Would you support impeachment of Obama for "stealing" our money and giving it to his

Should a new law be written to stop this type of theft and should Obama be impeached

  • Yes on both counts

    Votes: 14 51.9%
  • Yes on the law but no impeachment

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • No on the law and yes on impeachment

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obama has done nothing wrong and this is what our money is for

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Friends and supporters? This shouldn't be limited to just Obama either.

Congress needs to pass some kind of law making it criminal to put money into bills for friends and supporters. This shit has to stop. Obamas supporters alone have received over a billion dollars for nothing more than being a supporter. It's criminal, period. Left, right it doesn't matter. I'm well aware this has been a problem across both isles but its time to put a stop to this practice.

Um how is it a crime when it's written into law?
It may be immoral, wrong, improper, annoying, and just plain crappy, but once it is law its legal.
Now it may conflict with other law, something that has to be worked out, but until then its not illegal.

I wish it was, but...
Friends and supporters? This shouldn't be limited to just Obama either.

Congress needs to pass some kind of law making it criminal to put money into bills for friends and supporters. This shit has to stop. Obamas supporters alone have received over a billion dollars for nothing more than being a supporter. It's criminal, period. Left, right it doesn't matter. I'm well aware this has been a problem across both isles but its time to put a stop to this practice.


You. Are. An. Idiot.

You want no student loan guarantees for family members. No home loan guarantees for veterans who are family members. No small business loan guarantees to anyone, vets included, who happened to be related.

The government guarantees loans for all sorts of things every day. To make a wild-eyed claim that NO family member of any elected official should be able to receive one is ludicrous, and unconstitutional.
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Friends and supporters? This shouldn't be limited to just Obama either.

Congress needs to pass some kind of law making it criminal to put money into bills for friends and supporters. This shit has to stop. Obamas supporters alone have received over a billion dollars for nothing more than being a supporter. It's criminal, period. Left, right it doesn't matter. I'm well aware this has been a problem across both isles but its time to put a stop to this practice.


You. Are. An. Idiot.

You want no student loan guarantees for family members. No home loan guarantees for veterans who are family members. No small business loan guarantees to anyone, vets included, who happened to be related.

The government guarantees loans for all sorts of things every day. To make a wild-eyed claim that NO family member of any elected official should be able to receive one is ludicrous, and unconstitutional.

Those loans you listed aren't intentionally targeted at friends and family. They are available to any who apply. And you know damn well these loans Obama is passing out like candy now are for political favors.

And I'm the idiot?
Friends and supporters? This shouldn't be limited to just Obama either.

Congress needs to pass some kind of law making it criminal to put money into bills for friends and supporters. This shit has to stop. Obamas supporters alone have received over a billion dollars for nothing more than being a supporter. It's criminal, period. Left, right it doesn't matter. I'm well aware this has been a problem across both isles but its time to put a stop to this practice.


You. Are. An. Idiot.

You want no student loan guarantees for family members. No home loan guarantees for veterans who are family members. No small business loan guarantees to anyone, vets included, who happened to be related.

The government guarantees loans for all sorts of things every day. To make a wild-eyed claim that NO family member of any elected official should be able to receive one is ludicrous, and unconstitutional.

Those loans you listed aren't intentionally targeted at friends and family. They are available to any who apply. And you know damn well these loans Obama is passing out like candy now are for political favors.

And I'm the idiot?

So you have proof these companies did not apply like everyone else? And even if they did, you want them treated differently under the law?
You. Are. An. Idiot.

You want no student loan guarantees for family members. No home loan guarantees for veterans who are family members. No small business loan guarantees to anyone, vets included, who happened to be related.

The government guarantees loans for all sorts of things every day. To make a wild-eyed claim that NO family member of any elected official should be able to receive one is ludicrous, and unconstitutional.

Those loans you listed aren't intentionally targeted at friends and family. They are available to any who apply. And you know damn well these loans Obama is passing out like candy now are for political favors.

And I'm the idiot?

So you have proof these companies did not apply like everyone else? And even if they did, you want them treated differently under the law?

You can't twist the facts fast enough can you?
Friends and supporters? This shouldn't be limited to just Obama either.

Congress needs to pass some kind of law making it criminal to put money into bills for friends and supporters. This shit has to stop. Obamas supporters alone have received over a billion dollars for nothing more than being a supporter. It's criminal, period. Left, right it doesn't matter. I'm well aware this has been a problem across both isles but its time to put a stop to this practice.


I appreciate the point but you are wrong. You cannot impeach Obama for what he's done with money. First of all, he doesn't do it. Congress does. You don't impeach someone over politics. We elect these people and it is not surprising that he would attempt to hire/give contracts to people he knows/trusts. Suddenly, if you are elected to office you are supposed to cut ties with all of your associates? We, the voters, knew what he was when we elected him. Elections have consequences. If you don't like the result then you should have worked harder to change the minds of the people around you. Set up a website, campaign with a poster... talk to your neighbors take out ads on the radio... Obama is no more a thief than anyone else in office. Now if you want to say he's an imbecile, fine. Does he make bad decisions? Sure. Do I agree with any policy he has endorced? No.

Guess what. I didn't work enough to prevent him from getting elected either. I didn't talk to enough people. I didn't scream loud enough. I ignored when bush did the same thing (until the bailouts) I excused the medicare thing. Our own party (my former party) actually nominated an old bleached version of Obama. How did we do any better?

The only reason I ranted like this is because when you make a rhetorical point like yours it makes people less receptive to you when you are actually arguing a valid point. I agree with much of what you say on the surface but you aren't trying to convince me. We will be more successful in getting our candidate (by the way we disagree on enough things that we probably have different ideal candidates) elected if we focus more on real arguments and less on rhetoric.

Those loans you listed aren't intentionally targeted at friends and family. They are available to any who apply. And you know damn well these loans Obama is passing out like candy now are for political favors.

And I'm the idiot?

So you have proof these companies did not apply like everyone else? And even if they did, you want them treated differently under the law?

You can't twist the facts fast enough can you?

And ... that would be a no. You have no proof. None. Zero.

All you got is hate. As usual.
Friends and supporters? This shouldn't be limited to just Obama either.

Congress needs to pass some kind of law making it criminal to put money into bills for friends and supporters. This shit has to stop. Obamas supporters alone have received over a billion dollars for nothing more than being a supporter. It's criminal, period. Left, right it doesn't matter. I'm well aware this has been a problem across both isles but its time to put a stop to this practice.


I appreciate the point but you are wrong. You cannot impeach Obama for what he's done with money. First of all, he doesn't do it. Congress does. You don't impeach someone over politics. We elect these people and it is not surprising that he would attempt to hire/give contracts to people he knows/trusts. Suddenly, if you are elected to office you are supposed to cut ties with all of your associates? We, the voters, knew what he was when we elected him. Elections have consequences. If you don't like the result then you should have worked harder to change the minds of the people around you. Set up a website, campaign with a poster... talk to your neighbors take out ads on the radio... Obama is no more a thief than anyone else in office. Now if you want to say he's an imbecile, fine. Does he make bad decisions? Sure. Do I agree with any policy he has endorced? No.

Guess what. I didn't work enough to prevent him from getting elected either. I didn't talk to enough people. I didn't scream loud enough. I ignored when bush did the same thing (until the bailouts) I excused the medicare thing. Our own party (my former party) actually nominated an old bleached version of Obama. How did we do any better?

The only reason I ranted like this is because when you make a rhetorical point like yours it makes people less receptive to you when you are actually arguing a valid point. I agree with much of what you say on the surface but you aren't trying to convince me. We will be more successful in getting our candidate (by the way we disagree on enough things that we probably have different ideal candidates) elected if we focus more on real arguments and less on rhetoric.


That is not my understanding, Mike. I believe it was just the administration who found the receivers of the benefits. Remember how the Bush administration had nixed Solyndra calling it" not ready for Prime Time", but the Obama team overruled that and put it on the fast track.

Now we learn that they just gave away another billion.

When the administration starts giving away loads of our tax dollars to their donor buddies who have troubled assets and balance sheets, I tthink we should start looking at the law books for a crime that was committed. Conflicts of Interest is not a crime, but we know there should be a harsher, ethical and legal conflict that will work.
So you have proof these companies did not apply like everyone else? And even if they did, you want them treated differently under the law?

You can't twist the facts fast enough can you?

And ... that would be a no. You have no proof. None. Zero.

All you got is hate. As usual.

I got plenty of disgust for the clueless Fuck Head that is crippling our country all the while blowing through our bank account like a drunk at a craps table. Hate? Not on that level yet but its not far away.

Proof of bullshit practices isn't needed when your head isn't so far up Obamas ass that you CAN SEE what he is doing.
Friends and supporters? This shouldn't be limited to just Obama either.

Congress needs to pass some kind of law making it criminal to put money into bills for friends and supporters. This shit has to stop. Obamas supporters alone have received over a billion dollars for nothing more than being a supporter. It's criminal, period. Left, right it doesn't matter. I'm well aware this has been a problem across both isles but its time to put a stop to this practice.


You. Are. An. Idiot.

You want no student loan guarantees for family members. No home loan guarantees for veterans who are family members. No small business loan guarantees to anyone, vets included, who happened to be related.

The government guarantees loans for all sorts of things every day. To make a wild-eyed claim that NO family member of any elected official should be able to receive one is ludicrous, and unconstitutional.

Taking his ludicrous notion to a whole new level of ludicrious. Nice. Stop being a jackass please.

So you have proof these companies did not apply like everyone else? And even if they did, you want them treated differently under the law?

You can't twist the facts fast enough can you?

And ... that would be a no. You have no proof. None. Zero.

All you got is hate. As usual.

Actually, whether he has hate or not is irrelevant.

Form a logical standpoint, one must ask what criteria the administration used to grant certain loans.

We know many applied.
We also know of at least two that recieved negative recommendations from different government officials that were assigned to detrermine if the loans were worthy, yet they got the loans anyway. Further investigation is finding direct connections bettween the companies and the white house OUTSIDE of typical commerce/white house relationships.

So, if anything, all YOU got is admiration which is cloudying your vision and not allowing you to see possible unethical doings by your man in the WH.

That being said....what Obama may have done is unethical and should cost him his re-election as he is a man that can not be trusted (if it is true)....but I do not see it as illegal...unless he lies in a hearing about it and is caught.
If the president committed a crime impeachment is the logical conclusion. Impeachment isn't a conviction and it doesn't mean removal from office. It is more like an indictment.
You can't twist the facts fast enough can you?

And ... that would be a no. You have no proof. None. Zero.

All you got is hate. As usual.

I got plenty of disgust for the clueless Fuck Head that is crippling our country all the while blowing through our bank account like a drunk at a craps table. Hate? Not on that level yet but its not far away.

Proof of bullshit practices isn't needed when your head isn't so far up Obamas ass that you CAN SEE what he is doing.
So you gave me negative rep for this post. I'm glad to see it hit home stupid. Lol

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