Would holding a referendum on US government be ok?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
President, Senate, Congress....

I believe the easiest way for independent parties to win elections and replace the establishment is to ad a negative vote option as in a referendum, because far more people dislike our politicians than they like them, and when they go to vote, they simply vote for the lesser of two evils, because they dislike the other politician even more, since the media, which can reach out to the whole nation, knocks it into the nations head for months and sometimes years in advance that no candidates other than their selected candidates have a chance to win anyway, so why walk to the voting booth and waste your vote for a candidate who has no chance to defeat the bad guy?

But the government will never create these types of elections, because they understand full well that they are disliked by the public. So if we organize independent parties to conduct elections with a negative vote option, or an outright referendum, would it work?
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President, Senate, Congress....

I believe the easiest way for independent parties to win elections and replace the establishment is to ad a negative vote option as in a referendum, because far more people dislike our politicians than they like them, and when they go to vote, they simply vote for the lesser of two evils, because they dislike the other politician even more, since the media, which can reach out to the whole nation, knocks it into the nations head for months and sometimes years in advance that no candidates other than their selected candidates have a chance to win anyway, so why walk to the voting booth and waste your vote for a candidate who has no chance to defeat the bad guy?

But the government will never create these types of elections, because they understand full well that they are disliked by the public. So if we organize independent parties to conduct elections with a negative vote option, or an outright referendum, would it work?

Another party is not the solution because it is not the problem.

The federal government has become too powerful and centralized. It was never meant to be this way. What needs to happen is for states to amend the Constitution and make amendments to scale back the size and scope of the federal government and reclaim their original authority. Here are but a few suggested amendments.

1. Limit terms. The turnover rate in Congress is extremely low. Most are in for life and end up having lush retirement packages. How many more years must we watch Dirty Harry and McCan't spew their bile?
2. Balanced budget amendment. The Federal government has no filter. All they do is print money and fling it as the entire world to try and gain influence. How can anyone fight such power?
3. Return legislative authority back to Congress. Congress has turned much of their law making ability over to the Executive Branch. Now most laws are passed via regulations. These regulations are passed by a hand full of unelected bureaucrats.

That would be a good start. Then again, if you want to continue to play the game of electing the most benevolent dictator, by all means ignore this post.
Actually PR would probably work better, it would add a lot more parties, you might even end up with coalition govt, it would mean some people would simply lose out and put new people in.

Also, the parties would have to listen to the people, and not the money so much.
Yeah, the referendum comes the first Tuesday in November. Every four years for the president, six for the senate and two for congress. Can't wait? Get involved.
President, Senate, Congress....

I believe the easiest way for independent parties to win elections and replace the establishment is to ad a negative vote option as in a referendum, because far more people dislike our politicians than they like them, and when they go to vote, they simply vote for the lesser of two evils, because they dislike the other politician even more, since the media, which can reach out to the whole nation, knocks it into the nations head for months and sometimes years in advance that no candidates other than their selected candidates have a chance to win anyway, so why walk to the voting booth and waste your vote for a candidate who has no chance to defeat the bad guy?

But the government will never create these types of elections, because they understand full well that they are disliked by the public. So if we organize independent parties to conduct elections with a negative vote option, or an outright referendum, would it work?

Another party is not the solution because it is not the problem.

The federal government has become too powerful and centralized. It was never meant to be this way. What needs to happen is for states to amend the Constitution and make amendments to scale back the size and scope of the federal government and reclaim their original authority. Here are but a few suggested amendments.

1. Limit terms. The turnover rate in Congress is extremely low. Most are in for life and end up having lush retirement packages. How many more years must we watch Dirty Harry and McCan't spew their bile?
2. Balanced budget amendment. The Federal government has no filter. All they do is print money and fling it as the entire world to try and gain influence. How can anyone fight such power?
3. Return legislative authority back to Congress. Congress has turned much of their law making ability over to the Executive Branch. Now most laws are passed via regulations. These regulations are passed by a hand full of unelected bureaucrats.

That would be a good start. Then again, if you want to continue to play the game of electing the most benevolent dictator, by all means ignore this post.
Votto, about the dictator....please read the transcript from my latest speech below:

I acknowledge that I have limited understanding about life. I can not comprehend how can the sky have no ending, or how the earth spins around the sun always at the same distance. And I am not interested to hear anything from the so called experts such as Stephen Hawking, Robert Tilton or any of the political geniuses who think they have the answers. When we were kids in school in the 1980's, general understanding was that in the 21st century we will be able to take vacations on the moon, but it never happened, and I've lost interest in all their theories - does not matter to me if the moon landing was real or not. And I understand that experts in science and the religious and the political industry HAVE to go along with the theories that are accepted by the establishment, or else they will have to get a job at McDonalds.
And Just like there are grown up people who believe in ghosts, aliens, alien abductions and vampires, there are people who believe that there is a democracy in America today. And as humanity our weakness...

But What I..... am going to tell you,... I would say the exact same, if someone would hold a gun to my head and demand that I tell the truth.


Humanity has been conditioned to think that a leader with absolute power is a dictator, and that any man, no matter how good, once he obtains absolute power, becomes evil - absolute power absolutely corrupts. And I agree with this statement to a large extent. But what they fail to realize is 1. that there already is a hidden dictatorship that controls the political circus in the whole world, a dictatorship which understands that it can never be liked by humanity and that it must therefor hide behind the political puppet circus, and 2. that all those politicians, who are so skillful at appearing to be humble as they are showcasing, as they are being exposed on the establishment media for hundreds of millions of voters to see - that those politicians, are nothing more than actors. I have lived in the real world, in the real America, and I can not hide my emotions, and I have said things against American military that got people angry, I have said things about Islam and Judaism, but at the same time, I love people such as Louis Farrakhan and David Duke, I never got offended by anything they said, I'm not a politician, I have given my money to homeless veterans on the streets who have been abandoned by the system, by the politicians who always kiss their behinds "god bless our troops, god bless our troops" and I know in my heart that if I saw a Jew abused, I would be among the first people to intervene and help him. That is the type of human being I was all my life. But if we are to judge me, or anyone else, by the sound bites presented on the establishment media, then we all become evil.

We have been led to believe that people such as Bush, Obama and Putin are dictators. Some of us think we are smarter than others because we realize that the real dictator was not Bush but Dick Cheney..... I must inform you that these people are not dictators and they are not in charge of anything - they are selected puppets - Dick Cheney as you probably know shot his friend during hunting - I hunt, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that you have to be quite retarded to shoot your friend while hunting, the only talent these people have is public speaking.

We may think they have power to bomb another country, to send billions of dollars here or there, to pass or repeal laws. But they have their advisors. And we may think they have the power to ignore those advisors....... But these so called leaders do not control the media, which is our eyes and ears to the outside world; and they do not control the money supply which DOES control the media which is our eyes and ears to the outside world. Imagine you wake up one morning and your eyes and ears are controlled by someone else - what power do you have?

Our leaders have no power, but they love the prestige, they love waking up every morning, imagining that they are in charge of things, just like folks who work at Wal-Mart or Home depot section like to tell you that, I don't have this item in stock right now, I can get it for you next week. And we like to imagine that we have leaders that we can rely on.
If Vladimir Putin for example (who like Obama is being called a dictator) would have power, then, instead of complaining to his people that his nation is enslaved to America (which he's been doing for 14 years now), he would simply announce that all the private banks are no longer needed in Russia and that government can print it's own money, then he would be a leader. How can Russia be enslaved to America, when America itSELF is trillions of dollars in debt??? (video break)

Just like Bush was called a dictator by the left, Obama is now being called a dictator by the right: In 2008 Obama promised to the American people on a CNN debate that during his first year in office he would meet with leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba to bridge the gap, to work things out. never happened - every time he went to the middle east as president, his air force one got derailed to Israel. That is not a leader in charge of things. And when Israel's news papers talk about assassinating Obama, as if he is their enemy - that is political circus. Just like democrats versus republicans, just like the cold war.

Obama and Putin are being constantly criticized, and they are being called dictators, but I shall remind you that no one on the main stream media, wants to criticize the real dictator, the international bankers - Everything is about bashing left and right.

(And) People in my neighborhood, think that fox news is America's most trusted network, but what they don't realize, is that these white, leg waving, Christian American women, who talk English without an accent, are not in charge of anything on FOX NEWS. Saud Arabian prince Al waleed bin talal, is.
And as humanity, our weakness is that like roosters in front of their hens, we like to convince ourselves that WE are in charge - WE, elect OUR presidents, WE discover the new artist, WE don't need anyone to dictate to us, WE, unlike them, are in charge of OUR country.
Supposedly America has freedom of speech - well I was banned from most political forums - US message board is the only forum where I still remain. [Oreily angry vid] And it is not my attitude that gets me banned. it is the questions I ask - for example - I recently made a thread on US message board asking specifically "who is this new so called leader of Ukraine - and my thread was closed 3 times and I received warnings for asking why my threads were closed - This is a political forum, full of very active threads about gay rights, Obama bashing, protests in Ukraine and so on. And it's not just me - my father, who was a political prisoner in Soviet Union, also was banned from all political forums in America, and so, one of the two things must be true, either 1. me and my father are both clinically insane. or, 2. freedom of speech is being oppressed in America, whether we realize it or not

Because America, is where the Santa Clause lives, the goose that lays the golden eggs - A private company named federal reserve, that prints and distributes money. And there is always more opportunity closer to Santa Clause. But unlike Santa Claus, international bankers rob humanity, including those of us in America, And since 1913, America was only able to obtain its' greatness, by war mongering and serving international bankers. And they like to take advantage of everything that's good - technological advancements, freedoms, by controlling the media, they can take credit for anything they want - in Soviet Union....

If I was wrong about this, Then, America would not need military bases all around the world and it would be strong enough to defend itself against it's own politicians at home, but how can America defend itself against the corrupt politicians when they are backed by international bankers?

The real power lies with those who control the money supply and the main stream media. And today, those who understand the whole truth, they have no place working as talk show hosts or political experts on television, they can get a job at McDonalds [Oreily angry vid]
Just stop voting. Once enough people stop voting and realize we are nothing but slaves to the system as it is the sooner we can throw the monkey off our backs and reinvent things the correct way.OR vote for gridlock! That's even more fun.
Actually PR would probably work better, it would add a lot more parties, you might even end up with coalition govt, it would mean some people would simply lose out and put new people in.

Also, the parties would have to listen to the people, and not the money so much.
What's PR?
Just stop voting. Once enough people stop voting and realize we are nothing but slaves to the system as it is the sooner we can throw the monkey off our backs and reinvent things the correct way.OR vote for gridlock! That's even more fun.

Is that the Iranian plan?

see folks..... some of these righties who HATE our government want this Union DEAD
democracy works

our system works

we just need to stop the republican party from limiting who can vote
Yeah, the referendum comes the first Tuesday in November. Every four years for the president, six for the senate and two for congress. Can't wait? Get involved.
I miss Soviet Union style elections - they even came to our house out of concern that we did not vote (they usually helped out the elderly or sick who can not go to the voting place to vote from their homes)
LOL@ get involved with establishment's elections
Just stop voting. Once enough people stop voting and realize we are nothing but slaves to the system as it is the sooner we can throw the monkey off our backs and reinvent things the correct way.OR vote for gridlock! That's even more fun.
That's what happened in USSR as I explained, you're right. what do you mean vote for gridlock?
President, Senate, Congress....

I believe the easiest way for independent parties to win elections and replace the establishment is to ad a negative vote option as in a referendum, because far more people dislike our politicians than they like them, and when they go to vote, they simply vote for the lesser of two evils, because they dislike the other politician even more, since the media, which can reach out to the whole nation, knocks it into the nations head for months and sometimes years in advance that no candidates other than their selected candidates have a chance to win anyway, so why walk to the voting booth and waste your vote for a candidate who has no chance to defeat the bad guy?

But the government will never create these types of elections, because they understand full well that they are disliked by the public. So if we organize independent parties to conduct elections with a negative vote option, or an outright referendum, would it work?
You'll have to amend the constitution for that.
President, Senate, Congress....

I believe the easiest way for independent parties to win elections and replace the establishment is to ad a negative vote option as in a referendum, because far more people dislike our politicians than they like them, and when they go to vote, they simply vote for the lesser of two evils, because they dislike the other politician even more, since the media, which can reach out to the whole nation, knocks it into the nations head for months and sometimes years in advance that no candidates other than their selected candidates have a chance to win anyway, so why walk to the voting booth and waste your vote for a candidate who has no chance to defeat the bad guy?

But the government will never create these types of elections, because they understand full well that they are disliked by the public. So if we organize independent parties to conduct elections with a negative vote option, or an outright referendum, would it work?

Another party is not the solution because it is not the problem.

The federal government has become too powerful and centralized. It was never meant to be this way. What needs to happen is for states to amend the Constitution and make amendments to scale back the size and scope of the federal government and reclaim their original authority. Here are but a few suggested amendments.

1. Limit terms. The turnover rate in Congress is extremely low. Most are in for life and end up having lush retirement packages. How many more years must we watch Dirty Harry and McCan't spew their bile?
2. Balanced budget amendment. The Federal government has no filter. All they do is print money and fling it as the entire world to try and gain influence. How can anyone fight such power?
3. Return legislative authority back to Congress. Congress has turned much of their law making ability over to the Executive Branch. Now most laws are passed via regulations. These regulations are passed by a hand full of unelected bureaucrats.

That would be a good start. Then again, if you want to continue to play the game of electing the most benevolent dictator, by all means ignore this post.
Votto, about the dictator....please read the transcript from my latest speech below:

I acknowledge that I have limited understanding about life. I can not comprehend how can the sky have no ending, or how the earth spins around the sun always at the same distance. And I am not interested to hear anything from the so called experts such as Stephen Hawking, Robert Tilton or any of the political geniuses who think they have the answers. When we were kids in school in the 1980's, general understanding was that in the 21st century we will be able to take vacations on the moon, but it never happened, and I've lost interest in all their theories - does not matter to me if the moon landing was real or not. And I understand that experts in science and the religious and the political industry HAVE to go along with the theories that are accepted by the establishment, or else they will have to get a job at McDonalds.
And Just like there are grown up people who believe in ghosts, aliens, alien abductions and vampires, there are people who believe that there is a democracy in America today. And as humanity our weakness...

But What I..... am going to tell you,... I would say the exact same, if someone would hold a gun to my head and demand that I tell the truth.


Humanity has been conditioned to think that a leader with absolute power is a dictator, and that any man, no matter how good, once he obtains absolute power, becomes evil - absolute power absolutely corrupts. And I agree with this statement to a large extent. But what they fail to realize is 1. that there already is a hidden dictatorship that controls the political circus in the whole world, a dictatorship which understands that it can never be liked by humanity and that it must therefor hide behind the political puppet circus, and 2. that all those politicians, who are so skillful at appearing to be humble as they are showcasing, as they are being exposed on the establishment media for hundreds of millions of voters to see - that those politicians, are nothing more than actors. I have lived in the real world, in the real America, and I can not hide my emotions, and I have said things against American military that got people angry, I have said things about Islam and Judaism, but at the same time, I love people such as Louis Farrakhan and David Duke, I never got offended by anything they said, I'm not a politician, I have given my money to homeless veterans on the streets who have been abandoned by the system, by the politicians who always kiss their behinds "god bless our troops, god bless our troops" and I know in my heart that if I saw a Jew abused, I would be among the first people to intervene and help him. That is the type of human being I was all my life. But if we are to judge me, or anyone else, by the sound bites presented on the establishment media, then we all become evil.

We have been led to believe that people such as Bush, Obama and Putin are dictators. Some of us think we are smarter than others because we realize that the real dictator was not Bush but Dick Cheney..... I must inform you that these people are not dictators and they are not in charge of anything - they are selected puppets - Dick Cheney as you probably know shot his friend during hunting - I hunt, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that you have to be quite retarded to shoot your friend while hunting, the only talent these people have is public speaking.

We may think they have power to bomb another country, to send billions of dollars here or there, to pass or repeal laws. But they have their advisors. And we may think they have the power to ignore those advisors....... But these so called leaders do not control the media, which is our eyes and ears to the outside world; and they do not control the money supply which DOES control the media which is our eyes and ears to the outside world. Imagine you wake up one morning and your eyes and ears are controlled by someone else - what power do you have?

Our leaders have no power, but they love the prestige, they love waking up every morning, imagining that they are in charge of things, just like folks who work at Wal-Mart or Home depot section like to tell you that, I don't have this item in stock right now, I can get it for you next week. And we like to imagine that we have leaders that we can rely on.
If Vladimir Putin for example (who like Obama is being called a dictator) would have power, then, instead of complaining to his people that his nation is enslaved to America (which he's been doing for 14 years now), he would simply announce that all the private banks are no longer needed in Russia and that government can print it's own money, then he would be a leader. How can Russia be enslaved to America, when America itSELF is trillions of dollars in debt??? (video break)

Just like Bush was called a dictator by the left, Obama is now being called a dictator by the right: In 2008 Obama promised to the American people on a CNN debate that during his first year in office he would meet with leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba to bridge the gap, to work things out. never happened - every time he went to the middle east as president, his air force one got derailed to Israel. That is not a leader in charge of things. And when Israel's news papers talk about assassinating Obama, as if he is their enemy - that is political circus. Just like democrats versus republicans, just like the cold war.

Obama and Putin are being constantly criticized, and they are being called dictators, but I shall remind you that no one on the main stream media, wants to criticize the real dictator, the international bankers - Everything is about bashing left and right.

(And) People in my neighborhood, think that fox news is America's most trusted network, but what they don't realize, is that these white, leg waving, Christian American women, who talk English without an accent, are not in charge of anything on FOX NEWS. Saud Arabian prince Al waleed bin talal, is.
And as humanity, our weakness is that like roosters in front of their hens, we like to convince ourselves that WE are in charge - WE, elect OUR presidents, WE discover the new artist, WE don't need anyone to dictate to us, WE, unlike them, are in charge of OUR country.
Supposedly America has freedom of speech - well I was banned from most political forums - US message board is the only forum where I still remain. [Oreily angry vid] And it is not my attitude that gets me banned. it is the questions I ask - for example - I recently made a thread on US message board asking specifically "who is this new so called leader of Ukraine - and my thread was closed 3 times and I received warnings for asking why my threads were closed - This is a political forum, full of very active threads about gay rights, Obama bashing, protests in Ukraine and so on. And it's not just me - my father, who was a political prisoner in Soviet Union, also was banned from all political forums in America, and so, one of the two things must be true, either 1. me and my father are both clinically insane. or, 2. freedom of speech is being oppressed in America, whether we realize it or not

Because America, is where the Santa Clause lives, the goose that lays the golden eggs - A private company named federal reserve, that prints and distributes money. And there is always more opportunity closer to Santa Clause. But unlike Santa Claus, international bankers rob humanity, including those of us in America, And since 1913, America was only able to obtain its' greatness, by war mongering and serving international bankers. And they like to take advantage of everything that's good - technological advancements, freedoms, by controlling the media, they can take credit for anything they want - in Soviet Union....

If I was wrong about this, Then, America would not need military bases all around the world and it would be strong enough to defend itself against it's own politicians at home, but how can America defend itself against the corrupt politicians when they are backed by international bankers?

The real power lies with those who control the money supply and the main stream media. And today, those who understand the whole truth, they have no place working as talk show hosts or political experts on television, they can get a job at McDonalds [Oreily angry vid]

Thanks for the little speech but I could care less if our dictators speak for themselves or if they are told what to say. What the hell do I care?

Again, we need to focus on decentralizing power. It would make such dictatorships problematic and is why it was set up that way to begin with.
How is it people think independents won't too be dependent on big money from the wealthy and from corporations. K Street manages America's political parties today, that's not going to change unless the rules and the supports are changed. And then there is this mystical belief that if you add independent to the person they become a sort of super politico? Consider independents such as Rand Paul as an example, you really think him different? I don't, he sings the same song as the others.
Again, decentralize power.

So what is harder, paying off a hand full of people or 50? Is it harder to pay off hundreds of Congressmen in the federal government or 10 times as many at the state level?

The answer is decentralization. It will not end corruption, it will just make it much harder for it to flourish.
Again, decentralize power.

So what is harder, paying off a hand full of people or 50? Is it harder to pay off hundreds of Congressmen in the federal government or 10 times as many at the state level?

The answer is decentralization. It will not end corruption, it will just make it much harder for it to flourish.

Will it? These people pay off politicians through legitimate means. They pick and choose who is most important to them. It'd just mean that state congressmen and governors are cheaper.
Again, decentralize power.

So what is harder, paying off a hand full of people or 50? Is it harder to pay off hundreds of Congressmen in the federal government or 10 times as many at the state level?

The answer is decentralization. It will not end corruption, it will just make it much harder for it to flourish.

Will it? These people pay off politicians through legitimate means. They pick and choose who is most important to them. It'd just mean that state congressmen and governors are cheaper.

Decentralization is a process. The more it occurs the more with wealth within society.

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