Zone1 Will this War Prepare the Way for the Rebuilding of the Temple?

Oh, methinks you're far more educated towards all this folly surada.....~S~

I'm tired tonight... and a little sad.

So you think the way forward is to go back to slaughtering farm animals in yet another fancy temple (made by human hands) throwing the scraps to the captivated throngs? What a guy!

Wait! Let me guess! You want to be the high priest? A glorified butcher? Copra sanctum!!

Can't you take a hint from God?
The average Israeli lives in a two bedroom condo Hobe where do you think those farm animals are going to be stored in their homes lets be serious… Ancient Israel was agregorian each family had its own flock of animals that is not the case now so your point is mute… A temple can be rebuilt an altar can be in it for educational purposes there are many different scenarios that can be worked out… Why then if this is not solved are we not able to have our own central authority like others do…
No high priest is what they call a priest in a Colorado church.
The funny thing is ” Chai” (High) in Hebrew is “ LIFE” so a LIFE priest as all the other priests in all the other religions are Death priests as that is what they teach The reward is only after death... Judaism teaches LIFE as in this life to be all that you can be not just to better yourself but others and the world as well.. Too bad so many people miss that clue…
The funny thing is ” Chai” (High) in Hebrew is “ LIFE” so a LIFE priest as all the other priests in all the other religions are Death priests as that is what they teach The reward is only after death... Judaism teaches LIFE as in this life to be all that you can be not just to better yourself but others and the world as well.. Too bad so many people miss that clue…
Ironically those who are prejudice and spreading the antisemitic surge are proving the need for the Mikdash, because they selectively choose to signal the few people as scapegoats who are not even religious, but who think they are doing that service to the world and are arrogantly p'oing people and our lansman suffer the consequences of their arrogance and the ignorance of stereotyping from racists.
However, if there was a central source platform, those thinking they are doing right, but not what'a best would know their path was not righteous and there would be knowledge of the proper path which is missing when people prevent them from having a morality and knowledge beacon. So prejudice keeps us from equal rights to a Temple and that lost platform gives the prejudice that which they complain the most about kincluding lack of morality), that they are to blame and created themselves. Sort of like how Dems created the situation they complained falsely existed in their opposition, when they ended up being the ones supporting that very foreign compromised Go'vt they complained about, but in their own party officials and it caused their own hell they kvetched about would happen and did under their own party leadership.
People truly get what they want, they just aren't careful about what they wish for nor understand our choices are our blessings or curses.
The average Israeli lives in a two bedroom condo Hobe where do you think those farm animals are going to be stored in their homes lets be serious… Ancient Israel was agregorian each family had its own flock of animals that is not the case now so your point is mute… A temple can be rebuilt an altar can be in it for educational purposes there are many different scenarios that can be worked out… Why then if this is not solved are we not able to have our own central authority like others do…

The only right way to offer a valid sacrifice to God is by slaughtering one lower beast or another which has nothing whatever to do with farm animals, temples, ritual, or bloodshed. Watch.

You, a he-goat "without blemish" have been carefully chosen and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord. The fat trimmed from the flesh stripped from the bone and thrown of the fire is a soothing and fragrant offering g to the Lord.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.
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The only right way to offer a valid sacrifice to God is by slaughtering one lower beast or another which has nothing whatever to do with farm animals, temples, ritual, or bloodshed. Watch.

You, a he-goat "without blemish" have been carefully chosen and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord. The fat trimmed from the flesh stripped from the bone and thrown of the fire is a soothing and fragrant offering g to the Lord.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.
Are we supposed to take anything you say about religion seriously when you have admitted you aren't religious and are paying back the religious in their own coin?

I am not a religious person, even though I am paying them back in their own coin.
Okay. So what is that really about?
You have no idea as to what the Bible actually says, you started with a conclusion and then set out to do whatever you had to do with Scripture to prove said conclusion.
You have no idea as to what the Bible actually says, you started with a conclusion and then set out to do whatever you had to do with Scripture to prove said conclusion.

What denomination did you say you belong to?
The only right way to offer a valid sacrifice to God is by slaughtering one lower beast or another which has nothing whatever to do with farm animals, temples, ritual, or bloodshed. Watch.

You, a he-goat "without blemish" have been carefully chosen and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord. The fat trimmed from the flesh stripped from the bone and thrown of the fire is a soothing and fragrant offering g to the Lord.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.
lol… Ah Hobe dont worry we will have that toothbrush ready for you when the time comes better then peeing on the walls of the Vatican like your ancestor did….Good to converse with you it has been a while and I missed it…
One can only imagine how much he is suffering to act like this.
Ding I am not knocking Hobelim so please don’t…I am just letting him know it is me there are so many people on this forum that are not who they seem and He told me that long ago and I completely understand where he is coming from…
Ding I am not knocking Hobelim so please don’t…I am just letting him know it is me there are so many people on this forum that are not who they seem and He told me that long ago and I completely understand where he is coming from…
I don't understand where he is coming from. And it shouldn't matter who someone is, it should only matter what they do. As far as I am concerned he is a predator.
lol… Ah Hobe dont worry we will have that toothbrush ready for you when the time comes better then peeing on the walls of the Vatican like your ancestor did….Good to converse with you it has been a while and I missed it…

Good to converse with you too shimon! I can see you still have your nose buried deep into Hashevs butt who is trying to pass himself off as the logical choice for the next high priest of a temple that will never be built again by human hands for the purpose of slaughtering animals......

Even so he will make quite a spectacle of himself peddling that same old backyard barbecue bullshit. Are you sure you still want to be a part of that? You would expose the entire Jewish nation to the wrath of Good just so twiddle dee and twiddle dumb can shine like stars in the sky?

Seriously, you should find another hobby. You two numbskulls suck at acting. BTW, That was only one ancestor. There were many more put to death for being cryptic. Yet many survived...
He told me that long ago and I completely understand where he is coming from…
ding must be suffering from the curse of the liar which isn't just that no one believes him, which happens, but, even worse, he can't believe in what anyone else says, even when it is the truth....
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the other religions are Death priests as that is what they teach The reward is only after death...
And to rid the world of this evil for good, someone has to slaughter the red heifer, the scarlet beast, and so, I am. Now that is reason for a global celebration and feast and no temple, no priest, no knives, no farm animals, no blood, no altars, no liturgy, no ritualistic trickery necessary.

Imagine that!

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