Woke Democrats: Dr. Seuss is now racist.

When will this nutbaggery end? I think these idiots have already gone way to far with this idiocy. The backlash is coming and it will be massive.

This is not a new controversy.

When will this nutbaggery end? I think these idiots have already gone way to far with this idiocy. The backlash is coming and it will be massive.

Hey Nostra, screw you. Those books are offensive. No trans characters. No BLM characters. No reparations talk. Completely inappropriate. Wake up!
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It's so sad that it's so hard to find a discussion board populated with adults.

We're in a civil war.

Your side are the baddies. You are actively destroying civil rights and all the fundamental freedom this nation was built on. You attack every aspect of our culture in your racist pogrom against white devils.

Honestly, shooting seems more appropriate than discussing at this point.

Seriously, am I going to offer a point of logic that makes you suddenly stop being evil and destroying the Constitutional Republic?

When will this nutbaggery end? I think these idiots have already gone way to far with this idiocy. The backlash is coming and it will be massive.

This is not a new controversy.

If you are easily offended you will likely find controversy everywhere.
It's so sad that it's so hard to find a discussion board populated with adults.

We're in a civil war.

Your side are the baddies. You are actively destroying civil rights and all the fundamental freedom this nation was built on. You attack every aspect of our culture in your racist pogrom against white devils.

Honestly, shooting seems more appropriate than discussing at this point.

Seriously, am I going to offer a point of logic that makes you suddenly stop being evil and destroying the Constitutional Republic?


Just be honest. THat's all I ask of people. Just be honest. You are incapable of providing a point of logic.
When will this nutbaggery end? I think these idiots have already gone way to far with this idiocy. The backlash is coming and it will be massive.

This is not a new controversy.

Just proving that Nazis can find offense in absolutely anything.

You vile scum are the most intolerant motherfuckers on earth.

But of course we know that really isn't it - this is just a continuation of the systematic erasure of American culture.
Can stereotypes be racist?
Only if you are a sensitive snowflake. But they can be very funny.

Maybe in the history books talking about the South we should show all pics with people running around in white hoods?
Why pick the worst aspects and not the best? Do you want your life story written with emphasis only the times when you didn’t have the best days?

Do you think people who are being stereotyped are able to see beyond that? Why should they have to? Can you not teach a positive lesson without them?
When will this nutbaggery end? I think these idiots have already gone way to far with this idiocy. The backlash is coming and it will be massive.

Yep, our side has some in it that are almost as crazy as you. The good news is that is the few unlike your conspiracy laden fruitloop group.
Can stereotypes be racist?
Only if you are a sensitive snowflake. But they can be very funny.

So depicting black people as apes is funny to you?
When did I say that? Find that post. Depicting Italians as people who talk with their hands and get tans...see Jersey Shore is funny. Jewish stereotypes in terms of accents and such are funny and I am Jewish. Chill, snowflake.

Dr. Suess used clearly racist stereotypes like depicting blacks as apes. Not all his books are being prohibited in schools, just the ones using racist stereotypes.
Can stereotypes be racist?
You should ask the black community that question

Why? I'm asking here and it seems you do not want to answer.

Can stereotypes be racist?
What race doesn’t use stereotypes? It’s a stupid question.. You should treat all races equally

So stereotypes can be racist? If someone wants to no longer publish a racist stereotype, that is bad?
As long as you equally denounce it from every race and not used to attack one race to pander for votes.. hehe
Can stereotypes be racist?
Only if you are a sensitive snowflake. But they can be very funny.

Maybe in the history books talking about the South we should show all pics with people running around in white hoods?
Why pick the worst aspects and not the best? Do you want your life story written with emphasis only the times when you didn’t have the best days?

Do you think people who are being stereotyped are able to see beyond that? Why should they have to? Can you not teach a positive lesson without them?
So should we just eliminate comedy? What if the the letters PK offend me. Should you be forced to remove them from your user ID? This has to stop somewhere! Comedy should be offensive sometimes. That’s what makes it funny sometimes. When someone falls and trips. Or Naked Gun movies. We need to relax.

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