Winning hearts and minds


he stood back and let congress work it, the dems were mad at him for NOT speaking out about it.

You just refuse to give him credit for ANYTHING.

But then you are a liar anyway so why would anyone be surprized

post 235 ya psycho

and what i said is the absolute truth...he ran on no larger issue and never promoted anything as much as he did h/c....he owns it, deal with it
Where is the post that shows Bush warned of a economic collapse in 2006?

Go and find the timeline towards economic collapse - it's put together by economists from around the world.

Then go and read thru Bush's speeches on the economy from 04 05 and 06.

Plenty of warnings.

Except most people ignored them or ridiculed them.

Welcome to the 'critical thinking 101'

he stood back and let congress work it, the dems were mad at him for NOT speaking out about it.

You just refuse to give him credit for ANYTHING.

But then you are a liar anyway so why would anyone be surprized

post 235 ya psycho

and what i said is the absolute truth...he ran on no larger issue and never promoted anything as much as he did h/c....he owns it, deal with it

He did not design it now did he.

remember what he suggested?

a public option

He signed what congress hashed out.

he doesnt own it now we all own it.

its much better than the system you would cheer for right up until you realised you had no medical coverage.
Where is the post that shows Bush warned of a economic collapse in 2006?

Go and find the timeline towards economic collapse - it's put together by economists from around the world.

Then go and read thru Bush's speeches on the economy from 04 05 and 06.

Plenty of warnings.

Except most people ignored them or ridiculed them.

Welcome to the 'critical thinking 101'

You claimed it you proove it asshole

he stood back and let congress work it, the dems were mad at him for NOT speaking out about it.

You just refuse to give him credit for ANYTHING.

But then you are a liar anyway so why would anyone be surprized

post 235 ya psycho

and what i said is the absolute truth...he ran on no larger issue and never promoted anything as much as he did h/c....he owns it, deal with it

He did not design it now did he.

remember what he suggested?

a public option

He signed what congress hashed out.

he doesnt own it now we all own it.

its much better than the system you would cheer for right up until you realised you had no medical coverage.

lmao....its not obama's....but bush is responsible for the entire economy :lol:
I never said it was all bush, he was just a patsy anyway.

its was the republican party who designed and presided over this mess.

It all came to fruation under their tax cuts for CEOs and deregulation
Now is the time to help Pakistan.

We should go in BIG time with food meds and sand bags to save the flood victims

Fuck Pakistan. Did they help with any of our natural disasters?

FUCK Pakistan ?

Talking about FUCKING.....and its counterpart: ROMANCE.....and MUSLIMS......

Just read this quote on another thread that incorporates all of the THREE concepts (The Holy Muslim way):

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand Ayatollah between 1979 and 1989, said in an official statement, which appears in his book, Tahrirolvasyleh:

“A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by Sharia). If the man penetrates and damages the child, then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of his four permanent wives…It is better for a girl to marry when her menstruation starts, and at her husband’s house rather than her father’s home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven.”


Can't wait to read TRUTHDoesn'tMatter, BogusWanger, ZonyaBologna, BuggyHuggy, RdeanieWeenie, PissusaLarausa, The WetbackPeyoteCoyote, Muddlebert, etc....the creme de la creme of Obamarrhoidal Lieberrhoids respond to this FUCKINGMUSLIMROMANTIC conception of Parental Love.

TruthDoesn'tMatters' response:

and Mormans do about the same with little girls as well as heave their boy children out of the family so their is more little girls for the old men.

Now is Mitt Romney responsible for that?


That is an awfully lame response even for an Obamarrhoidal Lieberrhoid like you.

Hopefully, some of your Lieberrhoidal colleagues can come up with a response that is somewhere within light years of pertinancy in explaining FUCKINGMUSLIMROMANTIC conception of Parental Love as enunciated by one of the MOST revered Islamic Scholars of World Renown.
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I never said it was all bush, he was just a patsy anyway.

its was the republican party who designed and presided over this mess.

It all came to fruation under their tax cuts for CEOs and deregulation

you sure did blame bush...just a quick search nabbed this post, i am sure there are others....

More D's voted for the bailout than R's.

and your point is?

You see we saw the mess Bush was creating years in advance.

I supported it too but Bush and his crypt keeper Chartoff or whatever his name is used it to pay there cronies. Its the people who called us whiners every time we pointed to the emerging economic mess that were supporting Bush no matter what he did that I was talking about.

care to start telling the truth sometime?
and Mormans do about the same with little girls as well as heave their boy children out of the family so their is more little girls for the old men.

Now is Mitt Romney responsible for that?
I never said it was all bush, he was just a patsy anyway.

its was the republican party who designed and presided over this mess.

It all came to fruation under their tax cuts for CEOs and deregulation

you sure did blame bush...just a quick search nabbed this post, i am sure there are others....

More D's voted for the bailout than R's.

and your point is?

You see we saw the mess Bush was creating years in advance.

I supported it too but Bush and his crypt keeper Chartoff or whatever his name is used it to pay there cronies. Its the people who called us whiners every time we pointed to the emerging economic mess that were supporting Bush no matter what he did that I was talking about.

care to start telling the truth sometime?

Yeap I did use the name Bush and should have said the Bush admin.
I never said Bush was the only one responsible though.

It was the republican party who did this to us.

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