WORKERS UNITE! Hillary Campaign Chair John Podesta Calls for End of Capitalism – “Profit Sharing” fo


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
someone was asking about Comrade Hillary's economic plan yesterday. well this should give you give a clue. oh, and Bernie Baby Sanders is the same

WORKERS UNITE! Hillary Campaign Chair John Podesta Calls for End of Capitalism – “Profit Sharing” for All Workers

Jim Hoft Jul 24th, 2015 7:56 am 4 Comments

Workers of the World Unite!

Let’s face it people, this is not your daddy’s Democrat Party.
Hillary Clinton campaign chairman and former Obama advisor John Podesta wants government to force corporate “profit sharing” for all workers.

John Podesta

why we need to shift the culture of quarterly capitalism & focus on sharing profits w/ workers.

1:32 PM - 22 Jul 2015

ALL of it here
WORKERS UNITE Hillary Campaign Chair John Podesta Calls for End of Capitalism - Profit Sharing for All Workers - The Gateway Pundit
What he wants is an end to investment which is an end to innovation and expansion.

Podesta may follow Hillary off to prison yet.
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?

This should be good.....
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.
I have no ability to discern any differerence in hers and Bernie's views. They are Twedledum and Tweedeldummber. However, Bernie is more honest, smarter, and more accomplished. Hillary will let people off for a bribe, for a bigger bribe will give you a monopoly that will screw the voters harder. Hillary is a crook. Bernie won't fleece everyone on the way to the poorhouse
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.

So just how much do you want to pay a janitor?
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.

Workers can buy stocks.
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.

So just how much do you want to pay a janitor?
How much is needed to NOT need the government to subsidize his living expenses and food etc. That's how much. No matter your job title as a human being we ALL deserve a wage we can live off of.
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.

Workers can buy stocks.
No where near as much or worth as much as CEO's etc. AND the CEO's usually KNOW when shit is about to hit fan and can turn theirs in for a profit or sell them etc. Workers don't know until AFTER it happens and they are SOL.
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

WOW !! communism at it's best. :up:
a little something on their slogan. Workers Unite: they just dropped (of the world) from it.

Workers of the world, unite!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Coat of arms of the Soviet Union had the slogan emblazoned on the ribbons in 15 languages spoken in the republics.

The political slogan Workers of the world, unite! is one of the most famous rallying cries from the Communist Manifesto (1848), by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (German: Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch!, literally "Proletarians of all countries, unite!"[1] but soon popularized in English as "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!", although this is not found in any official publication).[1][a] A variation of this phrase ("Workers of all lands, unite") is also inscribed on Marx's tombstone.[3]

The International Workingmen's Association, described by Engels as "the first international movement of the working class" was persuaded by Engels to change its motto from the League of the Just's "all men are brothers" to "working men of all countries, unite!"[4] It reflected Marx's and Engels' view of proletarian internationalism.

The phrase has overlapping meanings. First that workers should unite in unions to better push for their demands such as workplace pay and conditions.[5] Secondly, that workers should see beyond their various craft unions and unite against the capitalist system.[6] And thirdly, that workers of different countries have more in common with each other than workers and employers of the same country.

all of it here:
Workers of the world unite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I have no ability to discern any differerence in hers and Bernie's views. They are Twedledum and Tweedeldummber. However, Bernie is more honest, smarter, and more accomplished. Hillary will let people off for a bribe, for a bigger bribe will give you a monopoly that will screw the voters harder. Hillary is a crook. Bernie won't fleece everyone on the way to the poorhouse
Its TWEEDLE and DUMBER idiot. Jesus christ at least spell shit correctly when criticizing others.
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

WOW !! communism at it's best. :up:
Wrong but if it makes you feel better you go for it. Theft of labor is A OK and capitalism but wanting what's owed by ones hard work is wrong and communism...makes no fucking sense.
1. I don't believe it
2. CLINTON did not say it
3. IF she believes it its fine with me. Why should some get paid millions while those making the product and selling the product make barely enough to cover gas to and from work and then depend on government to give them food stamps and medicaid while the bosses go home to mansions and expensive cars> Profit sharing is a good idea. Everyone should be equal in a workplace environment at least enough to not need government help to make ends meet.Greedy capitalists are bringing this on themselves.

How do you feel about loss sharing?
everyone benefits when everything is going good and everyone loses jobs/money when things go bad. Simple as that. As it is now ONLY the CEO's rich etc whatever benefit when things are going good who then cash in their stocks etc when shit hits the fan and the workers are SOL. Not the way it should work.

So just how much do you want to pay a janitor?
How much is needed to NOT need the government to subsidize his living expenses and food etc. That's how much. No matter your job title as a human being we ALL deserve a wage we can live off of.

It's the same old argument about a living wage from a different angle.
Do we really need to go through all the reasons this would fuck things up?
And in fact this would be worse. Inflation and higher prices would eat any benefit you may gain in short order.
This is nothing but pandering to the stupid.
Where does OP work? A private company? :doubt: She is known for not being able to spell common words that a 7th grader could spell easily.
a little something on their slogan. Workers Unite: they just dropped (of the world) from it.

Workers of the world, unite!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Part of a series on


The Coat of arms of the Soviet Union had the slogan emblazoned on the ribbons in 15 languages spoken in the republics.

The political slogan Workers of the world, unite! is one of the most famous rallying cries from the Communist Manifesto (1848), by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (German: Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch!, literally "Proletarians of all countries, unite!"[1] but soon popularized in English as "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!", although this is not found in any official publication).[1][a] A variation of this phrase ("Workers of all lands, unite") is also inscribed on Marx's tombstone.[3]

The International Workingmen's Association, described by Engels as "the first international movement of the working class" was persuaded by Engels to change its motto from the League of the Just's "all men are brothers" to "working men of all countries, unite!"[4] It reflected Marx's and Engels' view of proletarian internationalism.

The phrase has overlapping meanings. First that workers should unite in unions to better push for their demands such as workplace pay and conditions.[5] Secondly, that workers should see beyond their various craft unions and unite against the capitalist system.[6] And thirdly, that workers of different countries have more in common with each other than workers and employers of the same country.

all of it here:
Workers of the world unite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
And what's the alternative to them> CEO's UNITE! STEAL WORKERS LABOR FOR LESS PAY!

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