Women in UAE seek surgery to look like celebrities on Instagram


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Sad, isn't it, that these young women can't be satisfied with their own looks. They don't realize that without make-up, thee celebrities are just average looking women.

Women in UAE seek surgery to look like celebrities on Instagram

Shoshana Kedem | October 10, 2016

‘Everybody comes with their pictures from Instagram to look like the big stars’

More and more young women are heading to plastic surgeons with Instagram pictures of their favourite celebrities and insisting to go under the knife to get their look.

Experts at the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Conference in Dubai yesterday spoke of the rise in demand from millennials with a desire for curves like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez.

Bottoms, tummies, lips, and noses – it seems nothing is off limits for the UAE’s image-conscious.

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Women in UAE seek surgery to look like celebrities on Instagram
Women have been doing that for a while. Here's a human Barbie
Women have been doing that for a while. Here's a human Barbie

I realize that. Pathetic, isn't it? And the thousands and thouands of dollars people spend on plastic surgery. Gosh, I could use a face lift since I am getting on in years. I want to look 25 again. I would even take 40.

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