With poll numbers plummeting, Obama returns to bashing Bush


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2009
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Wolf Creek, Missouri
"For a guy who campaigned on taking responsibility and looking forward, he spends an awful lot of time pointing fingers and looking backward," said former Bush deputy press secretary Tony Fratto, who has begun defending the previous administration.

Big surprise here... I guess since the public doesn't like any of his ideas this is what he has to do to get his popularity back up...

Still amazes me that the media fails to point out that this $1.3 trillion that he keeps talking about came from his own party when they took over in 2006...
Yeah but his drones many of the on this message board will follow along.

As dumb ass Old Rocks pointed out in another thread, the Democrats have 265 votes in the house ( there are only 435 votes there) and 60 out of 100 in the Senate, YET somehow they are still claiming the Republicans are preventing them from accomplishing anything.

Let me do the math for ya, 170 Republicans and 265 democrats. Yet the Republicans are to blame. 38 Republicans, 2 Independents and 60 Democrats in the Senate and yet the Republicans are to blame.

Any person STUPID enough to believe that drivel belongs in a mental institution for their own safety.
Scapegoating is always an effective way to get heat off you.

Almost everyone hates Chimpy, ergo he's a wonderful target to blame for what ails you.
1/6th of the Democrats in the Senate would have to side with a solid block of Republicans. 1/5th of the Democrats in the House would have to side with the solid block of Republicans. And we are to believe the problem with the passage of this legislation is the Republicans.

In other words, over half of one body of the legislature has to vote against it and that includes a large block of Democrats and we are to believe the Republicans are blocking legislation.

How about a REALITY check, the Legislation STINKS, that is why so many Democrats won't vote for it.
"For a guy who campaigned on taking responsibility and looking forward, he spends an awful lot of time pointing fingers and looking backward," said former Bush deputy press secretary Tony Fratto, who has begun defending the previous administration.


No quotes to support your post?

Just the accusation?

Typical rightest nonsense.
the more dirt he throws the more ground he loses
"For a guy who campaigned on taking responsibility and looking forward, he spends an awful lot of time pointing fingers and looking backward," said former Bush deputy press secretary Tony Fratto, who has begun defending the previous administration.


No quotes to support your post?

Just the accusation?

Typical rightest nonsense.

I saw Obama's comments, he treid to claim Bush was a bigger spender then he is and that people have selective memory about it, a farce considering Obama has spent over a Trillion in just over 6 months.

In short, Obama is again campaigning and not governing, he doesn't show any interest or ability in running things, but he sure loves the camera and crowds.
I have never heard ANY president do as much bashing of the previous adminiistration as this one, it's ridiculous and quite un-becoming of the office of the President. But then again, look who's in there.
"For a guy who campaigned on taking responsibility and looking forward, he spends an awful lot of time pointing fingers and looking backward," said former Bush deputy press secretary Tony Fratto, who has begun defending the previous administration.


No quotes to support your post?

Just the accusation?

Typical rightest nonsense.

I saw Obama's comments, he treid to claim Bush was a bigger spender then he is and that people have selective memory about it, a farce considering Obama has spent over a Trillion in just over 6 months.

In short, Obama is again campaigning and not governing, he doesn't show any interest or ability in running things, but he sure loves the camera and crowds.

Obama spent what? The president doesn't spend anything..congress does. Unless you are a neo con christian fascist like Bush then you start a phoney war and even then you wouldn't put it on the books because you are a liar and a thief and thats just how you roll.
Yea that's all Hopey Changey has done so far in my opinion. Just more stale "Blame Bush" chit. :(
"For a guy who campaigned on taking responsibility and looking forward, he spends an awful lot of time pointing fingers and looking backward," said former Bush deputy press secretary Tony Fratto, who has begun defending the previous administration.


"In his White House press conference last week, Mr. Obama referred to the Bush era at least nine times, three times lamenting that he "inherited" a $1.3 trillion debt that has set back his administration's efforts to fix the economy."

Gee, I thought he said something today. Or even yesterday. Or even last Sunday, Saturday, Friday, or last Thursday.

And whatever makes you people think that the Bush Administration should get off scot free from the mess we're presently in? I'm seriously curious.
Big surprise here... I guess since the public doesn't like any of his ideas this is what he has to do to get his popularity back up...

Still amazes me that the media fails to point out that this $1.3 trillion that he keeps talking about came from his own party when they took over in 2006...

Oh really? Prove that, please. What spending bill did George W. Bush EVER veto?
Yeah but his drones many of the on this message board will follow along.

As dumb ass Old Rocks pointed out in another thread, the Democrats have 265 votes in the house ( there are only 435 votes there) and 60 out of 100 in the Senate, YET somehow they are still claiming the Republicans are preventing them from accomplishing anything.

Let me do the math for ya, 170 Republicans and 265 democrats. Yet the Republicans are to blame. 38 Republicans, 2 Independents and 60 Democrats in the Senate and yet the Republicans are to blame.

Any person STUPID enough to believe that drivel belongs in a mental institution for their own safety.

That's THIS session, dummy, not the last one when dems did NOT have a solid majority in the Senate. In fact it was dead even, with an iffy Lieberman as the tie breaker.
1/6th of the Democrats in the Senate would have to side with a solid block of Republicans. 1/5th of the Democrats in the House would have to side with the solid block of Republicans. And we are to believe the problem with the passage of this legislation is the Republicans.

In other words, over half of one body of the legislature has to vote against it and that includes a large block of Democrats and we are to believe the Republicans are blocking legislation.

How about a REALITY check, the Legislation STINKS, that is why so many Democrats won't vote for it.

Um, Sarge, the REALITY is that Republicans have indeed been able to block this (I assume you mean health care) by all the press they've been given by that evil "liberal" media. (Time to rethink THAT accusation, boys and girls...)

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