Woman Forced to Leave Texas for Abortion

In part yes, they can also be voted on by the people, but we all know how much you folks hate letting that happen.

How do you know? Did you check out the studies when you read the book?

Because it is junk science at it finest.

That is not what the book claims. Did you even read the book?
I favor the public being able to vote for laws. Why did you make the statement I hate letting that happen?
No, I did not check out those studies since the Authors writing seemed legitimate.
Now you are calling the research by two economists junk science.

So now we ask? Who are you to say that about an economic study?
I read the book when i purchased it when the book came out.
I have it here now.
I am going back to make sure I did not misrepresent what they said.
I favor the public being able to vote for laws. Why did you make the statement I hate letting that happen?

most rightwingers hate it happening. My rightwinger family members in Ohio were pissed the people were allowed to vote on Pot and abortion instead of just letting the legislature pass the rules

No, I did not check out those studies since the Authors writing seemed legitimate.
Now you are calling the research by two economists junk science.

I am, and I am not the only one to do so. Their "study" made a lot of assumptions that were not supported. Basically they said "crime started to come down 17 years after RvW was the law of the land so it must have been due to abortion". They did not really take anything else into account.

I read the book when i purchased it when the book came out.
I have it here now.
I am going back to make sure I did not misrepresent what they said.

Ad did I, but no longer have a copy but I am very sure they did not limit it to black people
Many states have public votes. Texas has ballot votes on a variety of things, including constitutional amendments.
Here are the results of the last election where voters approved most of the amendments.
most rightwingers hate it happening. My rightwinger family members in Ohio were pissed the people were allowed to vote on Pot and abortion instead of just letting the legislature pass the rules

I am, and I am not the only one to do so. Their "study" made a lot of assumptions that were not supported. Basically they said "crime started to come down 17 years after RvW was the law of the land so it must have been due to abortion". They did not really take anything else into account.

Ad did I, but no longer have a copy but I am very sure they did not limit it to black people
Well, I now know better than to say nice things about blacks around you.
Well, I now know better than to say nice things about blacks around you.

The fact you think that is a nice thing to say about them tells everyone all they need to know about you.

Have you had your white pointy hood cleaned lately?
Roe v Wade as i said so many times, I lost count. Was not decided correctly in 1973. The recent supreme court decision confirms I have long been right on this. It must be understood that some of the Supreme courts decisions have been overturned by later courts. I also warned Democrats time after time if they loved abortion, they had to make it legal in states and if enough of them went for it, then do the Feds.
Don't worry. The Federal Republicans will do the right thing and make abortion MURDER some day if given the chance.
most rightwingers hate it happening. My rightwinger family members in Ohio were pissed the people were allowed to vote on Pot and abortion instead of just letting the legislature pass the rules
Isn't that the kind of bullshit you get all over others when they do it?
How the hell can you make statements that broad that you can't prove yet you chide me over reporting from a book. A book you admit you no longer have!!!
Don't worry. The Federal Republicans will do the right thing and make abortion MURDER some day if given the chance.
It really is murder. I do not have the faith in Republicans that you have.
How the hell can you make statements that broad that you can't prove yet you chide me over reporting from a book. A book you admit you no longer have!!!

Did you check your book to see if I am correct or not?
Did you check your book to see if I am correct or not?
You made a very very general statement and while I do my checking, just tell me why you lash out at people you decided to label right wingers?
You made a very very general statement and while I do my checking,

No I did not, I said very specifically that the book, nor the study, limits the claimed effects of abortion to just black people.

Should be easy prove me wrong
It really is murder. I do not have the faith in Republicans that you have.
Life isn't so precious that I'd call it murder. If you are that religious, don't get an abortion.

I think killing Octopus is murder because they are a really smart creature. We should not be murdering and consuming such smart animals. But we do. It's not murder. Why not? You can't murder another smart creature? I feel more sorry for a Octopus that is murdered than I do a fetus.

If you disagree, don't get an abortion. But mind your own business when it comes to me. I'm not as religous as you.

And if you were being honest, you don't give a fuck about my fetus. This is just a social wedge issue that makes you feel like you are a good person. Because you are arguing for babies. Get over yourself. And start caring more about these babies after they are born. You aren't pro life you are pro fetus. Anti freedom. Anti choice. And you want to force women to have babies.

I bet you if men got pregnant you'd have abortion clinics on every street corner. We know if you got a woman you didn't love pregnant you'd pay for her to get one.

Second woman says Ga. Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker paid for abortion​

And even though GW Bush got a woman an illegal abortion when he was young and fucking whores

President Bush has wasted no time in restating his opposition to abortion and his desire to see the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that made abortions legal throughout the United States. Bush's position may be politically sound, but it is logically, ethically and morally reprehensible. On Monday, White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater read a statement enunciating Bush's present position: "He is opposed to abortion except when the life of the mother is threatened or when there is rape or incest. The president supports a constitutional amendment that would reverse the Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade decision . . . . "He supports a human life amendment with exceptions to save the life of the mother or for victims of rape and incest. And he opposes the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except when the life of the mother is threatened." Opponents of abortion argue that a fetus is a human being from the moment of conception and deserves all the protections of the Constitution from that moment. The amendment that Bush supports would extend this protection to the unborn and make most abortions illegal. During the first presidential debate, Bush said that he hadn't "sorted out the penalties" that ought to be imposed on women who obtain illegal abortions and the physicians who perform them. In that same debate he said, "Abortion is sometimes used as a birth-control device, for heaven's sake. See the millions of killings accumulate . . . . " If Bush believes abortion is killing, then women who obtain abortions are guilty of premeditated murder. There is no middle ground in this. So, too, is the person who performs the operation. And if abortion is, indeed, the premeditated murder of a fetus, it is the premeditated murder of all fetuses. A fetus conceived during rape or during an act of incest is no less entitled to protection than a fetus conceived during an act of love. The fetus cannot be held responsible for the violence and evil that accompanied its conception. We do not condone murdering the born children of rapists. The Roman Catholic Church, which has been leading the drive to make abortions illegal, at least has the virtue of consistency.
No I did not, I said very specifically that the book, nor the study, limits the claimed effects of abortion to just black people.

Should be easy prove me wrong
No I did not, I said very specifically that the book, nor the study, limits the claimed effects of abortion to just black people.

Should be easy prove me wrong
I got that idea somewhere. But my book is the 2006 version which has more material.
After looking it does not credit blacks for a lower crime rate.
Probably it was the whites lowering the rates.
Life isn't so precious that I'd call it murder. If you are that religious, don't get an abortion.

I think killing Octopus is murder because they are a really smart creature. We should not be murdering and consuming such smart animals. But we do. It's not murder. Why not? You can't murder another smart creature? I feel more sorry for a Octopus that is murdered than I do a fetus.

If you disagree, don't get an abortion. But mind your own business when it comes to me. I'm not as religous as you.

And if you were being honest, you don't give a fuck about my fetus. This is just a social wedge issue that makes you feel like you are a good person. Because you are arguing for babies. Get over yourself. And start caring more about these babies after they are born. You aren't pro life you are pro fetus. Anti freedom. Anti choice. And you want to force women to have babies.

I bet you if men got pregnant you'd have abortion clinics on every street corner. We know if you got a woman you didn't love pregnant you'd pay for her to get one.

Second woman says Ga. Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker paid for abortion​

And even though GW Bush got a woman an illegal abortion when he was young and fucking whores

President Bush has wasted no time in restating his opposition to abortion and his desire to see the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that made abortions legal throughout the United States. Bush's position may be politically sound, but it is logically, ethically and morally reprehensible. On Monday, White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater read a statement enunciating Bush's present position: "He is opposed to abortion except when the life of the mother is threatened or when there is rape or incest. The president supports a constitutional amendment that would reverse the Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade decision . . . . "He supports a human life amendment with exceptions to save the life of the mother or for victims of rape and incest. And he opposes the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except when the life of the mother is threatened." Opponents of abortion argue that a fetus is a human being from the moment of conception and deserves all the protections of the Constitution from that moment. The amendment that Bush supports would extend this protection to the unborn and make most abortions illegal. During the first presidential debate, Bush said that he hadn't "sorted out the penalties" that ought to be imposed on women who obtain illegal abortions and the physicians who perform them. In that same debate he said, "Abortion is sometimes used as a birth-control device, for heaven's sake. See the millions of killings accumulate . . . . " If Bush believes abortion is killing, then women who obtain abortions are guilty of premeditated murder. There is no middle ground in this. So, too, is the person who performs the operation. And if abortion is, indeed, the premeditated murder of a fetus, it is the premeditated murder of all fetuses. A fetus conceived during rape or during an act of incest is no less entitled to protection than a fetus conceived during an act of love. The fetus cannot be held responsible for the violence and evil that accompanied its conception. We do not condone murdering the born children of rapists. The Roman Catholic Church, which has been leading the drive to make abortions illegal, at least has the virtue of consistency.
You immediately leaped headfirst into the religious argument. I don't operate that way though I am a member of a large church.
Abortion kills human lives. Do you agree? Killing humans is normally done to criminals. What crime has the unborn done to the female?
I have problems with rape and incest pregnancies based on the basis of the causes. While it still kills the human, the human still as innocent. Anyway,It is not just that a rape causes a woman to be punished by giving birth. Incest believe it or not is both hated and hailed. Go to Quora on the internet and see what people say about incest. Women having sex with their dads report they love it.
You immediately leaped headfirst into the religious argument. I don't operate that way though I am a member of a large church.
Abortion kills human lives. Do you agree? Killing humans is normally done to criminals. What crime has the unborn done to the female?
I have problems with rape and incest pregnancies based on the basis of the causes. While it still kills the human, the human still as innocent. Anyway,It is not just that a rape causes a woman to be punished by giving birth. Incest believe it or not is both hated and hailed. Go to Quora on the internet and see what people say about incest. Women having sex with their dads report they love it.
Who cares? We're overpopulated. And most people get abortions because they can't afford to have the kids. You want poor people who can't afford kids having kids? No you don't.

Yes, you don't have to admit it's your made up religion that tells you abortion is murder.

I've heard stories of young women who grew up without a father finding their fathers after they turn 18 and they end up fucking their dads. Talk about daddy issues.

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