With Just 2 or 3 More Percent of the White Vote, Romney Would Have Won

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
The erudite Jared Taylor on changing demographics and what it means for Republicans and whites going forward:

The 2012 Election: What It Means for Whites | American Renaissance

Humble request to mods for this to be in CDZ: it's a serious video with no crazy crap... hoping for an intelligent discussion of this issue without the "white power, dude" and "you're a Nazi coward" stuff.
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What a bunch of bunk. Jared assumes people vote for color, not partisan, and not on issues, I know lots of whites - I define whites as people who think their heredity is pretty well understood - who voted for Obama. I know lots of republicans, mostly white who would vote republican regardless of candidate. Didn't Herman Cain do well in the primaries. And how about that moron West, he even won once. This stuff grows old and should be discarded. We are a melting pot and we need to get away from classifying people by mostly made up racial distinctions. Immigration is another topic - where I live we are becoming little Russia.

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What a bunch of bunk. Jared assumes people vote for color, not partisan, and not on issues, I know lots of whites - I define whites as people who think their heredity is pretty well understood - who voted for Obama. I know lots of republicans, mostly white who would vote republican regardless of candidate. Didn't Herman Cain do well in the primaries. And how about that moron West, he even won once. This stuff grows old and should be discarded. We are a melting pot and we need to get away from classifying people by mostly made up racial distinctions. Immigration is another topic - where I live we are becoming little Russia.


Personally, I think non-whites have learned -- out of necessity -- to vote by race, because only as a bloc do they have any power. And this is in fact how non-whites DO vote. Whites lag in this -- you are right that they are more issue-oriented, though I think it's true that much of what they CLAIM is non-racial is in fact racial.

Bottom line is that whites are going to have start acting like the minority they are soon to become. Vote as a bloc. Else, they will never see any of their preferred candidates win.
That assumes there is a set of "white" interests.

What makes you think there isn't?

Because race is a fiction.

Come on, Polk. This is nonsense on stilts. Nobody actually thinks "race is a fiction." You might think races are equal in terms of natural intelligence or temperament. Or not. You might think some races are treated unfairly, while others oppress. Or not.

But who can say with a straight face that "race does not exist"?

It exists in on the DNA level: studies show continent of origin is detectable through DNA. It exists on the social level: nobody would say "Hispanics are the race generally associated with Harlem". It exists on the political level: try telling the CBC they don't exist, see how far it gets you. It exists on the legal level: no court in America has ever said anything less than race exists, and how.

And finally, it exists on the plainest level: what we all see and experience in our daily lives.

Only whites -- both liberal and conservative -- are given to this 1984-esque statement.
Race remains debatable on a number of levels including the simple fact we are a mixture of a heck of a lot of genes if you go back several generation. The clan I belong to is Hispanic (PR) Austrian Catholic Jewish Polish Irish. So what are we? Blue green brown eyes too, some tan some burn. haha

Culture matters too. Historical moment too. That said Robert Lindsay writes about Race below, I am unsure what to make of his work and opinions. I came across his blog while searching a while ago. Below that is piece by a Black writer who demonstrates the problem of thinking in racial terms for children. Then we have the consequences of an all white vote. Rather telling.

"Most of us probably have racist tendencies somewhere; after all, we are human. I don’t mind people who are racists and accept them completely as long as they are aware they have a problem and struggle against it. It may well be a lifelong journey, but it’s well worth it. If you are racist and proud, I think I understand you, but I’m sorry you took that road."
Position on Race | Robert Lindsay

The Major and Minor Races of Mankind | Robert Lindsay

"As it turned out, my son did not misidentify color. He resisted identifying color at all. "I don't know," he would say when asked what color the grass was; or, most peculiarly, "It makes no difference." This latter remark, this assertion of the greenness of grass making no difference, was such a precociously cynical retort, that I began to suspect some social complication in which he was somehow invested.

The long and the short of it is that the well-meaning teachers at his predominantly white school had valiantly and repeatedly assured their charges that color makes no difference. "It doesn't matter," they told the children, "whether you're black or white or red or green or blue. " Yet upon further investigation, the very reason that the teachers had felt it necessary to impart this lesson in the first place was that it did matter, and in predictably cruel ways: some of the children had been fighting about whether black people could play "good guys." [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Seeing-Color-Blind-Future-Paradox-Lectures/dp/0374525331/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8]Seeing a Color-Blind Future: The Paradox of Race (1997 BBC Reith Lectures): Patricia J. Williams: 9780374525330: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

"On Tuesday, 400 students gathered on campus protesting the re-election of President Barack Obama, shouting racial slurs and burning a campaign poster. Police arrested two students – one for public intoxication and one for failure to comply with police orders." Racism defines post-election student protests at Mississippi, Hampden-Sydney | Inside Higher Ed

What The 2012 Election Would Have Looked Like Without Universal Suffrage
How the election results would have looked without universal suffrage | Mail Online


"Because racial privilege cannot be separated from the defense of local liberty in American history, it is no surprise that the state has been seen by many whites -from Oxford Mississippi to Boston Massachusetts- as the enemy of their local liberty." George Shulman

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley
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What a bunch of bunk. Jared assumes people vote for color, not partisan, and not on issues, I know lots of whites - I define whites as people who think their heredity is pretty well understood - who voted for Obama. I know lots of republicans, mostly white who would vote republican regardless of candidate. Didn't Herman Cain do well in the primaries. And how about that moron West, he even won once. This stuff grows old and should be discarded. We are a melting pot and we need to get away from classifying people by mostly made up racial distinctions. Immigration is another topic - where I live we are becoming little Russia.


Should be some great Slavic foods. I love Russian cabbage soup.
"As it turned out, my son did not misidentify color. He resisted identifying color at all. "I don't know," he would say when asked what color the grass was; or, most peculiarly, "It makes no difference." This latter remark, this assertion of the greenness of grass making no difference, was such a precociously cynical retort, that I began to suspect some social complication in which he was somehow invested.

Yes, there is something deeply weird about living in a society where we brainwash kids to deny grass is green. Ah, the Brave New World of Multiculturalism...
What a bunch of bunk. Jared assumes people vote for color, not partisan, and not on issues, I know lots of whites - I define whites as people who think their heredity is pretty well understood - who voted for Obama. I know lots of republicans, mostly white who would vote republican regardless of candidate. Didn't Herman Cain do well in the primaries. And how about that moron West, he even won once. This stuff grows old and should be discarded. We are a melting pot and we need to get away from classifying people by mostly made up racial distinctions. Immigration is another topic - where I live we are becoming little Russia.


Personally, I think non-whites have learned -- out of necessity -- to vote by race, because only as a bloc do they have any power. And this is in fact how non-whites DO vote. Whites lag in this -- you are right that they are more issue-oriented, though I think it's true that much of what they CLAIM is non-racial is in fact racial.

Bottom line is that whites are going to have start acting like the minority they are soon to become. Vote as a bloc. Else, they will never see any of their preferred candidates win.

Not sure why I'm responding to yet another racially motivated post of yours, but here goes...

First, the idea that whites are soon to become a minority is a misnomer. Yes, I've seen the estimates that in the next 20-40 years whites will make up less than 50% of the population. Even if that's true, however, whites will still be a far larger group than any other racial makeup; it will only be in comparison to all other races combined that whites can be considered a minority.

Second, I find it hilarious that you seem to be advocating whites ignore the issues when voting for president and instead vote based on race. This is exactly the type of thing we should work to prevent, not to encourage.

Last, you have to assume there is a general consensus amongst whites about who the best candidate is. What I have seen from this election, whites voted slightly less than 60-40 for Romney. That is nowhere near any kind of consensus. It's going to be pretty damn hard to get people to change their votes, especially if the basis for that change is nothing but, "Vote for the white guy!". That is even more true when you consider that nearly every presidential election in the history of the country has involved a choice between various white men.

I don't doubt that some voted based on race to elect Obama; probably much moreso the first time, but still. If Hillary, or some other woman, runs for president I imagine they will get record numbers of women to vote for them, too. When you have a first time, breaking into the previously unchanged group like that, it's probably inevitable. Hopefully, now that we've had a black president, that won't be such an issue in the future with any other black candidates. Whatever the case, though, this idea of whites voting as a group because they are white isn't going to happen any time soon. I imagine you know that's true, but can't help but put the idea out there anyway.
Second, I find it hilarious that you seem to be advocating whites ignore the issues when voting for president and instead vote based on race. This is exactly the type of thing we should work to prevent, not to encourage.

It is certainly counter-intuitive. Whites are trained to think of politics as a parlor game, where mom is voting for Obama and dad is voting for Mitt. Ha ha ha, please pass the tea, won't you. I'm trying to get whites into the mindset of making politics life-or-death. The issues aren't ignored, they simply follow the group behavior. Far better to have strength first and later decide what you want to do with it, than to have no strength, period.
First, the idea that whites are soon to become a minority is a misnomer. Yes, I've seen the estimates that in the next 20-40 years whites will make up less than 50% of the population. Even if that's true, however, whites will still be a far larger group than any other racial makeup; it will only be in comparison to all other races combined that whites can be considered a minority.

And under this scenario, they have ZERO power if they don't vote as a group. If they do, they at least have SOME.
Whatever the case, though, this idea of whites voting as a group because they are white isn't going to happen any time soon. I imagine you know that's true, but can't help but put the idea out there anyway.

Who knows. I propose they either vote as a group or die as a people. See Jared's comment on this in the OP. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. It's up to them, isn't it? I think at some point all the bullshit will evaporate and they'll come down out of fantasyland and start to think and act a little more tribally, just as all other groups of human beings on EARTH do. It's anti-intellectual, sure, but I like to intellectualize the anti-intellectual. It's just survival of the fittest, nothing too crazy about that. Pretty well established principles of the animal kingdom!
What a bunch of bunk. Jared assumes people vote for color, not partisan, and not on issues, I know lots of whites - I define whites as people who think their heredity is pretty well understood - who voted for Obama. I know lots of republicans, mostly white who would vote republican regardless of candidate. Didn't Herman Cain do well in the primaries. And how about that moron West, he even won once. This stuff grows old and should be discarded. We are a melting pot and we need to get away from classifying people by mostly made up racial distinctions. Immigration is another topic - where I live we are becoming little Russia.


Personally, I think non-whites have learned -- out of necessity -- to vote by race, because only as a bloc do they have any power. And this is in fact how non-whites DO vote. Whites lag in this -- you are right that they are more issue-oriented, though I think it's true that much of what they CLAIM is non-racial is in fact racial.

Bottom line is that whites are going to have start acting like the minority they are soon to become. Vote as a bloc. Else, they will never see any of their preferred candidates win.

My preferred candidates all won; I'm white.
I'd comment on this issue if presented in text but I'll be damned if I'm going to watch a video.

Yes the WHITE establishment is losing its grip on electoral politics.

So once every two years the White establishment has to pander to the people.

The rest of the time it could care less about people WHITE or otherwise.


THAT is why the DEMS won so many WHITE VOTES in the last election, too.

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