Windy Davis - typical vicious and hateful left-wing android.

I think her statements are intended as a way of not treating him differently because of his disability. Like, for example, referring to a blind opponent and saying "My opponent doesn't see the difference between such and such." Isn't it respectful rather than cruel to treat people with disabilities the way we would treat anyone else? I believe that is her intention. Probably not the best idea in politics where every word is scruntinized and the worst case scenario is put on them.

We should call you ..Stretch "E"
I think her statements are intended as a way of not treating him differently because of his disability. Like, for example, referring to a blind opponent and saying "My opponent doesn't see the difference between such and such." Isn't it respectful rather than cruel to treat people with disabilities the way we would treat anyone else? I believe that is her intention. Probably not the best idea in politics where every word is scruntinized and the worst case scenario is put on them.

Lol! Nice spin.
So the truth keeps unraveling about another lying left-wing politician. There is absolutely no truth to this pathological liars life history, just a multitude of falsehoods to portray herself as the struggling leftist who has had nothing but a life of pain and hardships...but look at her now, she overcame, oh how strong and resilient she is. What is not included in her attempt to make us feel her *ahem*, uh...pain is, it's all a lie

It doesn't end there. Aren't Democrats and leftists supposed to be compassionate? The ones that are there for those who are struggling, oppressed and at a disadvantage? Oh, it is a wonderful propaganda piece, they sure talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.

I will say Windy (yes I am purposely spelling her name that way) Davis is far from dumb, she's a smart person. You see, I'm not going to follow the same path as leftists and think anyone with differing views is an idiot. Davis is indeed smart, and at the same time a typical very vicious, cruel heartless left-winger. Make no mistake about it, the following comments by Davis were no gaffes, but intentional vicious remarks in hopes if invoking a harsh response from Abbott in hopes the Democrat party's propaganda machine - the media would relentlessly attack him as being a sexist and typical anti-woman Republican.

"And I guarantee you that anyone (referring to Abbott) who tries to say otherwise hasn't walked a mile in my shoes"

"Greg Abbott is running scared and for good reason"

Can you imagine if a Republican directed these statements towards a Democrat who was a paraplegic? The Democrat Party's mouthpieces, the media would crucify that Republican.

These comments by Davis have presented Republicans with a great opportunity to accuse the Democrats of having a war on the handicapped.

Ahhhh, the left-wing's rising star now appears to be a fart in the wind as the truth of her long list of lies continue to unravel. In closing, considering Windy dumped her husband after he paid the last of her tuition for Harvard, and she abandoned her children, I'd like to offer a perfect theme song for Windy Davis's campaign for Governor of TX.

Kenny Rogers - Lucille.wmv - YouTube

She's trying to be the New Biden and get the VP nod from Raoul Castro or whoever the Dems nominate in 2016
These despicable yahoos seem to forget that their greatest "hero", FDR was also wheel chair bound.

Not only that, but he was deceptive, and tried to hide the fact.

And the son-of-a-bitch was also a chain smoker.

He also won WWII.


sorry to have to burst your bubble, but the lying commie supporter son-of-a-bitch was a dead rotting corpse when WWII was over, FDR had nothing to do with ending the war. had he lived the war would have dragged on for another 5 or more years.., AND that is the fucking truth :up:
these people will NEVER be Americans again until they can accept facts.

Fox lies to them and they lap it up like pablum.

they are just not very bright or very honest.

they believe what strokes their ego and care nothing for provable facts.

Its why the right always gets everything wrong
They HATE one of the greatest presidents in our countys history because he had a D after his name.

they are not rational they are NOT good actors
Yeah yeah yeah.

Now you are backing down.

Like a good little spineless jellyfish.

Burble Burble.


What kind of childish game are playing, scum?

Trying to goad me? Taunt me?

You're out of your league, scum.

Once you've got the shelves stocked, and don't forget to 'front' the items this time, I need you to clean the bathrooms.

This time, use a cloth. It upsets the customers when they see you licking the urinals

I understand.

You're confused.

You think you are a manager at Walmart.

Here's a are not.

And I don't work there with you.

That's what fear does. it confuses folks.

Now get off the computer, pick up the mop and get back to work. Stop threatening folks as well. Especially those that could tune you in a second.


impossible, you libs are supposed to be non violent, compassionate, and pussies, so where could you find just one who could "tune" a paraplegic.

your kind are sick in the head, liberalism is a mental disorder, we on the right have known this for many, many years.

actually, please continue to lick the urinals, you would likely eat the cloth. :lmao:


(This article first appeared in the January 20, 1992 edition of Citizen magazine)

How Planned Parenthood Duped America

At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.

... | The Truth About Margaret Sanger
Back in the real world, MLK, Bethune, Du Bois and all the black leaders of the day were major Sanger backers.

That should tell you that the pro-lifers are lying big time. They don't care, of course. These are conservatives, and they define lying for the cause as a good and holy thing. They lie about Sanger, Davis, everything, backslapping each other when someone comes up with a particularly new and imaginative whopper.
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Stand with Wendy Davis!

You can be sure that the hard core Left in Texas will stand with Wendy Davis. But, this is not New York you are talking about here. You need woman as your swing vote. How many Texas woman who are married or single Moms are going to identify with Davis......dumping your children and heading East to a Yankee elite school? How likely or admirable is that among the swing vote in Texas??
'Mr. Davis told the Dallas Morning News that Wendy dumped him as soon as he had finished paying off her Harvard Law School loan. "It was ironic," he said. "I made the last payment, and it was the next day she left."'

Actually, it was not ironic, it was stupid. Not a surprise that the sugar daddy is a liberal.

She is true to her colors.....hard core liberals expect to spend the money of the working white guy. Texas woman by and large are self sufficient....vs. the Harvard elite and their wannabes.
Back in the real world, MLK, Bethune, Du Bois and all the black leaders of the day were major Sanger backers.

That should tell you that the pro-lifers are lying big time. They don't care, of course. These are conservatives, and they define lying for the cause as a good and holy thing. They lie about Sanger, Davis, everything, backslapping each other when someone comes up with a particularly new and imaginative whopper.

MaMoo, every black person should watch that video and listen to the words from her own progressive word hole...:eusa_angel:

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