Wolff books next lie exposed...states Kelly Anne Conway didn't work on campaigns before Trump's, lie


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We have lie after lie coming out of this book, before it was published...easily checked and verified stories that are completely innaccurate and untrue....but the left thinks they just need throw the stories out their and get them in the minds of Americans before the next election.......

FACT CHECK: Wolff Book Claims Kellyanne Conway ‘Had Never Been Involved In A National Campaign’

Michael Wolff, author of the book “Fire and Fury” about President Donald Trump’s first year, claimed that White House advisor Kellyanne Conway had never been involved in a national campaign before joining the Trump campaign.

“Conway, who had never been involved in a national campaign, and who, before Trump, ran a small-time, down-ballot polling firm, understood full well that, post-campaign, she would now be one of the leading conservative voices on cable news,” Wolff wrote in his book released Friday.

Fact Check:

Conway is no stranger to national politics. She founded the market research firm the Polling Company in 1995, where she worked with dozens of Republican campaigns and PACs for 21 years. Multiple Conway profiles note her extensive work in the national political space.

Pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson noted on Twitter that Conway was a pollster for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign in 2012 and criticized Wolff for framing Conway’s firm as “small-time.” Federal Elections Commission records confirm that the Polling Company received payment from the Newt 2012 presidential campaign committee.

Conway was also the pollster for former Vice President Dan Quayle’s presidential campaign in 1999 when she still went by her maiden name, Fitzpatrick. Conway’s profile on the Polling Company website in 2016 noted that she worked with the Republican National Committee (RNC) as well.

Before she joined the Trump campaign, Conway was involved with other Republican presidential campaigns in the 2016 cycle. Her company worked with a super PAC that supported neurosurgeon Ben Carson’s 2016 presidential campaign in early 2015. She then served as president of a pro-Sen. Ted Cruz super PAC. Conway joined the Trump campaign two months after Cruz dropped out.

The Polling Company called Conway “one of the most quoted and noted pollsters on the national scene,” and said that she has provided commentary on over 1,300 television shows. Progressive media research group Media Mattershas documented television interviews featuring Conway since 2007.

Conway has worked with many congressional campaigns, most recently including campaigns for Rep. Steve King of Iowa, Rep. Rod Blum of Iowa and former Rep. John Fleming of Louisiana in the 2016 cycle.

Conway sold the Polling Company to conservative firm CRC Public Relations in September to comply with White House conflict-of-interest rules.
She , L. Ingraham, her gay brother and Drudge, Breitbart, Dave Bossie, and kellyanne's husband who was a attorney for Paula Jones have been obsessed with the Clintons since 1992. Little right wing conspiracy group and still at it.

they have made good money off of the Clinton like preachers make off of Jesus, and got positions due to their hatred of the Clintons as well.
She is not a credible source.

You want to talk credible..

Wolff, on Good Morning America stated that he knows the book has lies in it but he "believes them" and then he goes on and does not identify the items he KNOWS are lies in his book...

The man outed himself as a liar and propagandist... ON LIVE TV!

Got to love it...
We have lie after lie coming out of this book, before it was published...easily checked and verified stories that are completely innaccurate and untrue....but the left thinks they just need throw the stories out their and get them in the minds of Americans before the next election.......

FACT CHECK: Wolff Book Claims Kellyanne Conway ‘Had Never Been Involved In A National Campaign’

Michael Wolff, author of the book “Fire and Fury” about President Donald Trump’s first year, claimed that White House advisor Kellyanne Conway had never been involved in a national campaign before joining the Trump campaign.

“Conway, who had never been involved in a national campaign, and who, before Trump, ran a small-time, down-ballot polling firm, understood full well that, post-campaign, she would now be one of the leading conservative voices on cable news,” Wolff wrote in his book released Friday.

Fact Check:

Conway is no stranger to national politics. She founded the market research firm the Polling Company in 1995, where she worked with dozens of Republican campaigns and PACs for 21 years. Multiple Conway profiles note her extensive work in the national political space.

Pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson noted on Twitter that Conway was a pollster for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign in 2012 and criticized Wolff for framing Conway’s firm as “small-time.” Federal Elections Commission records confirm that the Polling Company received payment from the Newt 2012 presidential campaign committee.

Conway was also the pollster for former Vice President Dan Quayle’s presidential campaign in 1999 when she still went by her maiden name, Fitzpatrick. Conway’s profile on the Polling Company website in 2016 noted that she worked with the Republican National Committee (RNC) as well.

Before she joined the Trump campaign, Conway was involved with other Republican presidential campaigns in the 2016 cycle. Her company worked with a super PAC that supported neurosurgeon Ben Carson’s 2016 presidential campaign in early 2015. She then served as president of a pro-Sen. Ted Cruz super PAC. Conway joined the Trump campaign two months after Cruz dropped out.

The Polling Company called Conway “one of the most quoted and noted pollsters on the national scene,” and said that she has provided commentary on over 1,300 television shows. Progressive media research group Media Mattershas documented television interviews featuring Conway since 2007.

Conway has worked with many congressional campaigns, most recently including campaigns for Rep. Steve King of Iowa, Rep. Rod Blum of Iowa and former Rep. John Fleming of Louisiana in the 2016 cycle.

Conway sold the Polling Company to conservative firm CRC Public Relations in September to comply with White House conflict-of-interest rules.
^ Panic time for the trumpanzees.
She , L. Ingraham, her gay brother and Drudge, Breitbart, Dave Bossie, and kellyanne's husband who was a attorney for Paula Jones have been obsessed with the Clintons since 1992. Little right wing conspiracy group and still at it.

they have made good money off of the Clinton like preachers make off of Jesus, and got position due to their hatred of the Clintons as well.
Is your tinfoil hat on too tight or is your single brain cell dying?
She , L. Ingraham, her gay brother and Drudge, Breitbart, Dave Bossie, and kellyanne's husband who was a attorney for Paula Jones have been obsessed with the Clintons since 1992. Little right wing conspiracy group and still at it.

they have made good money off of the Clinton like preachers make off of Jesus, and got positions due to their hatred of the Clintons as well.

And that has what to do with the claim by the author? The claim is easily show to be false.....this is # four of easily provable falsehoods on his part......
We have lie after lie coming out of this book, before it was published...easily checked and verified stories that are completely innaccurate and untrue....but the left thinks they just need throw the stories out their and get them in the minds of Americans before the next election.......

FACT CHECK: Wolff Book Claims Kellyanne Conway ‘Had Never Been Involved In A National Campaign’

Michael Wolff, author of the book “Fire and Fury” about President Donald Trump’s first year, claimed that White House advisor Kellyanne Conway had never been involved in a national campaign before joining the Trump campaign.

“Conway, who had never been involved in a national campaign, and who, before Trump, ran a small-time, down-ballot polling firm, understood full well that, post-campaign, she would now be one of the leading conservative voices on cable news,” Wolff wrote in his book released Friday.

Fact Check:

Conway is no stranger to national politics. She founded the market research firm the Polling Company in 1995, where she worked with dozens of Republican campaigns and PACs for 21 years. Multiple Conway profiles note her extensive work in the national political space.

Pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson noted on Twitter that Conway was a pollster for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign in 2012 and criticized Wolff for framing Conway’s firm as “small-time.” Federal Elections Commission records confirm that the Polling Company received payment from the Newt 2012 presidential campaign committee.

Conway was also the pollster for former Vice President Dan Quayle’s presidential campaign in 1999 when she still went by her maiden name, Fitzpatrick. Conway’s profile on the Polling Company website in 2016 noted that she worked with the Republican National Committee (RNC) as well.

Before she joined the Trump campaign, Conway was involved with other Republican presidential campaigns in the 2016 cycle. Her company worked with a super PAC that supported neurosurgeon Ben Carson’s 2016 presidential campaign in early 2015. She then served as president of a pro-Sen. Ted Cruz super PAC. Conway joined the Trump campaign two months after Cruz dropped out.

The Polling Company called Conway “one of the most quoted and noted pollsters on the national scene,” and said that she has provided commentary on over 1,300 television shows. Progressive media research group Media Mattershas documented television interviews featuring Conway since 2007.

Conway has worked with many congressional campaigns, most recently including campaigns for Rep. Steve King of Iowa, Rep. Rod Blum of Iowa and former Rep. John Fleming of Louisiana in the 2016 cycle.

Conway sold the Polling Company to conservative firm CRC Public Relations in September to comply with White House conflict-of-interest rules.
^ Panic time for the trumpanzees.

Not panic, work. This is how the left has lied throughout our history....they put out lies, get their democrat journalists to repeat the lies, get all 3 late night democrat show hosts to repeat the lies, get comedy central to repeat the lies, get the lies insinuated into movies and television...then uninformed people start repeating the lies as if they are true...

Sadly, for them, we have the internet know, they no longer control the flow of information.....
We have lie after lie coming out of this book, before it was published...easily checked and verified stories that are completely innaccurate and untrue....but the left thinks they just need throw the stories out their and get them in the minds of Americans before the next election.......

FACT CHECK: Wolff Book Claims Kellyanne Conway ‘Had Never Been Involved In A National Campaign’

Michael Wolff, author of the book “Fire and Fury” about President Donald Trump’s first year, claimed that White House advisor Kellyanne Conway had never been involved in a national campaign before joining the Trump campaign.

“Conway, who had never been involved in a national campaign, and who, before Trump, ran a small-time, down-ballot polling firm, understood full well that, post-campaign, she would now be one of the leading conservative voices on cable news,” Wolff wrote in his book released Friday.

Fact Check:

Conway is no stranger to national politics. She founded the market research firm the Polling Company in 1995, where she worked with dozens of Republican campaigns and PACs for 21 years. Multiple Conway profiles note her extensive work in the national political space.

Pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson noted on Twitter that Conway was a pollster for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign in 2012 and criticized Wolff for framing Conway’s firm as “small-time.” Federal Elections Commission records confirm that the Polling Company received payment from the Newt 2012 presidential campaign committee.

Conway was also the pollster for former Vice President Dan Quayle’s presidential campaign in 1999 when she still went by her maiden name, Fitzpatrick. Conway’s profile on the Polling Company website in 2016 noted that she worked with the Republican National Committee (RNC) as well.

Before she joined the Trump campaign, Conway was involved with other Republican presidential campaigns in the 2016 cycle. Her company worked with a super PAC that supported neurosurgeon Ben Carson’s 2016 presidential campaign in early 2015. She then served as president of a pro-Sen. Ted Cruz super PAC. Conway joined the Trump campaign two months after Cruz dropped out.

The Polling Company called Conway “one of the most quoted and noted pollsters on the national scene,” and said that she has provided commentary on over 1,300 television shows. Progressive media research group Media Mattershas documented television interviews featuring Conway since 2007.

Conway has worked with many congressional campaigns, most recently including campaigns for Rep. Steve King of Iowa, Rep. Rod Blum of Iowa and former Rep. John Fleming of Louisiana in the 2016 cycle.

Conway sold the Polling Company to conservative firm CRC Public Relations in September to comply with White House conflict-of-interest rules.
^ Panic time for the trumpanzees.
Panic???? Your insane.... The only people panicking are the leftards as their command and control system is being ripped apart.
All the crap the righties published on Hillary and Barack and now they cry like babies because their savior is shown as a child and a fool. Too too funny. As your hero Donnie, draft dodger in charge would say, sad just sad. LOL Righties are fun to watch.
You Snowflakes want this work of fiction to be true.....but it seems too many people are saying it's bullshit....take that with the fact that this guy is known to play fast and loose with the truth in the past, ask yourself....is this simply therapy for Snowflakes, or is it part of something bigger.

I think it's both.

This author is gonna make a bundle on this.....and that is his primary motivation.
Anyone who is able to pull this off is seeing dollar signs.

Never mind the fact that the press was jumping on this even before it came out like there's no tomorrow.....

.....and the fact that Hillary is heading toward numerous indictments.

I think this serves several purposes.
To deflect attention from the reopening of the case against Hillary, and the opening of new investigation against Obama and his associates.
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All the crap the righties published on Hillary and Barack and now they cry like babies because their savior is shown as a child and a fool. Too too funny. As your hero Donnie, draft dodger in charge would say, sad just sad. LOL Righties are fun to watch.

Course you got that impression from the infamous unnamed sources once again. "Everyone thinks he's a child,,," Who specifically said this? Or is it just the authors impression or opinion.
Just the same old rumors repackaged and presented to the public hoping it will finally stick this time.

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File this under wishful thinking by Trump enemies:

Yesterday MSNBC admitted that parts of the book were fictional. They just agree with the spirit of the book.....

MSNBC: Even If ‘Not All’ of Trump Book Is True, ‘the Spirit Is’ Accurate
MSNBC: Even If ‘Not All’ of Trump Book Is True, ‘the Spirit Is’ Accurate
By Scott Whitlock | January 4, 2018 12:30 PM EST
Close enough. That’s the assessment from MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle in regard to the new book featuring incendiary quotes from ex-White House official Steve Bannon. Ruhle, like other liberal journalists, suddenly is fascinated with Bannon. She enthused on Thursday, “He was one of the most senior people in the White House, a close adviser to the President, and this book takes us inside.”

Regarding the accuracy or truthfulness, Ruhle didn’t seem too concerned: “I've spoken to people inside the White House in the last 24 hours who have said, ‘Even if not all of it is true, the spirit of the book is and it's troublesome.’” Who are these “people” And how much untruth is too much for the journalist?
She , L. Ingraham, her gay brother and Drudge, Breitbart, Dave Bossie, and kellyanne's husband who was a attorney for Paula Jones have been obsessed with the Clintons since 1992. Little right wing conspiracy group and still at it.

they have made good money off of the Clinton like preachers make off of Jesus, and got positions due to their hatred of the Clintons as well.
L. Ingraham has indeed been obsessed with the Clintons.....wonder if she got jilted.
She , L. Ingraham, her gay brother and Drudge, Breitbart, Dave Bossie, and kellyanne's husband who was a attorney for Paula Jones have been obsessed with the Clintons since 1992. Little right wing conspiracy group and still at it.

they have made good money off of the Clinton like preachers make off of Jesus, and got positions due to their hatred of the Clintons as well.
L. Ingraham has indeed been obsessed with the Clintons.....wonder if she got jilted.

No...she just doesn't like corrupt rapists and their enabling, criminal wives.....

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