Would this administration defend our border if Mexicans, Central and South Americans were Caucasian?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I can’t help but wonder if this administration can possibly be that racist. If we shared a border with Sweden and the nordic nations would this admin allow people to walk accross unimpeded, would they deliver them to cities all across the country?
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No worries. These wont be coming. They'd prefer to avoid a fourth world life


I thought they were Caucasians. I could be wrong, I'm going by equating Caucasian with White.

With the question of race on questionnaires, most often I see Caucasians broken down between: White/Hispanic, White/Non-HIspanic.
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Unabated-without any reduction in intensity or strength.

I'd like to see you walk across the US/Mexico border unabated.

The Mexican authorities would stop us cold. Remember when they held a Veteran for months on bogus charges?
The Mexican authorities would stop us cold. Remember when they held a Veteran for months on bogus charges?
I have been to Mexico several times and there is no free flow each side stops whoever is coming in. I ha long hair so they had to search my bags both the Mexican and American side.
I have been to Mexico several times and there is no free flow each side stops whoever is coming in. I ha long hair so they had to search my bags both the Mexican and American side.
How weird, a designated border crossing operates like they are supposed to...hmmm, I wonder if thats why the human cockroaches swim across the Rio Grande to rob Americans and run their baby factories?
It's because they see the writing on the wall and don't like what they see. The world is becoming more and more bi-racial and it's coming to the good old U.S. of A. The concept of a pure blooded race is going the way of the dinosaur. For instance they keep referring to Mexicans as though they are a race of people..Mexican is not a race due to gene mixing that has been going on for a thousand years..same with other parts of the globe...Middle Eastern marrying Asians..Asians marrying Africans..Africans marrying Caucasians..In less than 50 to 60 years from now so-called pure WASPs will be a minority in this country...

Do you believe Mexicrats would recruit Swedes...beg them to rob American taxpayers...beg them to destroy our education and healthcare systems if we borderd Sweden?
I thought they were Caucasians. I could be wrong, I'm going by equating Caucasian with White.

With the question of race on questionnaires, most often I see Caucasians broken down between: White/Hispanic, White/Non-HIspanic.
For years government agencies have busted their asses trying to group brown people with whites....they know that to improve the spreadsheets brown people must ride the coattails of white behavior and accomplishments.
I can’t help but wonder if this administration can possibly be that racist. If we shared a border with Sweden and the nordic nations would this admin allow people to walk accross unimpeded, would they deliver them to cities all across the country?

Most EU citizens don't need a visa to travel to the United States. It's already extremely easy for them to get in with an airline ticket being the most difficult part of the process. I see no reason to change things other than limiting travel for COVID if necessary.
For years government agencies have busted their asses trying to group brown people with whites....they know that to improve the spreadsheets brown people must ride the coattails of white behavior and accomplishments.
Hispanic isn't a race, it's an ethnicity. Which is why there are classifications for White, White-hispanic, black and black-hispanic. As you can tell it's pretty simple to determine ethnicity. Dumbass.
They will defend anyone if they think it will get them votes.
Exactly, it's about how they will vote, not the color of their skin. It just so happens that for leftists it's much easier to group people by obvious physical attributes, so they can better turn them into victims that they will then profess to 'help'.

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