Would Libs ever consider the invasion a ‘National Emergency’..What’s their magic numbers


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

The illegal alien problem is getting better...not worse (all without Trump's beloved wall).


5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
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150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?
Well for starters it would have to actually be an invasion, not hyperbole.
150 million illegals? There are only 300 million Americans, you dumb motherfucker.
We have a lot of problems in this country and illegal immigration is one of them. Trump wants to spend billions on this problem and totally ignore all the other ones. He knows it is not the emergency he is making it. If he gets his wall he can suddenly acknowledge the real numbers and claim all this shit was worth it.
The illegal alien problem is getting better...not worse (all without Trump's beloved wall).


5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Pew Research Center's numbers are WAAAAY off the mark. Actually, illegal alien population is about 30 million, and maybe even more than that. PRC numbers are based on Census questionnaires, which illegals don't reply to.

Bear-Stearns study is far more accurate.

Yale study finds U.S. illegal immigrant population ‘substantially larger’ than previous estimates

And how could anyone claim that illegal immigration is decreasing when we currently have multiple caravans coming to the US border. With the caravans we have a far larger illegal alien problem than ever before.
First of all, the 11 million figure you give comes from Pew. But it could just as easily have come from DHS, CIS, the Urban Institute, or the Current Population Survey. They all use the same source - US Census data. RED FLAG..

Problem is the Census methodology is fundamentally flawed. To count illegals, they subtract the number of legal immigrants (estimated from those who answered surveys), from the number of foreign born residents (also estimated from those who answered surveys).
Plenty of reason to believe the census #s are wrong. Two analysts from Bear Stearns (Robert Justich and Betty Ng), in 2005, warned the census data undercounted the illegal population by about half.

Justich and NG discounted the census data because it relied on illegal aliens answering surveys. As Justich told the Wall St. Journal, "the assumption that illegal people will fill out a census form, is the most ridiculous concept I've ever heard of."
People who have left their families, paid money to smugglers, traveled thousands of miles, and broken American law to enter this country, don't have much incentive to fill out questionnaires from the US government.

Dispensing with the census' figures, the Bear Sterns analysts looked at remittances$$ from the US to Mexico. These are electronic money transfers recorded by a nation's central bank - not surveys of people who don't want to answer surveys. The analysts found that while the # of Mexicans living in the US was supposed to have grown by only 56% from1995 to 2003, remittances from the US to Mexico grew by almost 200%. even as the median weekly wage increased by just 10%.

The Bear Stearns report also compared the growth in housing permits and school enrollment with official population figures, in various immigrant enclaves. The combined population growth of Brunswick, Elizabeth, and Newark NJ, the census claimed was only 5.6% between 1990 and 2003. But housing permits in those immigrant bastions grew by more than 600%, and 80% of the new permits were for multiple dwellings.

In 2006, 2 Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalists, Donald Bartlett & James B. Steele, did a study for TIME magazine, and concluded that the number of illegal aliens coming into the US that year would be 3 million. Every major news outlet said it was 1 million (with the number miraculously going back down to 11 million by 2007).


Combining the numbers of all of these analysts, we easily get a number of 30 million, if not much more by 2018.

Robert Justice and Betty Ng, "The Underground Labor Force IS Rising to the Surface, Bear Stearns Asset Management , January 3, 2005, http://www.steinreport/BearStearnsStudy.pdf

In Counting Illegal Immigrants, Certain Assumptions Apply

Illegal Aliens: Who Left the Door Open?

Ann Coulter, Adios America!, 2015, pg. 71-75.
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150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

Not if it's their army of 3rd world soldiers marching over.
Well for starters it would have to actually be an invasion, not hyperbole.
10s of thousands of foreigners poised to run roughshod across our border, into the country with no authorization, is not an invasion ? You have a strange definition for the word invasion.

I'll go with the Webster's dictionary definition >>

Invade - to enter forcibly, or hostilely. (Webster's New World College Dictionary. 5th edition)

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Well for starters it would have to actually be an invasion, not hyperbole.
10s of thousands of foreigners poised to run roughshod across our border, into the country with no authorization, is not an invasion ? You have a strange definition for the word invasion.

I'll go with the Webster's dictionary definition >>

Invade - to enter forcibly, or hostilely. (Webster's New World College Dictionary. 5th edition)

Well that would indeed be an invasion, if it wasn't just a RWNJ fantasy.
Well that would indeed be an invasion, if it wasn't just a RWNJ fantasy.
It would be an invasion to you, just by reading the dictionary, if you weren't a brainwashed, information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media, and university MISeducation.
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

The illegal alien problem is getting better...not worse (all without Trump's beloved wall).


5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Getting better! Its still adding up!
Well that would indeed be an invasion, if it wasn't just a RWNJ fantasy.
It would be an invasion to you, just by reading the dictionary, if you weren't a brainwashed, information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media, and university MISeducation.
Lol!! Come on kid! Illegal immigration is going down, has been for more than a decade. They aren't storming the borders either. They're overstaying their visas. This is not an "invasion" by any reasonable metric.
Illegal immigration is going down, has been for more than a decade. They aren't storming the borders either. They're overstaying their visas. This is not an "invasion" by any reasonable metric.
If THIS doesn't constitute an invasion, WHAT DOES ?

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Well that would indeed be an invasion, if it wasn't just a RWNJ fantasy.
It would be an invasion to you, just by reading the dictionary, if you weren't a brainwashed, information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media, and university MISeducation.
Lol!! Come on kid! Illegal immigration is going down, has been for more than a decade. They aren't storming the borders either. They're overstaying their visas. This is not an "invasion" by any reasonable metric.
If THIS doesn't constitute an invasion, WHAT DOES ?

Tens of thousands of of armed soldiers or even irregulars storming the borders.

150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

150M illegals? Wow.!!!!

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