With all respects to Megan Kelly...


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2012
Just North of the 49th
Any question starting with "if you had known what you know now" should be preceeded by "Because I am an idiot I ask you:"

Would she have asked whomever advised JFK to tage a trip to Dallas on Nov 23 if he/she knew what they knew on Nov 25th?

Would she have advised President Lincoln to take a night off in the Ford theater if she had known the next day.

Hypothetical questions like that are asked and fed to fools who are foolish enough to answer them.
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Everybody can be a Monday morning quarterback, but going to war in Iraq was stupid even at the time.
Megyn Kelly...I am sure she blew her way to the top.
Any question starting with "if you had known what you know now" should be preceeded by "Because I am an idiot I ask you:"

Would she have asked whomever advised JFK to tage a trip to Dallas on Nov 23 if he/she knew what they knew on Nov 25th?

Would she have advised President Lincoln to take a night off in the Ford theater if she had known the next day.

Hypothetical questions like that are asked and fed to fools who are foolish enough to answer them.

What a stupid and repulsive (NON-)comparison.

Your premise is very wrong as well.

Its a valid question, a very important question, and one we will be examining for many years to come. Or perhaps you don't know how many Americans were killed and maimed, how many innocent civilians were killed and maimed, that we decimated, crushed an innocent country for their oil, which we don't need and didn't get and maybe you don't know that the monsters who were the driving force behind that disastrous mess that put the US into financial ruin that we will not dig out from under for generations to come - maybe you don't know they are war criminals and living in luxury sucking on the taxpayers teat.

As for Megan Kelly, she's a ditz in a short skirt. She is given questions that are first approved by the Muslim you worship and she reads from a teleprompter. The most important thing she does is visit the seamstress to have her skirts shortened.

The best thing you can say about her is that she keeps the hair dye and makeup applied with a trowel industry in the green.
Any question starting with "if you had known what you know now" should be preceeded by "Because I am an idiot I ask you:"

Would she have asked whomever advised JFK to tage a trip to Dallas on Nov 23 if he/she knew what they knew on Nov 25th?

Would she have advised President Lincoln to take a night off in the Ford theater if she had known the next day.

Hypothetical questions like that are asked and fed to fools who are foolish enough to answer them.

What a stupid and repulsive (NON-)comparison.

Your premise is very wrong as well.

Its a valid question, a very important question, and one we will be examining for many years to come. Or perhaps you don't know how many Americans were killed and maimed, how many innocent civilians were killed and maimed, that we decimated, crushed an innocent country for their oil, which we don't need and didn't get and maybe you don't know that the monsters who were the driving force behind that disastrous mess that put the US into financial ruin that we will not dig out from under for generations to come - maybe you don't know they are war criminals and living in luxury sucking on the taxpayers teat.

As for Megan Kelly, she's a ditz in a short skirt. She is given questions that are first approved by the Muslim you worship and she reads from a teleprompter. The most important thing she does is visit the seamstress to have her skirts shortened.

The best thing you can say about her is that she keeps the hair dye and makeup applied with a trowel industry in the green.

Nobody asked similar question of the Democratic contender for the presidency in 1968.

You cry about the casualties that are 12 times less than the casualties caused by the dog abuser Negro hater Lyndon Baines Johnson.

Megan Kelly is a highly qualified law expert, journalist and all around decent person all of which eluded you and will elude you for the rest of your miserable liberal life and that is why you take issue and make derogatory remarks about her appearance and sartorial preferences.

You are a low down illiterrate liberal whose only argument is personal insults.
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At the very least the question should have been proceeded with,
"Just as Obama and Clinton may have done things differently in Egypt when they overthrew our ally and put the terrorist group, Brotherhood in office, and in overthrowing the gov. in Libya, and when gun running in Syria made it necessary to kill our ambassador to prevent transparency, and removing any defense against ISIS in Iraq, would you have...............?"
Any question starting with "if you had known what you know now" should be preceeded by "Because I am an idiot I ask you:"

Would she have asked whomever advised JFK to tage a trip to Dallas on Nov 23 if he/she knew what they knew on Nov 25th?

Would she have advised President Lincoln to take a night off in the Ford theater if she had known the next day.

Hypothetical questions like that are asked and fed to fools who are foolish enough to answer them.

Not everyone swallowed the lies of the prior administration about Iraq.

It was patently obvious that Saddam didn't have the capability to refine weapons grade uranium and didn't have the capability to deliver it even if he had one. That utter drivel about UAV's was absurd. The USA had only just developed the technology and was still trying to figure out how to make it work but we were expected to believe that a 3rd world nation could do the same?

Congress and the American people were lied into a war that should never have happened.

And yes, it is perfectly legitimate to ask future leaders if they would do the same or if they have learned anything from the lesson of history.

That the OP doesn't grasp this concept merely exposes the OP's idiocy.

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