Will Trump's Indictment Lead to More GOP Presidential Candidates?

I'm proud and quite happy that you're upset. Stress leads to shortened life spans. When you go we'll call that addition by subtraction.

By wishing literal death on those whose politics you don't like, you poison your own soul. I feel bad for you. The Bible calls that "heaping coals on your head"
They do appear to be convinced that this is about politics only.

That actually makes sense, considering the fact that so much is kept from them.

Congrats on doing your part to destroy what was once the greatest nation in the history of the world
And then they'll manufacture something on Ron DeSantis next. And like a fool, you'll stuff your face full of popcorn when it happens, not realizing you've burned down your own house.

We never deserved America.

Trump caused all of it
Nothing manufactured

Will you believe Meadows and Trump lawyers when you read their statements taken under oath?
It will likely have the opposite effect – Trump will be even more popular among Republicans.
You're right. He will be more popular and bring in more campaign donations. We've watched this movie for 6 years. Meanwhile Joe has been fingered by a Burisma exec for taking a 5 million dollar bribe and nothing is in the MSM news about it. People can see what is happening and a huge amount of respect for the law has been lost.
Now that Trump has been indicted; do you think folks who were sitting it out will now get into the race?

I can see a few changing their minds (Sununu in NH for one) but not many.
Trump hasn't been president for over two and a half years. Get up to date. Lets talk about the piss poor job biden is doing, his lying and him living in a delusion. Or how about we talk about how he shakes hands with spooks or any other democRat.
Trump hasn't been president for over two and a half years. Get up to date.
In other words change the subject.

Will Trump's Indictment Lead to More GOP Presidential Candidates?​

Lets talk about the piss poor job biden is doing, his lying and him living in a delusion. Or how about we talk about how he shakes hands with spooks or any other democRat.
BECAUSE.................THAT isn't the subject.

Will Trump's Indictment Lead to More GOP Presidential Candidates?​

Trump hasn't been president for over two and a half years. Get up to date. Lets talk about the piss poor job biden is doing, his lying and him living in a delusion. Or how about we talk about how he shakes hands with spooks or any other democRat.
Biden is doing a better job than most thought.... But that wasn't the point of the thread. Thanks for bringing it up though.
Now that Trump has been indicted; do you think folks who were sitting it out will now get into the race?

I can see a few changing their minds (Sununu in NH for one) but not many.

Au contraire. The Fake Indictments of President Trump are putting the nomination out of reach for other presidential candidates and would be candidates.

I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the current candidates throwing in the towel soon, figuring the Trumpster has the nomination in the bag so they might as well call it a day.

Trump's legal proceedings will suck all of the oxygen out of the room.
Are you referring to the James Comey whitewash? Are you that corrupt?
You should love Comey. If it weren't for him reopening the investigation 2 weeks before the election, she would have probably won, and we would know how bad somebody, not only self serving and devoid of scruples but knowing the government and how it works, inside and out could screw up the country for their own benefit. She had potential to be worse than Donny.
You should love Comey. If it weren't for him reopening the investigation 2 weeks before the election, she would have probably won, and we would know how bad somebody, not only self serving and devoid of scruples but knowing the government and how it works, inside and out could screw up the country for their own benefit. She had potential to be worse than Donny.
Hillary Clinton would be better than DJ tramp. DJ tramp was the worst potus so far, right up there as Nixon.

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