Windbag Hypocrisy.. Big Solar annoyed by wind farm..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Not the first time the Martha's Vineyard crowd have been caught being hypocrites on the placement of Wind Farms. Unlike the Kennedy's objections, this dude is the CEO of a major Solar systems company..

Wind Energy Mogul Protested Wind Farm Off His Summer Home on Martha's Vineyard - The Gateway Pundit

Thomas Melone, CEO of Allco Renewable Energy, protested a wind farm offshore from his summer home on Martha’s Vineyard.

It would affect his viewscapes and hurt his home value.

Now he’s attacking Vermonters who oppose his wind farm project near Bennington.
The Daily Signal reported:

A green energy mogul who protested an offshore wind farm near his summer home on Martha’s Vineyard is criticizing Vermonters who oppose his company’s four-megawatt combined solar farm proposed in Bennington.

While the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court rejected his “not in my backyard”-based complaints in May 2012, Melone and Allco have issued scathing criticisms toward Vermonters who say Allco’s Chelsea Solar farm, planned for Bennington’s Apple Hill area, will greatly disrupt noise, wind, and visual aesthetics for local residents and visitors to the nearby welcome center.
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Typical NIMBY asshole! Thanks for posting this!
Daily Caller did a crap job reposting this story.. Confused AllCo with a WIND company. Follow the link to the ORIGINAL reporting that's in the DailyCaller blurb..
Daily Caller did a crap job reposting this story.. Confused AllCo with a WIND company. Follow the link to the ORIGINAL reporting that's in the DailyCaller blurb..

I did. You had laid it out pretty good though.
Can't resist putting TWO leftist eco-hypocrits on the same page.
Here's Robert "the Green" Kennedy whining about the same attempt to put wind offshore of Martha's Vinyard..

by Robert Kennedy circa 2010

AS an environmentalist, I support wind power, including wind power on the high seas. I am also involved in siting wind farms in appropriate landscapes, of which there are many. But I do believe that some places should be off limits to any sort of industrial development. I wouldn't build a wind farm in Yosemite National Park. Nor would I build one on Nantucket Sound, which is exactly what the company Energy Management is trying to do with its Cape Wind project.

Environmental groups have been enticed by Cape Wind, but they should be wary of lending support to energy companies that are trying to privatize the commons -- in this case 24 square miles of a heavily used waterway. And because offshore wind costs twice as much as gas-fired electricity and significantly more than onshore wind, the project is financially feasible only because the federal and state governments have promised $241 million in subsidies.

Cape Wind's proposal involves construction of 130 giant turbines whose windmill arms will reach 417 feet above the water and be visible for up to 26 miles. These turbines are less than six miles from shore and would be seen from Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.

Are you freaking kidding me?? King of eco-fraud left is whining about "FEDERAL AND STATE subsidies for a WIND installation???

It's amazing that these hypocrites believe they have any credibility or dignity left when they come to BADGER us about eco issues..

Really, I think that we should put a coal fired plant in the Kochs backyard. NIMBY is a very common refrain, expecially among the rich.
Really, I think that we should put a coal fired plant in the Kochs backyard. NIMBY is a very common refrain, expecially among the rich.

Yes, it is. Funny how they don't give a shit about the poor peoples views or how much the energy costs them.
Really, I think that we should put a coal fired plant in the Kochs backyard. NIMBY is a very common refrain, expecially among the rich.

ACTUALLY GoldiRocks -- The Koch Bros did that for you. Seems with all that timber waste from G-Pacific, they love themselves some GREEN biomass energy conversion. And are building out several power plants with about $1Bill in GREEN subsidies that you are generously providing to them.. Happy now??? :eusa_dance:

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