It has now been confirmed that, among those who the White House and Pentagon chose not to brief were San Fran Nan and Bug-Eyed Adam Schiff. The Democrat toady news media and Twitter Perpetual Outrage Mob are naturally going berserk over this revelation, but the truth is that it is completely justified, and very likely prevented news of the operation being leaked to the New York Times and CNN in advance. Either of those media outlets has proved time after time that they would have no hesitation whatsoever to putting U.S. military lives in jeopardy if it meant scoring political points for their Democrat masters. Does anyone outside of the Democrat/media axis propaganda really think either Pelosi or Schiff could be trusted to hold this information secret? if they decided that leaking it was to their political advantage. So the President and his advisors were right to refuse to brief these seditious opponents in advance, for the sake of keeping the military personnel involved safe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin and leaders of the Syrian government could be trusted to hold the information confidential, but not the Democrat leaders in the United States congress.
This is a sad reality, but it is the reality in which the Democrats and their media toadies are forcing us all to live.

I wouldn't trust them to bring me a glass of water. Those two and the rest of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are far more dangerous to our country than ISIS is. They've proved it time and time again.They have no room to whine and moan since they're and have kept we the people in the dark over their kabuki theater impeachment crap. Surely the Elitist Leftist Democrats certainly don’t trust us (the people) they've lied at every opportunity.
You mean over tRump, McConnell, Me that crowd?

Fuck yes.

Nice knowin ya.
If he weren't taking a long dirt nap, I'd trust Ted Bundy before I'd trust those 2 anti-American shitheads.
Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?

Oct, 27, 2019 ~ By David Blackmon
During his press conference Sunday morning following his announcement of the U.S. military operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump said some congressional leaders were pre-briefed on the operation but not others: “We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.
“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.” Trump said that U.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists. “A leak could have caused the death of all of them,” Trump said.
It has now been confirmed that, among those who the White House and Pentagon chose not to brief were San Fran Nan and Bug-Eyed Adam Schiff. The Democrat toady news media and Twitter Perpetual Outrage Mob are naturally going berserk over this revelation, but the truth is that it is completely justified, and very likely prevented news of the operation being leaked to the New York Times and CNN in advance. Either of those media outlets has proved time after time that they would have no hesitation whatsoever to putting U.S. military lives in jeopardy if it meant scoring political points for their Democrat masters. Does anyone outside of the Democrat/media axis propaganda really think either Pelosi or Schiff could be trusted to hold this information secret? if they decided that leaking it was to their political advantage. So the President and his advisors were right to refuse to brief these seditious opponents in advance, for the sake of keeping the military personnel involved safe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin and leaders of the Syrian government could be trusted to hold the information confidential, but not the Democrat leaders in the United States congress.
This is a sad reality, but it is the reality in which the Democrats and their media toadies are forcing us all to live.

I wouldn't trust them to bring me a glass of water. Those two and the rest of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are far more dangerous to our country than ISIS is. They've proved it time and time again.They have no room to whine and moan since they're and have kept we the people in the dark over their kabuki theater impeachment crap. Surely the Elitist Leftist Democrats certainly don’t trust us (the people) they've lied at every opportunity.
Much more than fat donnie or any of his CRC cult members.
Pelosi and Schiff are intelligent and mentally stable Americans. trump and pigpence and their cronies are unintelligent and mentally unstable Russians. No contest. The answer to the OP's question is HELL YES.

P.S.: what's the status of those nuclear warheads that were left in Turkey?
Would You Trust Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi With Your Life?

Oct, 27, 2019 ~ By David Blackmon
During his press conference Sunday morning following his announcement of the U.S. military operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump said some congressional leaders were pre-briefed on the operation but not others: “We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.
“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.” Trump said that U.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists. “A leak could have caused the death of all of them,” Trump said.
It has now been confirmed that, among those who the White House and Pentagon chose not to brief were San Fran Nan and Bug-Eyed Adam Schiff. The Democrat toady news media and Twitter Perpetual Outrage Mob are naturally going berserk over this revelation, but the truth is that it is completely justified, and very likely prevented news of the operation being leaked to the New York Times and CNN in advance. Either of those media outlets has proved time after time that they would have no hesitation whatsoever to putting U.S. military lives in jeopardy if it meant scoring political points for their Democrat masters. Does anyone outside of the Democrat/media axis propaganda really think either Pelosi or Schiff could be trusted to hold this information secret? if they decided that leaking it was to their political advantage. So the President and his advisors were right to refuse to brief these seditious opponents in advance, for the sake of keeping the military personnel involved safe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin and leaders of the Syrian government could be trusted to hold the information confidential, but not the Democrat leaders in the United States congress.
This is a sad reality, but it is the reality in which the Democrats and their media toadies are forcing us all to live.

I wouldn't trust them to bring me a glass of water. Those two and the rest of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are far more dangerous to our country than ISIS is. They've proved it time and time again.They have no room to whine and moan since they're and have kept we the people in the dark over their kabuki theater impeachment crap. Surely the Elitist Leftist Democrats certainly don’t trust us (the people) they've lied at every opportunity.
Much more than fat donnie or any of his CRC cult members.

CRC- Cool Republican Citizens

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