Winning hearts and minds

I never said it was all bush, he was just a patsy anyway.

its was the republican party who designed and presided over this mess.

It all came to fruation under their tax cuts for CEOs and deregulation

you sure did blame bush...just a quick search nabbed this post, i am sure there are others....

and your point is?

You see we saw the mess Bush was creating years in advance.

I supported it too but Bush and his crypt keeper Chartoff or whatever his name is used it to pay there cronies. Its the people who called us whiners every time we pointed to the emerging economic mess that were supporting Bush no matter what he did that I was talking about.

care to start telling the truth sometime?

Yeap I did use the name Bush and should have said the Bush admin.
I never said Bush was the only one responsible though.

It was the republican party who did this to us.

yeah i've said, i've seen more of your posts blaming bush

it is dishonest to claim only republicans caused this and i notice you keep running from post 235 where bush's admin called for......MORE......regulations of the lending industry, namely freddie and fannie....
Hey you assholes I already answered the question.

It was Shelby right up until jan 3 2007.

You partisan hacks like to try and say franks did this all in a few months.

Any honest person knows the fact that this was in the making for years. The years Shelby was in control


Did he invest a time machine and start Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
You parroted what some on both sides had said for a long time... but you did not predict any prolonged recession ahead of time... you did not come out with any revelation.... you have a habit of throwing enough shit against a wall and jumping for joy and taking claim when the occasional piece sticks

Now.... go sign over all your worldly possessions to the pakistanis in your will and go have fun with your plastic bag, nylon rope, and sex toys... just make it look like an accident before you off yourself

You owe me for the dry cleaning of my suit due to my chamomile tea angry dragon just now, and for a large size container of Brain Bleach to erase the imagery.
Now is the time to help Pakistan.

We should go in BIG time with food meds and sand bags to save the flood victims

My op

No one is stopping you. Go right ahead.

As for our government doing something, assuming it had the authority we have one major problem:


We need to stop pretending as though we can spend out the wazoo and there are no consequences.
People , Pakistan has nukes.

Do you want a good relationship with them or a bad one?

So, that's your concern? The nukes? Not the fact that millions are homeless, starving, no clean water, kids left orphans, whole communities wiped out? What a nice person you are.

Anyone who thinks that aid will achieve this 'winning of hearts and minds' is a fucking idiot.

Can't rep you again so soon:)

Cant win hearts and minds when you don't have a real message and you don't stand for anything.
When you feed a child who is hungry you are doing good.

that child recognises the good thing you have done and will be far less likely to listen to some asshole preaching that you are evil.

I know it makes too much sense for you people to back but that is why this country is such a fucking mess.

You only care about party yet country and doing the right thing take a back seat every time.


That child grows up thinking that he is entitled to the food and aid you have provided so when you stop giving him aid and give it to people who actually need it he gets angry and hates you even more.
Hey why if it isnt the girl who doesnt give a rats assw about American kids let alone foreign kids right on cue.

Im sure you are here to say DROWN DROWN DROWN

TM what are you doing for Americna or Pakistani kids?

Provide substance.
Great idea!

Let's borrow more money from China and donate it to Pakistan. The whole world will love us then. :thup:

Until, of course, we can't pay them back and they decide the best way to get a return on their money is by invading.
You don't buy peace.. and their citizens are not our little puppies we have to feed and house train

If you as a bleeding heart feel the need to help... find a charity... donate til the cows come home... but this should not be a government expense of ours

People arent won by bribery. You are right about that.
I can now conclude that TM really is just fucking dumb. For a while, I thought she might be smart enough to see part partisanship. But no. It is too late for her.... she is lost forever.

Let's move on.

There is no one on earth who is lost forever.
I told you what would happen and it did a year later.

AND you are suggesting we SPEND more of what we DONT have! :cuckoo:

You suggest we win hearts and minds with money we DONT have

You suggest spending money that is not YOURS.

You were fine with Bush spending money he didnt have to kill people

No We weren't fine with Bush spending money we didn't have either. That was one of the biggest criticisms we had for him.
Your opinion that it was all the banks' fault is lunacy and historically & economically illiterate.

who wrote the loans you idiot.

who didnt police the banks?

Who allowed this toi build instead of acting to avert it while it was being created?

This is why your party is such a failure.

You admitt to NO truth you dont like.

Bad info in =bad decisions out

Which would all be fine and dandy but..... George Bush called on Congress to act in '06. They chose not to.... hmmmm.... who was that again? Oh yea, the Democrats.

And.... again.... YOU DID NOT PREDICT THE COLLAPSE. Economists predicted it. You just agreed with them...... SO DID I, you fucking moron. I worked with the actual Economists who were among those predicting it. THEY WERE RIGHT. NOT YOU. NOT ME. THEM.

And of course Glenn Beck... which probably frustrates the heck out of her:)

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