Women Priests in the Catholic Church

Not a Monkeys Uncle

Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2022
It can never happen. That is the 100% fact.

A certain member keeps saying it can and it might. He is totally wrong, and here are the two reasons why:

FIRST: In the last 300 years there are known to be three infallible teaching made from the Chair of Peter: The teaching that Mary was bodily assumed into heaven, the teaching about the Immaculate Conception, and Pope Saint John Paul IIs statement on women priests. That third one is lesser known but true.

In the apostolic letter: ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS the pope states:
". . . Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful."

If any of you know how to read Church documents, that was an infallible teaching from the Chair of Peter. So that is the END of that discussion.

SECOND: As an additional matter, in Catholicism, sacramental theology states that for a sacrament to be valid it must be celebrated with proper form and proper matter.
For example, in Baptism proper matter would be water. If you used Pepsi or apple juice or something else, the sacrament would be invalid and no baptism would have taken place.

A female is not proper matter therefore the sacrament by which ordinations take place would not be valid. Jesus used men and we must use men.

Now to you non-Catholics some of this might seem like a bunch of gobbldeygook and I understand that. But trust me when I tell you it is extremely serious to the Church, and it is all true, and women will never - NEVER - be priests.
The writing is on the wall

Unless the Catholic Church allows women Priests and abandons Celibacy…

It will not survive
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Here is a great example about how the mainstream press is so clueless about the Catholic Church.

A few years back the Atlantic posted this headline:
Pope Francis Excommunicated a Priest Who Supports Women's Ordination
Pope Francis's Vatican drew a more firm line in the sand on its stance on women's ordination this month by excommunicating an Australian priest who advocated for the inclusion of female priests.

LOL. More firm line? John Paul II made an infallible statement. That will last until Christ returns. It does not get any firmer than that.

You can never trust the media reporting on the hurch.
A woman tried to give me communion at a catholic church a few weeks ago, I will never say never
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The writing is on the wall
Unless the Catholic Church allows women Priests and abandons Celibacy…
It will not survive

Well thanks for your concern, but we will be okay. The Church has stood for 2,000 years against Caesars and Barbarians, against princes and kings, against Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin, and even against Marxist vermin like you.

Your teeny tiny mind views things in terms of American law. What a myopic tiny view your small mind has. America is but a feather in the wind compared to the Church Christ established. You and your socialist ilk will have rotted away in the trash heap of history while the Church endures.

There will be no women priests.
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A woman tried to give me communion at a catholic church a few weeks ago, I will never say never

Yes, we have lay servers. Due to the crowds, a priest and several lay servers will hand out communion at mass, otherwise it would take forever to hand out communion. This is not new. That does not make her a priest by a longshot.
Yes, we have lay servers. Due to the crowds, a priest and several lay servers will hand out communion at mass, otherwise it would take forever to hand out communion. This is not new. That does not make her a priest by a longshot.
I am not taking communion from a woman, only a priest in a catholic church
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I am not taking communion from a woman
Well, you are not alone. I actually move over into the line that goes to the priest myself.
But imagine Jesus breaking the loaf at the Last Supper and everyone passing it around. It really does not matter who hands it to you.
But I understand the feeling. Its tradition
Well thanks for your concern, but we will be okay. The Church has stood for 2,000 years against Caesars and Barbarians, against princes and kings, against Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin, and even against Marxist vermin like you.

Your teeny tiny mind views things in terms of American law. What a myopic tiny view your small mind has. America is but a feather in the wind compared to the Church Christ established. You and your socialist ilk will have rotted away in the trash heap of history while the Church endures.

There will be no women priests.
The Catholic Church’s influence and power has dwindled over the past 50 years

Europe has mostly abandoned the Church and America will follow.
They must either acknowledge that they must modernize their doctrine or they will perish
The Catholic Church’s influence and power has dwindled over the past 50 years

Gee, a whole 50 years. Wow.

Like I said, What a myopic tiny view your small mind has.

In 16th century England the Catholic Church was wiped out for centuries. Now it is back.

Stick to what you know, Marxism and pronouns and fake news, and don't concern yourself with us. Like I said, we will be just fine.
A female is not proper matter therefore the sacrament by which ordinations take place would not be valid. Jesus used men and we must use men.
The catholic church has had to come to terms with many far bigger mistakes that needed to be corrected.
For one huge example, the pope cam to terms with Darwinian evolution, even though he tried to reconcile has backsliding with the creation myth.

How many other medieval atrocities has the Christian churches had to revise or attempt to cover up?
Women as priests would be a step forward in tolerance for the catholic church.
Gee, a whole 50 years. Wow.

Like I said, What a myopic tiny view your small mind has.

In 16th century England the Catholic Church was wiped out for centuries. Now it is back.

Stick to what you know, Marxism and pronouns and fake news, and don't concern yourself with us. Like I said, we will be just fine.
Europe was once the power base of the Catholic Church. Europeans today are abandoning the Church.
The US is not far behind.
It is becoming impossible to find native born Priests

Catholicism is growing in South America and Africa
The catholic church has had to come to terms with many far bigger mistakes that needed to be corrected.

There are no mistakes in Catholic teaching.

For one huge example, the pope cam to terms with Darwinian evolution, even though he tried to reconcile has backsliding with the creation myth.

I have no idea what the hell that means.

How many other medieval atrocities has the Christian churches had to revise or attempt to cover up?

Probably the same as atrocities committed by protestants, Jews, Muslims, white people, black people, Asian people . . . .

. . . . are you getting the point yet?

Atrocities have been committed by man and the human race since the first man walked. For you to singe out one group is just anti-Catholic bias, bigotry, and hypocrisy. YOUR ancestors committed as many atrocities as anyone else did.

As for the individual sins of specific men, they will face God at their judgement as will all men from all walks of life, including yourself.

One other thing: Your post is totally off topic. The topic is women in the priesthood.
A woman tried to give me communion at a catholic church a few weeks ago, I will never say never
Tried? I am a woman. For decades, I have been giving people communion in the Catholic Church. In all that time, no one has ever objected/refused to receive communion from me. Both men and women are called to be Eucharistic Ministers.
Tried? I am a woman. For decades, I have been giving people communion in the Catholic Church. In all that time, no one has ever objected/refused to receive communion from me. Both men and women are called to be Eucharistic Ministers.

I know it is allowed, but I must admit I grew up when only priests handed it out and I do not like receiving it from lay people. No offense. I am stuck in the old ways.

But, having said that, it actually has nothing to do with the topic.
For one huge example, the pope cam to terms with Darwinian evolution, even though he tried to reconcile has backsliding with the creation myth.
I attended Catholic school back in the 60s. We were taught evolution even back then. My grandmother was taught evolution! Now, the Church does tell people they can make their own choice whether or not to believe humanity evolved, or whether two people were created on Day One.
There are no mistakes in Catholic teaching.

I have no idea what the hell that means.
Then you're out of touch with your pope and your church.
Probably the same as atrocities committed by protestants, Jews, Muslims, white people, black people, Asian people . . . .

. . . . are you getting the point yet?
Yes, the same and yes, I got the point I made long ago.
Atrocities have been committed by man and the human race since the first man walked. For you to singe out one group is just anti-Catholic bias, bigotry, and hypocrisy. YOUR ancestors committed as many atrocities as anyone else did.
The entire human race doesn't support all the atrocities the catholic church supports or has stopped supporting due to the need for change. Is the pope's belief in evolution an atrocity in your mind?
As for the individual sins of specific men, they will face God at their judgement as will all men from all walks of life, including yourself.

Nobody is going to face the god myth.
One other thing: Your post is totally off topic. The topic is women in the priesthood.
My post addressed women in the priesthood and also provided a reason why that will come to be accepted by the church. Much more important issues have been addressed, for which I gave examples.

Would you prefer that I don't take part in this discussion?
I know it is allowed, but I must admit I grew up when only priests handed it out and I do not like receiving it from lay people. No offense. I am stuck in the old ways.
And no offense taken. Eucharistic Ministers also bring communion to the home bound and those in hospitals. In those instances it is about receiving Jesus, not the one who brings him. The Apostle, Andrew, was great about bringing people to Jesus. But once Jesus was there, he stepped aside. That's kind of how we see our role.
I attended Catholic school back in the 60s. We were taught evolution even back then. My grandmother was taught evolution! Now, the Church does tell people they can make their own choice whether or not to believe humanity evolved, or whether two people were created on Day One.
Thank you for that information. It at least partially explains how the catholic church is handling the discrepancies.

I rather doubt that you were taught evolution by the catholic church in the 60's specifically, but I'm anxious to hear some examples.

Suffice to say that every day some discrepancy would need to be dealt with and all answers would at least hint at the fact that the bible was proposing the impossible.

You couldn't go outside and smell the flowers without running headlong into the facts of evolution!
What the Catholic Church will move to

Women Priests
Optional Celibacy
Acceptance of Gay Marriage
Acceptance of Birth Control
Accepting Divorce
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