Would this be considered racial profiling?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
An Arizona state trooper is patrolling the northern part of the state. He sees a vehicle travelling 75 in a 55 zone and pulls it over. He immediately sees 5 white men with blonde, close crop hair, blue eyes and wearing clothing that is not of normal fashion. Such as out-dated polo shirts, bland jeans that are close fitting, etc. The back windshield has a Soviet Union flag sticker that is faded and worn. The tags are expired Washington tags.

While speaking to the 5 men, the officer advised them of the speeding violation, and none could provide any USA driver's license, social security card or passport. All spoke broken English with a strong Eastern European accent. When asked where they live, they all say they are just visiting friends. A check through his dispatch of their names and birthdates show no US identification could be found. The only ID cards he could locate on the men were national ID cards from Russia.

The Arizona officer then begins to think they are illegally in the country and requests their immigration documents.

Would this be racial profiling? Because substitute the following:

White man with Hispanic man
Blonde hair blue eyes with black hair brown eyes
Washington tags with California tags
Soviet Union sticker with Mexico sticker
Eastern Europe accents with Spanish accents
Russian ID cards with Mexican ID cards

Just sub the above the the latter, and you'll have cries of racial profiling, although it's clear this law can and will be enforced on illegals of any nationality with probable cause.
I think all temp immigrants should be required to wear a beanie with a propeller that takes into flight when their time is up.

Certainly Boeing could pull this off?
An Arizona state trooper is patrolling the northern part of the state. He sees a vehicle travelling 75 in a 55 zone and pulls it over. He immediately sees 5 white men with blonde, close crop hair, blue eyes and wearing clothing that is not of normal fashion. Such as out-dated polo shirts, bland jeans that are close fitting, etc. The back windshield has a Soviet Union flag sticker that is faded and worn. The tags are expired Washington tags.

While speaking to the 5 men, the officer advised them of the speeding violation, and none could provide any USA driver's license, social security card or passport. All spoke broken English with a strong Eastern European accent. When asked where they live, they all say they are just visiting friends. A check through his dispatch of their names and birthdates show no US identification could be found. The only ID cards he could locate on the men were national ID cards from Russia.

The Arizona officer then begins to think they are illegally in the country and requests their immigration documents.

Would this be racial profiling? Because substitute the following:

White man with Hispanic man
Blonde hair blue eyes with black hair brown eyes
Washington tags with California tags
Soviet Union sticker with Mexico sticker
Eastern Europe accents with Spanish accents
Russian ID cards with Mexican ID cards

Just sub the above the the latter, and you'll have cries of racial profiling, although it's clear this law can and will be enforced on illegals of any nationality with probable cause.

clever. :thup:
An Arizona state trooper is patrolling the northern part of the state. He sees a vehicle travelling 75 in a 55 zone and pulls it over. He immediately sees 5 white men with blonde, close crop hair, blue eyes and wearing clothing that is not of normal fashion. Such as out-dated polo shirts, bland jeans that are close fitting, etc. The back windshield has a Soviet Union flag sticker that is faded and worn. The tags are expired Washington tags.

While speaking to the 5 men, the officer advised them of the speeding violation, and none could provide any USA driver's license, social security card or passport. All spoke broken English with a strong Eastern European accent. When asked where they live, they all say they are just visiting friends. A check through his dispatch of their names and birthdates show no US identification could be found. The only ID cards he could locate on the men were national ID cards from Russia.

The Arizona officer then begins to think they are illegally in the country and requests their immigration documents.

Would this be racial profiling? Because substitute the following:

White man with Hispanic man
Blonde hair blue eyes with black hair brown eyes
Washington tags with California tags
Soviet Union sticker with Mexico sticker
Eastern Europe accents with Spanish accents
Russian ID cards with Mexican ID cards

Just sub the above the the latter, and you'll have cries of racial profiling, although it's clear this law can and will be enforced on illegals of any nationality with probable cause.

If that is EXACTLY how it would take place even with the 'hispanic' substituted, then no, it is not racial profiling. However, I don't think this is how it most of the time happens. Many people - cops included - will automatically, upon seeing a latino suspect that they are or might be illegal immigrants.

I remember there used to be road-blocks around ATL where they would only stop cars with latinos in the and then check their immigration paperwork. They would let little white girls like me by with 'have a nice day.' But then, it did make sense - you're much more likely find an illegal alien in those huge people-packed vans. The funny part is that some of the people that didn't get stopped by default - containing white immigrants with half-decent English - were actually overstaying their visas and/or working illegally. LMAO Some of them were my friends. :D
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An Arizona state trooper is patrolling the northern part of the state. He sees a vehicle travelling 75 in a 55 zone and pulls it over. He immediately sees 5 white men with blonde, close crop hair, blue eyes and wearing clothing that is not of normal fashion. Such as out-dated polo shirts, bland jeans that are close fitting, etc. The back windshield has a Soviet Union flag sticker that is faded and worn. The tags are expired Washington tags.

While speaking to the 5 men, the officer advised them of the speeding violation, and none could provide any USA driver's license, social security card or passport. All spoke broken English with a strong Eastern European accent. When asked where they live, they all say they are just visiting friends. A check through his dispatch of their names and birthdates show no US identification could be found. The only ID cards he could locate on the men were national ID cards from Russia.

The Arizona officer then begins to think they are illegally in the country and requests their immigration documents.

Would this be racial profiling? Because substitute the following:

White man with Hispanic man
Blonde hair blue eyes with black hair brown eyes
Washington tags with California tags
Soviet Union sticker with Mexico sticker
Eastern Europe accents with Spanish accents
Russian ID cards with Mexican ID cards

Just sub the above the the latter, and you'll have cries of racial profiling, although it's clear this law can and will be enforced on illegals of any nationality with probable cause.

If you think you're making a point about the Arizona law you're daft.
You story doesn't make sense..

Ok, why doesn't it make sense? He has provided a clear example of suspicious behavior. The only catch is it is not the current PC version of the lefts desire to IGNORE our laws.

Nothing in the example was not covered by previous laws on the books.

The new law does not change anything except to make it a STATE offense also. which is LEGAL and CONSTITUTIONAL. Nothing in the new law gives them the power to just randomly pull people over. Nothing in the new law allows any NEW powers to the police.

And by the way, provide even a single incident where the new law has been abused.
All the hysteria over the AZ law is from a "what if" argument. Or an argument based on no evidence whatsoever that cops will always do the most bigoted thing.

But then again why should that surprise anyone when we have a president who calls cops stupid before having all the facts?

The simple course of action here is to wait and see how the law will be applied. And believe you me the AZ cops will be the most watched in the nation. That fact alone diminishes the possibility of discrimination based on race.

And BTW because a law when applied in a particular area results in the arrest of one ethnic group more than another does not necessarily mean that law is racist.
Ok, why doesn't it make sense? He has provided a clear example of suspicious behavior. The only catch is it is not the current PC version of the lefts desire to IGNORE our laws.

Nothing in the example was not covered by previous laws on the books.

The new law does not change anything except to make it a STATE offense also. which is LEGAL and CONSTITUTIONAL. Nothing in the new law gives them the power to just randomly pull people over. Nothing in the new law allows any NEW powers to the police.

And by the way, provide even a single incident where the new law has been abused.

No, you explain why AZ itself is frantically amending the law to attempt to remedy constitutional issues if the original law was constitutional.
Most conservatives support racial profiling. I don't know why they're giving us such a song and dance.

Why don't you cons just argue from the perspective of your true feelings, i.e., that there's nothing wrong with racial profiling, that it ought to be legal, and that it ought to be done?

Enough with the charade.
How the hell can a cop not profile?

In the case of illegal aliens this is a truly silly debate.
Most conservatives support racial profiling. I don't know why they're giving us such a song and dance.

Why don't you cons just argue from the perspective of your true feelings, i.e., that there's nothing wrong with racial profiling, that it ought to be legal, and that it ought to be done?

Enough with the charade.

Why do you have a problem that if after a cop stops someone for a valid reason that said cop then asks for I.D.?

It happens all the time no matter what race a person is. Why just the other day I had a tail light out and a State Trooper pulled me over and asked for my license, registration and proof of insurance.

Maybe I should scream discrimination.
You've described a situation where there's a valid pre-text for pulling the car over and asking for a driver's license. In that case, there's no racial profiling.

I'd even go so far as to say once the cop pulls the driver over and gets no license, the broken English of the passengers is enough PC to ask them for their IDs.
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You've described a situation where there's a valid pre-text for pulling the car over and asking for a driver's license. In that case, there's no racial profiling.

I'd even go so far as to say once the cop pulls the driver over and gets no license, the broken English of the passengers is enough PC to ask them for their IDs.

I have been asked for I.D. as a passenger in a car that has been stopped.

Again I see no problem here.
Agreed. Totally agree.

I think the problem becomes whether skin-color, broken English, or some other racial identifier is enough PC by itself without a pre-textual stop in the mix.
Agreed. Totally agree.

I think the problem becomes whether skin-color, broken English, or some other racial identifier is enough PC by itself without a pre-textual stop in the mix.

The problem is that every person of color will complain that they are being discriminated against because of race even if the cop had a laundry list of credible reasons to ask for I.D.
An Arizona state trooper is patrolling the northern part of the state. He sees a vehicle travelling 75 in a 55 zone and pulls it over......

No! What you described is called a traffic violation!

On the hand, if the officer pulls over a car and use as an excuse that they were speeding, then what we have is called harassment! Racial profiling is harassment! Stopping a car due to a traffic violation is called "enforcing the law"

Don't Bull shit me. I know that it is difficult to distinguish the two on the surface! An officer can practice racial profiling while using a claim of a traffic violation as cover.

Do you wish to improve the law(which is possible), or are you totally fascinated by the heavy hand of the law groping people?

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