with Gaza and Israel for lastiing peace.
i live i n city were there is jewish school at one place o f the street and houseing for muslim people in anothre place of the street.i find this queston few days is peacefull street. the people who get kill in the city and in the parcs are not jewish people o r muslim people. there are people who get kill for drugs. this world needs good leader and presiident Barack Obama is the leader. the United Natiions can be strong with good leader i n America.the leaders i n the UN befojr have been stupid.this i s why there are many at wars i n the world.
i think with good leadershiip there will be peace.
with Gaza and Israel for lastiing peace.
i live i n city were there is jewish school at one place o f the street and houseing for muslim people in anothre place of the street.i find this queston few days is peacefull street. the people who get kill in the city and in the parcs are not jewish people o r muslim people. there are people who get kill for drugs. this world needs good leader and presiident Barack Obama is the leader. the United Natiions can be strong with good leader i n America.the leaders i n the UN befojr have been stupid.this i s why there are many at wars i n the world.
i think with good leadershiip there will be peace.