"Woke," James Bond director doesn't understand James Bond, accuses Sean Connery's Bond of rape...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Nolte takes this woke asshole apart....

The scene this goddamn simpleton is talking about is in Thunderball, where Connery’s Bond is recovering at some sort of rest spa and seduces a luscious therapist into a tryst.

It’s not rape. It’s nothing close to rape. It’s doesn’t even graze rape. What it is is a complicated, adult, nuanced, and sexy seduction. And it is also a seduction that’s making a much larger social point.

Bond and the therapist obviously want one another, and the only reason she’s all “No, no, no” is because having sex with the customers is just not done. So this scene is not about James Bond forcing a woman to have sex with him. It’s about what much of the sixties was about, and that’s overcoming your sexual inhibitions.

Bond isn’t raping this woman. He’s not forcing himself on her. He’s sexually liberating her.

No, really, he is.


Are people really this stupid?

Or are they so insecure and neurotic, so desperate for approval that they just spout these simplistic moral bromides that make Joe McCarthy look like Timothy Leary?
And let’s not forget the payoff to this Thunderball subplot. Later in the movie, after Bond has liberated this woman from her sexual hang-ups and inhibitions, we see that Bond is servicing her. He’s giving her a massage with the mink glove. Right there at work, she’s allowing one of the customers to give her a massage.

The message here is ridiculously clear. She’s happier now, less uptight, more of a free spirit, and yes, liberated.

You know, it’s not even the sexless prudishness that bothers me as much as it’s fascist assholes like Fukanaga deliberately looking to terrify artists to behave within his fascist boundaries. And that he does so by smearing art is especially galling. And that’s what Thunderball is, it’s art, and in this briefest of brief subplots, it is art with a legitimate, complicated, and fascinating message.

Meanwhile, the actual rape of children continues in Hollywood......
Nothing more ridiculous than the racist right whining and lying about racist replacement theory and white grievance politics.
Oh sure there is.

John Nolte takes this woke asshole apart....

The scene this goddamn simpleton is talking about is in Thunderball, where Connery’s Bond is recovering at some sort of rest spa and seduces a luscious therapist into a tryst.

It’s not rape. It’s nothing close to rape. It’s doesn’t even graze rape. What it is is a complicated, adult, nuanced, and sexy seduction. And it is also a seduction that’s making a much larger social point.

Bond and the therapist obviously want one another, and the only reason she’s all “No, no, no” is because having sex with the customers is just not done. So this scene is not about James Bond forcing a woman to have sex with him. It’s about what much of the sixties was about, and that’s overcoming your sexual inhibitions.

Bond isn’t raping this woman. He’s not forcing himself on her. He’s sexually liberating her.

No, really, he is.


Are people really this stupid?

Or are they so insecure and neurotic, so desperate for approval that they just spout these simplistic moral bromides that make Joe McCarthy look like Timothy Leary?
And let’s not forget the payoff to this Thunderball subplot. Later in the movie, after Bond has liberated this woman from her sexual hang-ups and inhibitions, we see that Bond is servicing her. He’s giving her a massage with the mink glove. Right there at work, she’s allowing one of the customers to give her a massage.

The message here is ridiculously clear. She’s happier now, less uptight, more of a free spirit, and yes, liberated.

You know, it’s not even the sexless prudishness that bothers me as much as it’s fascist assholes like Fukanaga deliberately looking to terrify artists to behave within his fascist boundaries. And that he does so by smearing art is especially galling. And that’s what Thunderball is, it’s art, and in this briefest of brief subplots, it is art with a legitimate, complicated, and fascinating message.

Meanwhile, the actual rape of children continues in Hollywood......

The CCP hates James Bond
John Nolte takes this woke asshole apart....

The scene this goddamn simpleton is talking about is in Thunderball, where Connery’s Bond is recovering at some sort of rest spa and seduces a luscious therapist into a tryst.

It’s not rape. It’s nothing close to rape. It’s doesn’t even graze rape. What it is is a complicated, adult, nuanced, and sexy seduction. And it is also a seduction that’s making a much larger social point.

Bond and the therapist obviously want one another, and the only reason she’s all “No, no, no” is because having sex with the customers is just not done. So this scene is not about James Bond forcing a woman to have sex with him. It’s about what much of the sixties was about, and that’s overcoming your sexual inhibitions.

Bond isn’t raping this woman. He’s not forcing himself on her. He’s sexually liberating her.

No, really, he is.


Are people really this stupid?

Or are they so insecure and neurotic, so desperate for approval that they just spout these simplistic moral bromides that make Joe McCarthy look like Timothy Leary?
And let’s not forget the payoff to this Thunderball subplot. Later in the movie, after Bond has liberated this woman from her sexual hang-ups and inhibitions, we see that Bond is servicing her. He’s giving her a massage with the mink glove. Right there at work, she’s allowing one of the customers to give her a massage.

The message here is ridiculously clear. She’s happier now, less uptight, more of a free spirit, and yes, liberated.

You know, it’s not even the sexless prudishness that bothers me as much as it’s fascist assholes like Fukanaga deliberately looking to terrify artists to behave within his fascist boundaries. And that he does so by smearing art is especially galling. And that’s what Thunderball is, it’s art, and in this briefest of brief subplots, it is art with a legitimate, complicated, and fascinating message.

Meanwhile, the actual rape of children continues in Hollywood......

Sure people are this stupid.. Look around this board.
John Nolte takes this woke asshole apart....

The scene this goddamn simpleton is talking about is in Thunderball, where Connery’s Bond is recovering at some sort of rest spa and seduces a luscious therapist into a tryst.

It’s not rape. It’s nothing close to rape. It’s doesn’t even graze rape. What it is is a complicated, adult, nuanced, and sexy seduction. And it is also a seduction that’s making a much larger social point.

Bond and the therapist obviously want one another, and the only reason she’s all “No, no, no” is because having sex with the customers is just not done. So this scene is not about James Bond forcing a woman to have sex with him. It’s about what much of the sixties was about, and that’s overcoming your sexual inhibitions.

Bond isn’t raping this woman. He’s not forcing himself on her. He’s sexually liberating her.

No, really, he is.


Are people really this stupid?

Or are they so insecure and neurotic, so desperate for approval that they just spout these simplistic moral bromides that make Joe McCarthy look like Timothy Leary?
And let’s not forget the payoff to this Thunderball subplot. Later in the movie, after Bond has liberated this woman from her sexual hang-ups and inhibitions, we see that Bond is servicing her. He’s giving her a massage with the mink glove. Right there at work, she’s allowing one of the customers to give her a massage.

The message here is ridiculously clear. She’s happier now, less uptight, more of a free spirit, and yes, liberated.

You know, it’s not even the sexless prudishness that bothers me as much as it’s fascist assholes like Fukanaga deliberately looking to terrify artists to behave within his fascist boundaries. And that he does so by smearing art is especially galling. And that’s what Thunderball is, it’s art, and in this briefest of brief subplots, it is art with a legitimate, complicated, and fascinating message.

Meanwhile, the actual rape of children continues in Hollywood......
It was also a different time. There was no concept of date rape. No didn't mean no, it meant maybe, or later. In the sixties "nice girls" didn't willingly have sex, both sexes depended on men being pushy. Most seductions in those days would probably be considered date rapes by today's standards. It wasn't until the sexual revolution of late sixties and seventies that sex became acceptable to unmarried women according to societal norms.
John Nolte takes this woke asshole apart....

The scene this goddamn simpleton is talking about is in Thunderball, where Connery’s Bond is recovering at some sort of rest spa and seduces a luscious therapist into a tryst.

It’s not rape. It’s nothing close to rape. It’s doesn’t even graze rape. What it is is a complicated, adult, nuanced, and sexy seduction. And it is also a seduction that’s making a much larger social point.

Bond and the therapist obviously want one another, and the only reason she’s all “No, no, no” is because having sex with the customers is just not done. So this scene is not about James Bond forcing a woman to have sex with him. It’s about what much of the sixties was about, and that’s overcoming your sexual inhibitions.

Bond isn’t raping this woman. He’s not forcing himself on her. He’s sexually liberating her.

No, really, he is.


Are people really this stupid?

Or are they so insecure and neurotic, so desperate for approval that they just spout these simplistic moral bromides that make Joe McCarthy look like Timothy Leary?
And let’s not forget the payoff to this Thunderball subplot. Later in the movie, after Bond has liberated this woman from her sexual hang-ups and inhibitions, we see that Bond is servicing her. He’s giving her a massage with the mink glove. Right there at work, she’s allowing one of the customers to give her a massage.

The message here is ridiculously clear. She’s happier now, less uptight, more of a free spirit, and yes, liberated.

You know, it’s not even the sexless prudishness that bothers me as much as it’s fascist assholes like Fukanaga deliberately looking to terrify artists to behave within his fascist boundaries. And that he does so by smearing art is especially galling. And that’s what Thunderball is, it’s art, and in this briefest of brief subplots, it is art with a legitimate, complicated, and fascinating message.

Meanwhile, the actual rape of children continues in Hollywood......

Cary Fukunaga is a pajama boy who would not make a decent pimple on Sean Connery’s ass
Nothing more ridiculous than the racist right whining and lying about racist replacement theory and white grievance politics.
Well other than a klansman on every corner. Or the Russian Hoax......or the left segregating again .......Democrats gotta democrat
John Nolte takes this woke asshole apart....

The scene this goddamn simpleton is talking about is in Thunderball, where Connery’s Bond is recovering at some sort of rest spa and seduces a luscious therapist into a tryst.

It’s not rape. It’s nothing close to rape. It’s doesn’t even graze rape. What it is is a complicated, adult, nuanced, and sexy seduction. And it is also a seduction that’s making a much larger social point.

Bond and the therapist obviously want one another, and the only reason she’s all “No, no, no” is because having sex with the customers is just not done. So this scene is not about James Bond forcing a woman to have sex with him. It’s about what much of the sixties was about, and that’s overcoming your sexual inhibitions.

Bond isn’t raping this woman. He’s not forcing himself on her. He’s sexually liberating her.

No, really, he is.


Are people really this stupid?

Or are they so insecure and neurotic, so desperate for approval that they just spout these simplistic moral bromides that make Joe McCarthy look like Timothy Leary?
And let’s not forget the payoff to this Thunderball subplot. Later in the movie, after Bond has liberated this woman from her sexual hang-ups and inhibitions, we see that Bond is servicing her. He’s giving her a massage with the mink glove. Right there at work, she’s allowing one of the customers to give her a massage.

The message here is ridiculously clear. She’s happier now, less uptight, more of a free spirit, and yes, liberated.

You know, it’s not even the sexless prudishness that bothers me as much as it’s fascist assholes like Fukanaga deliberately looking to terrify artists to behave within his fascist boundaries. And that he does so by smearing art is especially galling. And that’s what Thunderball is, it’s art, and in this briefest of brief subplots, it is art with a legitimate, complicated, and fascinating message.

Meanwhile, the actual rape of children continues in Hollywood......
Dems are for it.....the whack off to Xiden sniffing little girls hair.......

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