Woman's march pictures

If you thought you were voting for a conservative you didn't. Many Republicans wouldn't support Trump because they never believed he was a conservative, much less a Republican.

1. Not too many Republicans got on FOX News (Bill O'reilly show) and praised Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News
2.There is no Republican that on several occasions called for single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
3. No Republican would propose another Obamacare type program, now called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposing Child-Care Subsidies
4. Trump also was for a pathway to citizenship.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
5.Trump's love affair with imminent domain
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz
6. No Republican would threaten American corporations with a 10% penalty tax or ever agree to Tariffs.
7. No Republican would snuggle up to Putin, while threatening NATO.
Opinion | Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

As far as your ultra conservative Supreme court justice, you can color that gone right now. Republican senators have also been watching these women marches, and the last thing they're going to do is really piss them off by confirming someone who is far right on abortion. Not going to happen.


Trump is one hell of a good actor, I'll give him that.
I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not a republican. Although after watching the reaction to his election I now wish I had, I'd be able to take some credit for the idiot meltdowns.

What the dems just can't seem to wrap their heads around is that people know all of this and still would prefer to have Trump as opposed to Hillary. What does that say about peoples opinion of Hillary? I mean look at your list, can you honestly tell me you don't believe Hillary would be quite a bit farther left than Trump on every issue?

As far as the supreme court, I don't want a far right justice, I want one who will follow the constitution, not push for sjw causes from the bench. I have no doubt that Hillary's choices would have been ultra left wing.
what especially in the constitution are you concerned will be ignored by a conservative judge? You all make statements like this and yet you don't follow up with what you think might happen.
I don't have a problem with a "conservative" judge. I just don't want to see some ultra right wing ideologue. My fear is it would just push moderates into the left camp. If a new supreme court was to go after say Roe v Wade I believe you'd see a massive shift to the left in this country. Don't get me wrong I abhor abortion but I believe that in the long run it would be catastrophic for conservatives and would eventually be reinstated.

Having said all that, I'm just glad it's not Hillary in there, otherwise we'd be looking at 3rd trimester abortions, more commonly known as infanticide.
well roe vs wade has nothing to do with the constitution. that is a different fight. you stated constitution.

And, there ain't no way in hell that a far right guy is getting anywhere near that chair. I don't think I'd like that. I want a constitutionalist like Scalia.

Killing babies is unacceptable and I believe there are many more disgusted with that than you think. A judge would make a difference for sure. I'm good with that debate.
I'm afraid I'd have to disagree.


"The Court held that a woman's right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy (recognized in Griswold v. Connecticut) protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision gave a woman total autonomy over the pregnancy during the first trimester and defined different levels of state interest for the second and third trimesters. As a result, the laws of 46 states were affected by the Court's ruling."

I also would welcome a Scalia.

While I agree with you on killing babies, I do think many will recoil in fear of putting govt in control of a woman's body. It seems to be the most common response I hear, on a personal level anyway.
Well if it was a constitutional issue, we wouldn't need to take it to the supreme court. Sorry, it is a position of opinion and not constitution, otherwise it would just be a law.

The fact is, there is no interference in privacy. What a woman does in a bedroom, car, bar, bathroom, or wherever, with a man is nobody's business. And I will fight for their right to screw. However, once pregnant, then there is a baby, the baby is human and deserves representation if a woman wishes to take its life. Trying to argue that the baby isn't human is insane. And I will always make that statement. It's human flesh, human heart, human everything. So it's killing a human to purposely take that life. And that has nothing to do with the constitution other than it is a violation of the baby''s rights. And, the baby has rights, and those who wish to take those rights away violate the right to privacy of the baby. Again, a debate for another thread.
I thought it would be good to start a thread of the pictures on the Women's march. I'll start with these, if anyone wants to add more of what was going on in their state yesterday, feel free.

New York


Washington D.C.


Denver Colorado


San Francisco




Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles




This is just a small sample of the woman's march going on around the country, so if you have more pictures and have them of crowd sizes, air views, etc. post them here. Make this day go down in infamy.


I see a bunch of guys in the crowd. Were they required to give up their Man Cards before the march, cuz they are, by default....... pussies

Any man that won't stand up for his woman is a pussy. REAL MEN don't pee their pants over Women's equality.

Miami Florida

any woman killing a baby is a murderer. Why don't you all state what it is you feel you're owed. My wife doesn't stand up with these nut jobs. And I know many other women. So don't stand on your soap box and shout a true man stands up for his woman. That's mumbo jumbo useless air used up.

The entire Equal pay bullshit, and I call it bullshit because there is the Equal Pay Act of 1963 that covers equal pay.

I'm all for macho women, but if you think that most all women can do every job that a man can you're nuts. Let's start there. Physical strength will impede most women from some jobs that men do. That's just a fact.

There are also jobs that women do that men can't do, just a fact. Are we in agreement there?

Now for all other jobs where anyone can do, then the Equal Pay Act of 1963 protects salaries. Not sure what it is you argue from there.

How about you name a job where there is not equal pay and let's discuss.
that's where the moronic women got their inspiration. :mad-61:

You just elected one.


Next executive order
Soccer field beheadings on anyone that is critical of the Comrade.

Or simply kill the unborn.....

That's what all the really cool feminazis do!

I hate abortion and have learned to just stay out of the useless arguments about it. Many of these women marching are attention seeking moronic twits with ridiculous messages.
Some are there to keep important issues at the forefront, and that is what protesting should be about.
No one wants to go backwards. What about birth control? While I don't think we all should have to pay for it...bc should be an option.
that's where the moronic women got their inspiration. :mad-61:

You just elected one.


Next executive order
Soccer field beheadings on anyone that is critical of the Comrade.

Or simply kill the unborn.....

That's what all the really cool feminazis do!

I hate abortion and have learned to just stay out of the useless arguments about it. Many of these women marching are attention seeking moronic twits with ridiculous messages.
Some are there to keep important issues at the forefront, and that is what protesting should be about.
No one wants to go backwards. What about birth control? While I don't think we all should have to pay for it...bc should be an option.
Just remember a baby is a human and the woman does not have a right to take its life. PERIOD!! No matter how many vi-jay-jay tutus and masks they wear. Sorry, I'm here to protect the unprotected, the baby humans.
I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not a republican. Although after watching the reaction to his election I now wish I had, I'd be able to take some credit for the idiot meltdowns.

What the dems just can't seem to wrap their heads around is that people know all of this and still would prefer to have Trump as opposed to Hillary. What does that say about peoples opinion of Hillary? I mean look at your list, can you honestly tell me you don't believe Hillary would be quite a bit farther left than Trump on every issue?

As far as the supreme court, I don't want a far right justice, I want one who will follow the constitution, not push for sjw causes from the bench. I have no doubt that Hillary's choices would have been ultra left wing.
what especially in the constitution are you concerned will be ignored by a conservative judge? You all make statements like this and yet you don't follow up with what you think might happen.
I don't have a problem with a "conservative" judge. I just don't want to see some ultra right wing ideologue. My fear is it would just push moderates into the left camp. If a new supreme court was to go after say Roe v Wade I believe you'd see a massive shift to the left in this country. Don't get me wrong I abhor abortion but I believe that in the long run it would be catastrophic for conservatives and would eventually be reinstated.

Having said all that, I'm just glad it's not Hillary in there, otherwise we'd be looking at 3rd trimester abortions, more commonly known as infanticide.
well roe vs wade has nothing to do with the constitution. that is a different fight. you stated constitution.

And, there ain't no way in hell that a far right guy is getting anywhere near that chair. I don't think I'd like that. I want a constitutionalist like Scalia.

Killing babies is unacceptable and I believe there are many more disgusted with that than you think. A judge would make a difference for sure. I'm good with that debate.
I'm afraid I'd have to disagree.


"The Court held that a woman's right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy (recognized in Griswold v. Connecticut) protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision gave a woman total autonomy over the pregnancy during the first trimester and defined different levels of state interest for the second and third trimesters. As a result, the laws of 46 states were affected by the Court's ruling."

I also would welcome a Scalia.

While I agree with you on killing babies, I do think many will recoil in fear of putting govt in control of a woman's body. It seems to be the most common response I hear, on a personal level anyway.
Well if it was a constitutional issue, we wouldn't need to take it to the supreme court. Sorry, it is a position of opinion and not constitution, otherwise it would just be a law.

The fact is, there is no interference in privacy. What a woman does in a bedroom, car, bar, bathroom, or wherever, with a man is nobody's business. And I will fight for their right to screw. However, once pregnant, then there is a baby, the baby is human and deserves representation if a woman wishes to take its life. Trying to argue that the baby isn't human is insane. And I will always make that statement. It's human flesh, human heart, human everything. So it's killing a human to purposely take that life. And that has nothing to do with the constitution other than it is a violation of the baby''s rights. And, the baby has rights, and those who wish to take those rights away violate the right to privacy of the baby. Again, a debate for another thread.
I don't quite understand that. Constitutional issues are decided by the Supreme Court all the time. In this instance that is exactly what they decided, whether restricting a woman's right to an abortion was acceptable under the constitution. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a lawyer, but in this instance it seems self evident.

And again I agree wholeheartedly on the baby.
what especially in the constitution are you concerned will be ignored by a conservative judge? You all make statements like this and yet you don't follow up with what you think might happen.
I don't have a problem with a "conservative" judge. I just don't want to see some ultra right wing ideologue. My fear is it would just push moderates into the left camp. If a new supreme court was to go after say Roe v Wade I believe you'd see a massive shift to the left in this country. Don't get me wrong I abhor abortion but I believe that in the long run it would be catastrophic for conservatives and would eventually be reinstated.

Having said all that, I'm just glad it's not Hillary in there, otherwise we'd be looking at 3rd trimester abortions, more commonly known as infanticide.
well roe vs wade has nothing to do with the constitution. that is a different fight. you stated constitution.

And, there ain't no way in hell that a far right guy is getting anywhere near that chair. I don't think I'd like that. I want a constitutionalist like Scalia.

Killing babies is unacceptable and I believe there are many more disgusted with that than you think. A judge would make a difference for sure. I'm good with that debate.
I'm afraid I'd have to disagree.


"The Court held that a woman's right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy (recognized in Griswold v. Connecticut) protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision gave a woman total autonomy over the pregnancy during the first trimester and defined different levels of state interest for the second and third trimesters. As a result, the laws of 46 states were affected by the Court's ruling."

I also would welcome a Scalia.

While I agree with you on killing babies, I do think many will recoil in fear of putting govt in control of a woman's body. It seems to be the most common response I hear, on a personal level anyway.
Well if it was a constitutional issue, we wouldn't need to take it to the supreme court. Sorry, it is a position of opinion and not constitution, otherwise it would just be a law.

The fact is, there is no interference in privacy. What a woman does in a bedroom, car, bar, bathroom, or wherever, with a man is nobody's business. And I will fight for their right to screw. However, once pregnant, then there is a baby, the baby is human and deserves representation if a woman wishes to take its life. Trying to argue that the baby isn't human is insane. And I will always make that statement. It's human flesh, human heart, human everything. So it's killing a human to purposely take that life. And that has nothing to do with the constitution other than it is a violation of the baby''s rights. And, the baby has rights, and those who wish to take those rights away violate the right to privacy of the baby. Again, a debate for another thread.
I don't quite understand that. Constitutional issues are decided by the Supreme Court all the time. In this instance that is exactly what they decided, whether restricting a woman's right to an abortion was acceptable under the constitution. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a lawyer, but in this instance it seems self evident.

And again I agree wholeheartedly on the baby.
that's where the moronic women got their inspiration. :mad-61:

You just elected one.


Next executive order
Soccer field beheadings on anyone that is critical of the Comrade.

Or simply kill the unborn.....

That's what all the really cool feminazis do!

I hate abortion and have learned to just stay out of the useless arguments about it. Many of these women marching are attention seeking moronic twits with ridiculous messages.
Some are there to keep important issues at the forefront, and that is what protesting should be about.
No one wants to go backwards. What about birth control? While I don't think we all should have to pay for it...bc should be an option.

Look there are reasons for abortions.

A doctor tells a pregnant woman that she has cancer and needs immediate treatment to save her life, and or that the pregnancy has started Type 1 diabetes and she needs to abort or it will kill her.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman that may already have kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband that she needs to die to give birth, and her husband can raise the baby and the kids by himself?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that her daughter needs to risk her life again, so she can give birth to a baby?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman that was brutally raped, that she has to carry the baby until full term, whom may also have a husband or boyfriend and family members that would object to that?

No one likes to hear the word Abortion including pro-choice women. There is not one single person in this nation that wouldn't prefer the steady use of condom's and birth control devices and pills to prevent the abortion from happening in the first place.

What the Republican party has done, has gone completely overboard with this. They didn't learn a dam thing from their loss in 2012 by campaigning with nutcase comments--that started with abortion, to who's not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that were always answered by ancient old white republican males. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%, securing a 2nd term for him.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The 2016 platform was full of Knuckle dragging neanderthals that give no exceptions to abortion. They were Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul & Rick Perry. Women would have NEVER elected any of them because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz & Rand Paul even promising their constituents a personhood amendment to the constitution. There's not a snowballs chance in hell that it would have passed through congress and then been ratified by 38 state legislatures. But it didn't stop them from promising it.

There is no candidate in this country today, that can win a national election if they do NOT give the 3 exceptions, for the life of the mother, rape and incest. They don't even make it to the starting block with women.

This is the blow-back of years of insulting the integrity & intelligence of women in this country. They are much more than baby making factories, and they're sick and tired of being treated like that's all they are.

Women pro-life or pro-choice understand these things, MEN don't.

US Supreme court issues & decisions belong NO WHERE on a political platform. Any politician he/she--including the POTUS tells you they can change a US Supreme court decision is lying through their teeth to get your vote.


Last edited:
that's where the moronic women got their inspiration. :mad-61:

You just elected one.


Next executive order
Soccer field beheadings on anyone that is critical of the Comrade.

Or simply kill the unborn.....

That's what all the really cool feminazis do!

I hate abortion and have learned to just stay out of the useless arguments about it. Many of these women marching are attention seeking moronic twits with ridiculous messages.
Some are there to keep important issues at the forefront, and that is what protesting should be about.
No one wants to go backwards. What about birth control? While I don't think we all should have to pay for it...bc should be an option.

Look there are reasons for abortions.

A doctor tells a pregnant woman that she has cancer and needs immediate treatment to save her life, and or that the pregnancy has started Type 1 diabetes and she needs to abort or it will kill her.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman that may already have kids that she needs to raise & a husband that their mother and his wife needs to die to give birth to a baby?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that her daughter needs to risk her life again, so she can give birth to a baby?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman that was brutally raped, that she has to carry the baby until full term, whom also may have a husband or boyfriend and family members that would object to that.

No one likes to hear the word Abortion including pro-choice women. There is not one single person in this nation that wouldn't prefer the steady use of condom's and birth control devices and pills to prevent the abortion from happening in the first place.

What the Republican party has done, has gone completely overboard with this. They didn't learn a dam thing from their loss in 2012 by campaigning with nutcase comments--that started with abortion, to who's not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that were always answered by ancient old white republican males. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%, securing a 2nd term for him.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The 2016 platform was full of Knuckle dragging neanderthals that give no exceptions to abortion. They were Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul & Rick Perry. Women would have NEVER elected any of them because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz & Rand Paul even promising their constituents a personhood amendment to the constitution. There is no candidate in this country today, that can win a national election if they do NOT give the 3 exceptions, for the life of the mother, rape and incest. They don't even make it to the starting block with women.

This is the blow-back of years of insulting the integrity & intelligence of women in this country. They are much more than baby making factories, and they're sick and tired of being treated like that's all they are.


WTF are you yapping about?
The progressive feminist narrative completely and totally obliterated...

I have long said that feminism and “transgenderism” are on a crash course. They cannot really coexist under the umbrella of the same ideology. Liberalism cannot put forward the notion that a woman’s reproductive organs afford her certain entitlements and special rights while at the same time putting forward the notion that a woman’s reproductive organs are not essential aspects of her womanhood. Liberalism especially cannot claim that men have no business formulating opinions about women’s issues due to our lack of a vagina while at the same time claiming that men can actually be women despite our lack of a vagina.

Either a woman’s anatomy means something or it doesn’t. Either men can intrude into spaces that are uniquely feminine or they cannot. Either our bodies are inherent to our identity or they are not. It’s impossible to answer “both” to any of these questions. It’s even more impossible to answer “both” to all three of them.

Matt Walsh: Hey feminists and ‘transgenders’, you need to get your stories straight
I thought it would be good to start a thread of the pictures on the Women's march. I'll start with these, if anyone wants to add more of what was going on in their state yesterday, feel free.

New York


Washington D.C.


Denver Colorado


San Francisco




Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles




This is just a small sample of the woman's march going on around the country, so if you have more pictures and have them of crowd sizes, air views, etc. post them here. Make this day go down in infamy.

I think you libs made it clear to America what you stand for while we watched women dressed like vaginas demanding to be treated with respect.
Boom! The ultimate knock out blow to the idiotic progressive narratives which deny biology, science, etc.

"If men can be women and women can be men and our bodies are incidental shells arbitrary containing our true identity, an identity that is fluid and changeable from moment to moment, then it makes no sense to be an activist for women’s issues. There can be no women’s issues because, in effect, there are no women. There are just people who happen to have a certain shell, but the shell doesn’t matter."

Matt Walsh: Hey feminists and ‘transgenders’, you need to get your stories straight
Boom! The ultimate knock out blow to the idiotic progressive narratives which deny biology, science, etc.

"If men can be women and women can be men and our bodies are incidental shells arbitrary containing our true identity, an identity that is fluid and changeable from moment to moment, then it makes no sense to be an activist for women’s issues. There can be no women’s issues because, in effect, there are no women. There are just people who happen to have a certain shell, but the shell doesn’t matter."

Matt Walsh: Hey feminists and ‘transgenders’, you need to get your stories straight
The homosexuals are really pissed off at the women's march.
Insanity Happening NOW

Commencing at 9am on January 20, 2017, the day of the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, the public is invited to deliver the words "HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US" into a camera mounted on a wall outside the Museum of the Moving Image, New York, repeating the phrase as many times, and for as long as they wish.

Open to all, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the participatory performance will be live-streamed continuously for four years, or the duration of the presidency. In this way, the mantra "HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US" acts as a show of resistance or insistence, opposition or optimism, guided by the spirit of each individual participant and the community.
that's where the moronic women got their inspiration. :mad-61:

You just elected one.


Next executive order
Soccer field beheadings on anyone that is critical of the Comrade.

Or simply kill the unborn.....

That's what all the really cool feminazis do!

I hate abortion and have learned to just stay out of the useless arguments about it. Many of these women marching are attention seeking moronic twits with ridiculous messages.
Some are there to keep important issues at the forefront, and that is what protesting should be about.
No one wants to go backwards. What about birth control? While I don't think we all should have to pay for it...bc should be an option.

Look there are reasons for abortions.

A doctor tells a pregnant woman that she has cancer and needs immediate treatment to save her life, and or that the pregnancy has started Type 1 diabetes and she needs to abort or it will kill her.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman that may already have kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband that she needs to die to give birth, and her husband can raise the baby and the kids by himself?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that her daughter needs to risk her life again, so she can give birth to a baby?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman that was brutally raped, that she has to carry the baby until full term, whom may also have a husband or boyfriend and family members that would object to that?

No one likes to hear the word Abortion including pro-choice women. There is not one single person in this nation that wouldn't prefer the steady use of condom's and birth control devices and pills to prevent the abortion from happening in the first place.

What the Republican party has done, has gone completely overboard with this. They didn't learn a dam thing from their loss in 2012 by campaigning with nutcase comments--that started with abortion, to who's not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that were always answered by ancient old white republican males. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%, securing a 2nd term for him.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The 2016 platform was full of Knuckle dragging neanderthals that give no exceptions to abortion. They were Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul & Rick Perry. Women would have NEVER elected any of them because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz & Rand Paul even promising their constituents a personhood amendment to the constitution. There's not a snowballs chance in hell that it would have passed through congress and then been ratified by 38 state legislatures. But it didn't stop them from promising it.

There is no candidate in this country today, that can win a national election if they do NOT give the 3 exceptions, for the life of the mother, rape and incest. They don't even make it to the starting block with women.

This is the blow-back of years of insulting the integrity & intelligence of women in this country. They are much more than baby making factories, and they're sick and tired of being treated like that's all they are.

Women pro-life or pro-choice understand these things, MEN don't.

US Supreme court issues & decisions belong NO WHERE on a political platform. Any politician he/she--including the POTUS tells you they can change a US Supreme court decision is lying through their teeth to get your vote.


that's where the moronic women got their inspiration. :mad-61:

You just elected one.


Next executive order
Soccer field beheadings on anyone that is critical of the Comrade.

Or simply kill the unborn.....

That's what all the really cool feminazis do!

I hate abortion and have learned to just stay out of the useless arguments about it. Many of these women marching are attention seeking moronic twits with ridiculous messages.
Some are there to keep important issues at the forefront, and that is what protesting should be about.
No one wants to go backwards. What about birth control? While I don't think we all should have to pay for it...bc should be an option.

Look there are reasons for abortions.

A doctor tells a pregnant woman that she has cancer and needs immediate treatment to save her life, and or that the pregnancy has started Type 1 diabetes and she needs to abort or it will kill her.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman that may already have kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband that she needs to die to give birth, and her husband can raise the baby and the kids by himself?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that her daughter needs to risk her life again, so she can give birth to a baby?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman that was brutally raped, that she has to carry the baby until full term, whom may also have a husband or boyfriend and family members that would object to that?

No one likes to hear the word Abortion including pro-choice women. There is not one single person in this nation that wouldn't prefer the steady use of condom's and birth control devices and pills to prevent the abortion from happening in the first place.

What the Republican party has done, has gone completely overboard with this. They didn't learn a dam thing from their loss in 2012 by campaigning with nutcase comments--that started with abortion, to who's not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that were always answered by ancient old white republican males. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%, securing a 2nd term for him.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The 2016 platform was full of Knuckle dragging neanderthals that give no exceptions to abortion. They were Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul & Rick Perry. Women would have NEVER elected any of them because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz & Rand Paul even promising their constituents a personhood amendment to the constitution. There's not a snowballs chance in hell that it would have passed through congress and then been ratified by 38 state legislatures. But it didn't stop them from promising it.

There is no candidate in this country today, that can win a national election if they do NOT give the 3 exceptions, for the life of the mother, rape and incest. They don't even make it to the starting block with women.

This is the blow-back of years of insulting the integrity & intelligence of women in this country. They are much more than baby making factories, and they're sick and tired of being treated like that's all they are.

Women pro-life or pro-choice understand these things, MEN don't.

US Supreme court issues & decisions belong NO WHERE on a political platform. Any politician he/she--including the POTUS tells you they can change a US Supreme court decision is lying through their teeth to get your vote.

that's where the moronic women got their inspiration. :mad-61:

You just elected one.


Next executive order
Soccer field beheadings on anyone that is critical of the Comrade.

Or simply kill the unborn.....

That's what all the really cool feminazis do!

I hate abortion and have learned to just stay out of the useless arguments about it. Many of these women marching are attention seeking moronic twits with ridiculous messages.
Some are there to keep important issues at the forefront, and that is what protesting should be about.
No one wants to go backwards. What about birth control? While I don't think we all should have to pay for it...bc should be an option.

Look there are reasons for abortions.

A doctor tells a pregnant woman that she has cancer and needs immediate treatment to save her life, and or that the pregnancy has started Type 1 diabetes and she needs to abort or it will kill her.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman that may already have kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband that she needs to die to give birth, and her husband can raise the baby and the kids by himself?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that her daughter needs to risk her life again, so she can give birth to a baby?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman that was brutally raped, that she has to carry the baby until full term, whom may also have a husband or boyfriend and family members that would object to that?

No one likes to hear the word Abortion including pro-choice women. There is not one single person in this nation that wouldn't prefer the steady use of condom's and birth control devices and pills to prevent the abortion from happening in the first place.

What the Republican party has done, has gone completely overboard with this. They didn't learn a dam thing from their loss in 2012 by campaigning with nutcase comments--that started with abortion, to who's not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that were always answered by ancient old white republican males. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36%, securing a 2nd term for him.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The 2016 platform was full of Knuckle dragging neanderthals that give no exceptions to abortion. They were Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul & Rick Perry. Women would have NEVER elected any of them because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz & Rand Paul even promising their constituents a personhood amendment to the constitution. There's not a snowballs chance in hell that it would have passed through congress and then been ratified by 38 state legislatures. But it didn't stop them from promising it.

There is no candidate in this country today, that can win a national election if they do NOT give the 3 exceptions, for the life of the mother, rape and incest. They don't even make it to the starting block with women.

This is the blow-back of years of insulting the integrity & intelligence of women in this country. They are much more than baby making factories, and they're sick and tired of being treated like that's all they are.

Women pro-life or pro-choice understand these things, MEN don't.

US Supreme court issues & decisions belong NO WHERE on a political platform. Any politician he/she--including the POTUS tells you they can change a US Supreme court decision is lying through their teeth to get your vote.



I know there are valid medical reasons for abortions.
Other than that, I have no idea what you just said.

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