Would USMB Republicans mind explaining how much the Bush Tax Cuts helped?

Republicans spent a lot of political capital, using reconciliation twice, to pass the Bush Tax cuts.

So how exactly did the tax cuts help the country and who in the country did they help?

Didn't you have more money in your pocket after the tax cuts?

I did and that's how it helped.

What didn't help is the fact that the idiot politicians kept spending money they didn't have.

Brings to mind the Liberal Mantra of the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich BS saying. When in fact the Bush Tax Cuts mainly gave Tax Breaks to the masses.

So much so, that Obama extended many of them. If it was SOOOOOOOO BADDDDDDD then why did he keep 2/3rds of them???????????????

Class Warfare Strategy and Political BS.

I forgot to add on my last post. Why did Federal Revenue go up under Bush to the highest ever Recorded Federal Revenue in 2007??????????????????

The Lefts arguments have always been how it cost us Revenue. So why did it increase then Libs?????????????????????? It is a HISTORICAL FACT.
I couldn't get through all the bullshit so I looked up the author to see where he got his economic expertise:

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Michael T. Griffith holds a Master’s degree in Theology from The Catholic Distance University, a Graduate Certificate in Ancient and Classical History from American Military University, a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts from Excelsior College, and two Associate in Applied Science degrees from the Community College of the Air Force. He also holds an Advanced Certificate of Civil War Studies and a Certificate of Civil War Studies from Carroll College. He is a graduate in Arabic and Hebrew of the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California, and of the U.S. Air Force Technical Training School in San Angelo, Texas. In addition, he has completed Advanced Hebrew programs at Haifa University in Israel and at the Spiro Institute in London, England. He is the author of five books on Mormonism and one book on the JFK assassination. His books on Mormonism include How Firm A Foundation, A Ready Reply, and One Lord, One Faith.

Really???? This is your expert???? This and the CATO Institute????? Really?????
Beats the hell out of your degree, Engineer of Womyn's Studies.
I'm not expecting big responses from our Republican Partisans in this thread.

I'd love to see a strong defence of those tax cuts though.

Numbers including annual revenues and annual deficits would help.

Does having more money in your pocket help you or hurt you?

First of all we need to understand that Libs feel all money earned belongs to government first.
That's the only way to explain their absolute hatred for people keeping more of their money.

Libs want government to have as much money to spend as possible.
You have to be a jackass to claim that having more money in your pocket doesn't help you, and 95% of the money that goes to government is used to support useless ticks on the ass of society, so that money positively hurts the taxpayers.
Are you saying defense spending is less than 5% of government revenue?

Man, you really are a dumbass, aren't ya?

My percentage figure isn't accurate? That's the best argument you have? Really?
You have to be a jackass to claim that having more money in your pocket doesn't help you, and 95% of the money that goes to government is used to support useless ticks on the ass of society, so that money positively hurts the taxpayers.
Are you saying defense spending is less than 5% of government revenue?

Man, you really are a dumbass, aren't ya?
Ya think?????
It is almost beyond him, the cut and paste job.
But, it is the best he could do. He is a simple con tool. You know, a congenital idiot. Really, it is not his fault. just plain bad luck.
The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth

The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth

Michael T. Griffith
@All Rights Reserved
Fourth Edition

When we look at the growth of total federal revenue under Reagan and Carter, a similar picture emerges. During the Carter budget years, total federal revenue rose by $199 billion, from $400 billion in 1977 to $599 billion in 1981, an increase of 50%. However, during the Reagan budget years, total federal revenue rose by $373 billion, from $618 billion in 1982 to $991 billion in 1989, an increase of 60%. Furthermore, as mentioned, counting only calendar years, inflation totaled 50.40% under Carter vs. 33.72% under Reagan (total inflation during their respective fiscal years was even worse for Carter: 51.62% vs. 34.48%).

I couldn't get through all the bullshit so I looked up the author to see where he got his economic expertise:

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Michael T. Griffith holds a Master’s degree in Theology from The Catholic Distance University, a Graduate Certificate in Ancient and Classical History from American Military University, a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts from Excelsior College, and two Associate in Applied Science degrees from the Community College of the Air Force. He also holds an Advanced Certificate of Civil War Studies and a Certificate of Civil War Studies from Carroll College. He is a graduate in Arabic and Hebrew of the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California, and of the U.S. Air Force Technical Training School in San Angelo, Texas. In addition, he has completed Advanced Hebrew programs at Haifa University in Israel and at the Spiro Institute in London, England. He is the author of five books on Mormonism and one book on the JFK assassination. His books on Mormonism include How Firm A Foundation, A Ready Reply, and One Lord, One Faith.

Really???? This is your expert???? This and the CATO Institute????? Really?????

Prove his data wrong then........................

Use the IRS sites or Federal Sites to say he's full of Chit................

Should be easy to do if the data is wrong.
Just a minute. Let me get a quote from moveon.org. Then after you waste your time vetting that, maybe someone will want to take a look at yout totally ignorant source.
You have to be a jackass to claim that having more money in your pocket doesn't help you, and 95% of the money that goes to government is used to support useless ticks on the ass of society, so that money positively hurts the taxpayers.
Are you saying defense spending is less than 5% of government revenue?

Man, you really are a dumbass, aren't ya?
Ya think?????
It is almost beyond him, the cut and paste job.
But, it is the best he could do. He is a simple con tool. You know, a congenital idiot. Really, it is not his fault. just plain bad luck.

It appears I have acquired a stalker. Your constant insults make you look mentally unbalanced. Do you realize that?
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

Decreased Revenues Bush's First Term

Increased Revenues Second Term to historical highs. Increased Economy

So it went from NO deficiet to HUGE deficit during Bush II's term according to those numbers.

Not all that surprising given the reduction in revenues (thanks to tax cuts) and massive costs increases due to Bush II's TWO ASIAN LAND WARS.
Ask them how their policies help or why they run from George Bush and you get either silence or personal attacks. Why is that?

Deany, who attacked you? Was it a real person, because it looks like you were the first responder to your OP

We're going to send a police sketch artist over and I think that the imagine is going to look a lot like you
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

Decreased Revenues Bush's First Term

Increased Revenues Second Term to historical highs. Increased Economy

So it went from NO deficiet to HUGE deficit during Bush II's term according to those numbers.

Not all that surprising given the reduction in revenues (thanks to tax cuts) and massive costs increases due to Bush II's TWO ASIAN LAND WARS.

From the lows of the recession aftermath (Q1 2003) to the bottom dropping out of the market in 2008, federal tax receipts increase 9.1% Y/Y. On the other hand, Y/Y Federal Expenditures increased 6.5%.

In order words, tax receipts outpaced government spending. The budget deficit was decreasing and probably would have gotten even lower. I really can't remember what happened outside of the financial crisis which caused the budget deficit to increase 300 Billion, but it was most likely political.
Republicans spent a lot of political capital, using reconciliation twice, to pass the Bush Tax cuts.

So how exactly did the tax cuts help the country and who in the country did they help?

If they didn't help. why did Obama make them permanent?


Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

You know Republicans are heartless fucks.

Bull shit! He had majorities is both the House and Senate when he got into to office. He had political clout and failed to use it for something he promised he'd do as soon as he was elected.

So now, why, when he was first elected, and after promising to repeal the cuts and after having huge majorities in both halls of Congress, did he not carry through with his promise?
If they didn't help. why did Obama make them permanent?


Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

You know Republicans are heartless fucks.

Bull shit! He had majorities is both the House and Senate when he got into to office. He had political clout and failed to use it for something he promised he'd do as soon as he was elected.

So now, why, when he was first elected, and after promising to repeal the cuts and after having huge majorities in both halls of Congress, did he not carry through with his promise?

Did he really have those majorities? In the senate 60 democrats isn't necessarily a majority when you have four or five blue dogs. Anyway, the 60 majority wasn't there that long. There was the franken vs coleman recount then right after that teddy kennedy died. Anyway arguing about obama not getting rid of tax cuts is just reinforcing what I always say. Obama is not a liberal by any stretch, much less a socialist.
If the politician has a D in of his or her name, their personal views are really not relevant.

And I don't know. Obama has done some very liberal things.
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Bull shit! He had majorities is both the House and Senate when he got into to office. He had political clout and failed to use it for something he promised he'd do as soon as he was elected.

So now, why, when he was first elected, and after promising to repeal the cuts and after having huge majorities in both halls of Congress, did he not carry through with his promise?

Did he really have those majorities? In the senate 60 democrats isn't necessarily a majority when you have four or five blue dogs. Anyway, the 60 majority wasn't there that long. There was the franken vs coleman recount then right after that teddy kennedy died. Anyway arguing about obama not getting rid of tax cuts is just reinforcing what I always say. Obama is not a liberal by any stretch, much less a socialist.

Then don't blame the Republicans for not repealing the tax cuts. He had the votes in the House, he came off a strong victory and pulled 60 Dems in the Senate. The either the great uniter failed to unite his own party or he wasn't wanting to repeal the tax cuts in the first place. I never claimed Obama a socialist, not sure why you would bring that up, but you do need excuses
If they didn't help. why did Obama make them permanent?


Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

You know Republicans are heartless fucks.

Bull shit! He had majorities is both the House and Senate when he got into to office. He had political clout and failed to use it for something he promised he'd do as soon as he was elected.

So now, why, when he was first elected, and after promising to repeal the cuts and after having huge majorities in both halls of Congress, did he not carry through with his promise?

If Democrats had so much "power", they wouldn't have needed to use reconciliation the single time they did. Republicans used it three times. Can you remember for what? Can you remember when? Can you remember the effects??? Think!

As to why Obama extended the Bush Tax Cuts, it's clear to even the Right Wing Christian Science Monitor.

How many times to you have to PROVE things before it sinks in. I have evidence, why don't they?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

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