Woke People are the Biggest Threat to Western Civilization


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Woke People are the biggest threat to Western Civilization. By Western Civ, I mean the Civil Societies which recognize inalienable human rights and design political systems to support Individual Liberty. It is the antithesis of Tribal-Groupthink control

You see, a Canadian gentleman of the ā€œoutrageous queenā€ persuasion called Sky Gilbert wrote a blogpost with the same title. He has now discovered that he was quite right to be afraid of the ā€˜woke peopleā€™ because they did the usual twitter mob thing and got him ousted from the theatre company he founded as well as making sure he is now ā€œpersona non grataā€ in the sort of artistic circles that he used to frequent. So what did he write that was so unacceptable?

"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™
Iā€™m afraid of ā€œWoke Peopleā€™ because they taught me to fear being gay. It was something that I worked very hard to be proud of, and now ā€” once again ā€” I am ashamed.
When I go to a theatre event or a sexuality conference, I am careful not to dress in a sexual way, because I know that for many ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ it fits an evil gay stereotype.
When I go online I brace myself for the postings about how politically insensitive, hyper-sexual and super-rich gay men are.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke People because they canā€™t see that Iā€™m gay, but only that Iā€™m a man.
When I send ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ emails, I have to go out of my way not to appear too gay, too sexual, or too irreverent. I do not want to offend them.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because if I mistakenly use the wrong pronoun to describe them, they may become furious and never forgive me.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because, for them, good intentions are not enough...."


ā€˜Woke peopleā€™ get their underwear in a twist if you quote or play a recording of someone they disagree with unless you immediately make clear that what you have just quoted/played is badthink ā€“ and probably even then youā€™ll be in trouble if you failed to provide trigger warnings and safe spaces in advance.

ā€˜Woke peopleā€™ remind me of the Puritans or of the worst excesses of the French revolution when the revolutionaries turned on each other.

This is a Bad Thingā„¢ because the philosophical underpinning of everything we have developed is ā€œthesis, antithesis, synthesisā€. If it is impossible to state a thesis (or counter one with an antithesis) then we wonā€™t get to the improved synthesis and the resulting better knowledge of the universe...

I'm afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ - L'Ombre de l'Olivier

"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™

So Trump is woke. Hmmmm...how 'bout that.
"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™

So Trump is woke. Hmmmm...how 'bout that.

Condolences on your lack of cognitive function.
Woke People are the biggest threat to Western Civilization. By Western Civ, I mean the Civil Societies which recognize inalienable human rights and design political systems to support Individual Liberty. It is the antithesis of Tribal-Groupthink control

You see, a Canadian gentleman of the ā€œoutrageous queenā€ persuasion called Sky Gilbert wrote a blogpost with the same title. He has now discovered that he was quite right to be afraid of the ā€˜woke peopleā€™ because they did the usual twitter mob thing and got him ousted from the theatre company he founded as well as making sure he is now ā€œpersona non grataā€ in the sort of artistic circles that he used to frequent. So what did he write that was so unacceptable?

"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™
Iā€™m afraid of ā€œWoke Peopleā€™ because they taught me to fear being gay. It was something that I worked very hard to be proud of, and now ā€” once again ā€” I am ashamed.
When I go to a theatre event or a sexuality conference, I am careful not to dress in a sexual way, because I know that for many ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ it fits an evil gay stereotype.
When I go online I brace myself for the postings about how politically insensitive, hyper-sexual and super-rich gay men are.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke People because they canā€™t see that Iā€™m gay, but only that Iā€™m a man.
When I send ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ emails, I have to go out of my way not to appear too gay, too sexual, or too irreverent. I do not want to offend them.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because if I mistakenly use the wrong pronoun to describe them, they may become furious and never forgive me.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because, for them, good intentions are not enough...."


ā€˜Woke peopleā€™ get their underwear in a twist if you quote or play a recording of someone they disagree with unless you immediately make clear that what you have just quoted/played is badthink ā€“ and probably even then youā€™ll be in trouble if you failed to provide trigger warnings and safe spaces in advance.

ā€˜Woke peopleā€™ remind me of the Puritans or of the worst excesses of the French revolution when the revolutionaries turned on each other.

This is a Bad Thingā„¢ because the philosophical underpinning of everything we have developed is ā€œthesis, antithesis, synthesisā€. If it is impossible to state a thesis (or counter one with an antithesis) then we wonā€™t get to the improved synthesis and the resulting better knowledge of the universe...

I'm afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ - L'Ombre de l'Olivier

As this man said, the Woke Folks are fundamentalists of the worst sort. Their faith is self-righteousness. They live by a set of rules they're convinced make them Better Than You--and boy, do they want to let you know.

It's appalling. If only they realized how hilariously close they are to the fundies they hate. :)
"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™

So Trump is woke. Hmmmm...how 'bout that.
---------------------------------- we need division , what REAL American would want to associate with people like YOU , as just one example '2020' .
gay-rich-woke-too sexual....???
is this a sci-fi/role playing/fiction novel/etc?
"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™
^ has spent decades claiming ā€œthemā€ are trying to destroy America and all have a mental disease
gay-rich-woke-too sexual....???
is this a sci-fi/role playing/fiction novel/etc?

It's written by someone on the Left who is terrified of what the Left has become.
"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™
^ has spent decades claiming ā€œthemā€ are trying to destroy America and all have a mental disease

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

It's pretty clear that today's Liberals are Anti-Liberty.

There's a reason why the Libs want to get kids into State Controlled Education starting when they are wee tots.

That the Left is actively working to destroy Western Civilization.

Oh, we know what motivates this insanity: Islamic Jihad to destroy the Infidel.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a totalitarian political ideology which is at war with everyone else.

It's unsurprising that The Nation found a bunch of brainwashed Reactionary Liberals to spew the Progressive Orthodoxy that is aimed at destroying the quality of humans in the U.S.

Too easy. Thousands more if you still wonā€™t shut up.
"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™
^ has spent decades claiming ā€œthemā€ are trying to destroy America and all have a mental disease

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

It's pretty clear that today's Liberals are Anti-Liberty.

There's a reason why the Libs want to get kids into State Controlled Education starting when they are wee tots.

That the Left is actively working to destroy Western Civilization.

Oh, we know what motivates this insanity: Islamic Jihad to destroy the Infidel.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a totalitarian political ideology which is at war with everyone else.

It's unsurprising that The Nation found a bunch of brainwashed Reactionary Liberals to spew the Progressive Orthodoxy that is aimed at destroying the quality of humans in the U.S.

Too easy. Thousands more if you still wonā€™t shut up.

Ewwww...you're a stalker.

"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™
^ has spent decades claiming ā€œthemā€ are trying to destroy America and all have a mental disease

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

It's pretty clear that today's Liberals are Anti-Liberty.

There's a reason why the Libs want to get kids into State Controlled Education starting when they are wee tots.

That the Left is actively working to destroy Western Civilization.

Oh, we know what motivates this insanity: Islamic Jihad to destroy the Infidel.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a totalitarian political ideology which is at war with everyone else.

It's unsurprising that The Nation found a bunch of brainwashed Reactionary Liberals to spew the Progressive Orthodoxy that is aimed at destroying the quality of humans in the U.S.

Too easy. Thousands more if you still wonā€™t shut up.

Ewwww...you're a stalker.

Search function, rube.
"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™
^ has spent decades claiming ā€œthemā€ are trying to destroy America and all have a mental disease

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

It's pretty clear that today's Liberals are Anti-Liberty.

There's a reason why the Libs want to get kids into State Controlled Education starting when they are wee tots.

That the Left is actively working to destroy Western Civilization.

Oh, we know what motivates this insanity: Islamic Jihad to destroy the Infidel.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a totalitarian political ideology which is at war with everyone else.

It's unsurprising that The Nation found a bunch of brainwashed Reactionary Liberals to spew the Progressive Orthodoxy that is aimed at destroying the quality of humans in the U.S.

Too easy. Thousands more if you still wonā€™t shut up.

Ewwww...you're a stalker.

Search function, rube.

Jeebus, you are dull.
Woke People are the biggest threat to Western Civilization. By Western Civ, I mean the Civil Societies which recognize inalienable human rights and design political systems to support Individual Liberty. It is the antithesis of Tribal-Groupthink control

You see, a Canadian gentleman of the ā€œoutrageous queenā€ persuasion called Sky Gilbert wrote a blogpost with the same title. He has now discovered that he was quite right to be afraid of the ā€˜woke peopleā€™ because they did the usual twitter mob thing and got him ousted from the theatre company he founded as well as making sure he is now ā€œpersona non grataā€ in the sort of artistic circles that he used to frequent. So what did he write that was so unacceptable?

"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™
Iā€™m afraid of ā€œWoke Peopleā€™ because they taught me to fear being gay. It was something that I worked very hard to be proud of, and now ā€” once again ā€” I am ashamed.
When I go to a theatre event or a sexuality conference, I am careful not to dress in a sexual way, because I know that for many ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ it fits an evil gay stereotype.
When I go online I brace myself for the postings about how politically insensitive, hyper-sexual and super-rich gay men are.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke People because they canā€™t see that Iā€™m gay, but only that Iā€™m a man.
When I send ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ emails, I have to go out of my way not to appear too gay, too sexual, or too irreverent. I do not want to offend them.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because if I mistakenly use the wrong pronoun to describe them, they may become furious and never forgive me.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because, for them, good intentions are not enough...."


ā€˜Woke peopleā€™ get their underwear in a twist if you quote or play a recording of someone they disagree with unless you immediately make clear that what you have just quoted/played is badthink ā€“ and probably even then youā€™ll be in trouble if you failed to provide trigger warnings and safe spaces in advance.

ā€˜Woke peopleā€™ remind me of the Puritans or of the worst excesses of the French revolution when the revolutionaries turned on each other.

This is a Bad Thingā„¢ because the philosophical underpinning of everything we have developed is ā€œthesis, antithesis, synthesisā€. If it is impossible to state a thesis (or counter one with an antithesis) then we wonā€™t get to the improved synthesis and the resulting better knowledge of the universe...

I'm afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ - L'Ombre de l'Olivier

The true threat to Western Civilization is the fear, ignorance, and hate of the reactionary right ā€“ this thread premise being one of many examples.

Indeed, the thread premise is an example of how dishonest most conservatives are, of the rightā€™s propensity for lying, and the fact that most conservatives fear diversity and dissent.
Woke People are the biggest threat to Western Civilization. By Western Civ, I mean the Civil Societies which recognize inalienable human rights and design political systems to support Individual Liberty. It is the antithesis of Tribal-Groupthink control

You see, a Canadian gentleman of the ā€œoutrageous queenā€ persuasion called Sky Gilbert wrote a blogpost with the same title. He has now discovered that he was quite right to be afraid of the ā€˜woke peopleā€™ because they did the usual twitter mob thing and got him ousted from the theatre company he founded as well as making sure he is now ā€œpersona non grataā€ in the sort of artistic circles that he used to frequent. So what did he write that was so unacceptable?

"Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because they divide humanity into either ā€˜usā€™ or ā€˜them.ā€™
Iā€™m afraid of ā€œWoke Peopleā€™ because they taught me to fear being gay. It was something that I worked very hard to be proud of, and now ā€” once again ā€” I am ashamed.
When I go to a theatre event or a sexuality conference, I am careful not to dress in a sexual way, because I know that for many ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ it fits an evil gay stereotype.
When I go online I brace myself for the postings about how politically insensitive, hyper-sexual and super-rich gay men are.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke People because they canā€™t see that Iā€™m gay, but only that Iā€™m a man.
When I send ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ emails, I have to go out of my way not to appear too gay, too sexual, or too irreverent. I do not want to offend them.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because if I mistakenly use the wrong pronoun to describe them, they may become furious and never forgive me.
Iā€™m afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ because, for them, good intentions are not enough...."


ā€˜Woke peopleā€™ get their underwear in a twist if you quote or play a recording of someone they disagree with unless you immediately make clear that what you have just quoted/played is badthink ā€“ and probably even then youā€™ll be in trouble if you failed to provide trigger warnings and safe spaces in advance.

ā€˜Woke peopleā€™ remind me of the Puritans or of the worst excesses of the French revolution when the revolutionaries turned on each other.

This is a Bad Thingā„¢ because the philosophical underpinning of everything we have developed is ā€œthesis, antithesis, synthesisā€. If it is impossible to state a thesis (or counter one with an antithesis) then we wonā€™t get to the improved synthesis and the resulting better knowledge of the universe...

I'm afraid of ā€˜Woke Peopleā€™ - L'Ombre de l'Olivier

The true threat to Western Civilization is the fear, ignorance, and hate of the reactionary right ā€“ this thread premise being one of many examples.

Indeed, the thread premise is an example of how dishonest most conservatives are, of the rightā€™s propensity for lying, and the fact that most conservatives fear diversity and dissent.

You are seriously deluded.
I can't be "Woke" due to my White Privilege, nor would I want to be. I can actually speak proper English, not Ebonics like the Woke.

The entire concept sounds moronic because it is moronic.
I can't be "Woke" due to my White Privilege, nor would I want to be. I can actually speak proper English, not Ebonics like the Woke.

The entire concept sounds moronic because it is moronic.

Wokeness is just the way weakminded Progs, who have no ideas other than hate, try to terrorize others into submission.

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