First, they are trying to raise everyone property tax bills to nutty levels. I hired a lawyer to dispute it, but they are trying to raise my property tax by $1,100, when my home lost $30-$40K in value. Second, they raised our sales tax to the HIGHEST in the country. Fourth, our gas tax has been right their with CA and HI as highest in the nation. Fifth, they want to raise licensing fees. Now they want to raise our income tax by 50% to compete with CA as the highest in the country and they want to raise our corporate tax to drive out all the corporation in the State! Why don't these assholes get it? Why are they so fucking stupid? Cut spending and promote the corporation sector STUPID! IL is a shit hole of high taxes and corrupt politicians!
At least Blago state he would veto any income tax increase! Quinn, you douche bag communist, I never thought I would miss Blago!
Illinois income tax rate may rise by 50% - Topix
At least Blago state he would veto any income tax increase! Quinn, you douche bag communist, I never thought I would miss Blago!
Illinois income tax rate may rise by 50% - Topix