Windows 10 business setup....all day affair.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
In all of my years of setting up more boxes than I can possibly remember, from Windows 3.1 to Windows 10...MacOs 8 to OSX... Linux Redhat 7 to Mint 17.
I have never had so much trouble setting up a machine with ANY operating system.
Our UPS Worldship box died, we had to replace it right away. I would have preferred to get a box with Win7, but I didn't have a choice I had to run out and get a new PC and that meant Win 10.
First thing I lost was the good 30 minutes waiting for Win 10 to setup.
Then I spent another 15 minutes or so uninstalling HP bloatware.
Then I started to install UPS Worldship...whic for some reason is a monstrous program that takes a good hour to install. So yeah..... after 30 minutes or so....I walk back to check on the box and I notice the blue screen message "updated 20%...Please do not shut off your computer"..... OMG.
Yep, windows decided it wanted to go ahead and update, had restarted and now my UPS install was corrupt.
After spending about 45 minutes with UPS support I finally removed all of the pieces left by the corrupted install.
Then started again and finished.
Not over yet.
Can't seem to get the scales to that.
Can't get the HP 5100 to sending reports to a newer printer 50 yards away.
Can't get the Zebra thermal printer to setup right....finally figured that out.

So after starting this around 8:30 this morning....didn't finish till about 2:15pm.

There is no excuse for this.
I could install Win 3.1 with 8 floppy diskettes and then install Novell network etc, in 1/4th this time.
In all of my years of setting up more boxes than I can possibly remember, from Windows 3.1 to Windows 10...MacOs 8 to OSX... Linux Redhat 7 to Mint 17.
I have never had so much trouble setting up a machine with ANY operating system.
Our UPS Worldship box died, we had to replace it right away. I would have preferred to get a box with Win7, but I didn't have a choice I had to run out and get a new PC and that meant Win 10.
First thing I lost was the good 30 minutes waiting for Win 10 to setup.
Then I spent another 15 minutes or so uninstalling HP bloatware.
Then I started to install UPS Worldship...whic for some reason is a monstrous program that takes a good hour to install. So yeah..... after 30 minutes or so....I walk back to check on the box and I notice the blue screen message "updated 20%...Please do not shut off your computer"..... OMG.
Yep, windows decided it wanted to go ahead and update, had restarted and now my UPS install was corrupt.
After spending about 45 minutes with UPS support I finally removed all of the pieces left by the corrupted install.
Then started again and finished.
Not over yet.
Can't seem to get the scales to that.
Can't get the HP 5100 to sending reports to a newer printer 50 yards away.
Can't get the Zebra thermal printer to setup right....finally figured that out.

So after starting this around 8:30 this morning....didn't finish till about 2:15pm.

There is no excuse for this.
I could install Win 3.1 with 8 floppy diskettes and then install Novell network etc, in 1/4th this time.
Better you than me.......... :D
I'm still using Windows 7, Home Edition. As a certified computer dummy I dread being forced to "upgrade" to another operating system, which is always a tormenting, and for me, unnecessary ordeal.

I was absolutely content with Windows 95, Second Edition, and I luckily avoided Windows 8 and a few of the other intermittent miseries.
I'm still using Windows 7, Home Edition. As a certified computer dummy I dread being forced to "upgrade" to another operating system, which is always a tormenting, and for me, unnecessary ordeal.

I was absolutely content with Windows 95, Second Edition, and I luckily avoided Windows 8 and a few of the other intermittent miseries.

Well there has been improvements since Win95....but most of that has nothing to do with the OS, but other advancements that the OS had to change to accommodate.
Perhaps you meant Windows 98 SE?
Windows XP (which is really Windows 98 on a NTFS platform) was a pretty good OS after 2-3 years of M$ finally getting it right.
In all of my years of setting up more boxes than I can possibly remember, from Windows 3.1 to Windows 10...MacOs 8 to OSX... Linux Redhat 7 to Mint 17.
I have never had so much trouble setting up a machine with ANY operating system.
Our UPS Worldship box died, we had to replace it right away. I would have preferred to get a box with Win7, but I didn't have a choice I had to run out and get a new PC and that meant Win 10.
First thing I lost was the good 30 minutes waiting for Win 10 to setup.
Then I spent another 15 minutes or so uninstalling HP bloatware.
Then I started to install UPS Worldship...whic for some reason is a monstrous program that takes a good hour to install. So yeah..... after 30 minutes or so....I walk back to check on the box and I notice the blue screen message "updated 20%...Please do not shut off your computer"..... OMG.
Yep, windows decided it wanted to go ahead and update, had restarted and now my UPS install was corrupt.
After spending about 45 minutes with UPS support I finally removed all of the pieces left by the corrupted install.
Then started again and finished.
Not over yet.
Can't seem to get the scales to that.
Can't get the HP 5100 to sending reports to a newer printer 50 yards away.
Can't get the Zebra thermal printer to setup right....finally figured that out.

So after starting this around 8:30 this morning....didn't finish till about 2:15pm.

There is no excuse for this.
I could install Win 3.1 with 8 floppy diskettes and then install Novell network etc, in 1/4th this time.
I had the same problem only worse. It was the paint mixing programs I was installing that made it a nightmare. Then they would not give me permisions to solve any problems my self. I had to get on the phone with central and stand there and watch while they took the machine over and fixed it themselves. I would spend an hour an a half wating on a tech who would then excalate it to a higher tech and I would wait another hour on that ass hat. They would not even let me go and work on something else while the tech took over the machine I had to stand there and tell them what i was seeing!
Well there has been improvements since Win95....but most of that has nothing to do with the OS, but other advancements that the OS had to change to accommodate.

Perhaps you meant Windows 98 SE?

Windows XP (which is really Windows 98 on a NTFS platform) was a pretty good OS after 2-3 years of M$ finally getting it right.
Yes. You're right. It was Windows 98 SE, but I did have Windows 95 and, as I recall, I got along with it.

But I did manage to avoid a number of the Windows editions that got a lot of bad publicity. I believe Windows 8 was one of them.
I run any new OS install for 2-3 days without adding anything just to make sure there isn't some lingering bullshit waiting to drop an anvil on your foot. Tougher to do in an office situation of course. Also I think every computer should have two hard drives with a complete OS install. Use one, leave the other as a backup waiting for the inevitable day, upgrading just it's OS as time goes by. Today they just slide in and out with eeeze.

The question that comes to mind is always 'they've been making computers and Operating Systems for them for 35 years, do these idgits ever learn anything? Have they not constructed a program that can run through their finished OS and find any broken or conflicting code? What year is this? Where's my flying car!? :alcoholic:
Everyday UPS runs an "End of Day" program that sends all of your shipment data to UPS, backs up your data and prints out the EOD report.
First thing I see is "End of Day activity failed"..... sigh.
So I reran it and it failed again because Win10 dropped the printer I set up. This is a notorious problem with Win 10 in a networked-office environment.
So, like I have done on a different computer in the office, I have launched "spooler" and minimize it so folks can stop and start the process when it drops the printer.

WTF M$???....what is this...1996???
The continued problems...
So....twice now Win10 simply drops the network. Even though it is using Ethernet.
The network status will show it is active and connected, but it actually isn't. Can't ping anything on the network or internet. Even if I restart the process, it will not reconnect.
Only way I can fix it is to completely restart Win10....which we all know how long that takes.
Problem is, again it effects UPS worldship. UPS conducts transactions and database updates during the night. Which sometimes are lengthy.
So I end up doing it during the day.
Unbelievable to me. Worse than Windows 95 ever thought about.
The continued problems...
So....twice now Win10 simply drops the network. Even though it is using Ethernet.
The network status will show it is active and connected, but it actually isn't. Can't ping anything on the network or internet. Even if I restart the process, it will not reconnect.
Only way I can fix it is to completely restart Win10....which we all know how long that takes.
Problem is, again it effects UPS worldship. UPS conducts transactions and database updates during the night. Which sometimes are lengthy.
So I end up doing it during the day.
Unbelievable to me. Worse than Windows 95 ever thought about.
This last Windows update caused the wife a couple of problems, she start talking to me about putting Linux on her laptop, this means she's getting closer to switching...... Not just yet, I'll wait until she is fed up with Microsoft and demanding I install Linux........ :thup:

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