Will the Verdict of History Be that Trump Stinks?

What's going to matter over the next four years is how bad of a President Joe Biden turns out to be. The American people are smart enough to grasp when things were good and when they turn to shit. Joe Biden's policies...what he ran on...will turn the US economy to shit.
Certainly the relative success or failure of one's predecessor inevitably invites comparison, and Obama's finishing two terms with 60% approval affords a stark contrast with the next-in-line finishing his one-term in the low 40s (currently 42.7%), but all patriotic Americans can only with the nation well under the leadership they have chosen.
Did that make sense to you when you posted it, Schmidlap? Who cares about approval ratings? Certainly not the historians who will ultimately decide what the legacies of both Obama and Trump will be! Popularity contests don't decide legacies.
He has worshippers?
Indeed. Absurd as it is, the narcissist who claims his celebrity licenses him to sexually assault women, and who had a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of trophy wives has attracted a fanatical following who regard him spiritually transcendent.

The failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer has been acclaimed as agent sent by God:

... while white supremacists hail him as their "God Emperor":
He has worshippers?
Indeed. Absurd as it is, the narcissist who claims his celebrity licenses him to sexually assault women, and who had a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of trophy wives has attracted a fanatical following who regard him spiritually transcendent.

The failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer has been acclaimed as agent sent by God:

... while white supremacists hail him as their "God Emperor":
It's always amused me to hear the same people who didn't care about Bill Clinton's extra marital affairs rant about Trump's extra marital affairs! The only difference between the two is that Trump's happened BEFORE he took political office...once he was in office he was too busy doing his job to chase the interns around the Oval Office. That was Slick Willie's favorite way to pass the time from when he got in the Governor's mansion in Arkansas until now! So take THAT little rant somewhere else, Schmidlap!
Trump had his share of successes and failures, just like any other human being.
Why cannot even his most devout worshippers enumerate the alleged "achievements" of their failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer?

In my initial post in this thread I had cordially enjoined Trumpies, "Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?"

  • Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
  • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
  • We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
  • Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
  • Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
  • New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
  • Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
  • African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
  • Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
  • Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
  • Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
  • Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
  • The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.
  • 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
  • Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
  • Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
  • As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
  • Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
  • Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
  • Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
  • Record number of regulations eliminated.
  • Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
  • Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
  • My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
  • Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
  • We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
  • Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
  • We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
  • Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
  • Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
  • United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
  • Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
  • Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
  • Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
  • NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
  • Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
  • Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
  • Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
  • Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
  • Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
  • Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
  • Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
  • Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
  • Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
  • Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
  • Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
  • Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
  • Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
  • We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

Pretty simple... All of the attached examples of Obama's Anti-American statements and policies were refuted by Trump's efforts.
Obama wanted companies to go bankrupt per his below statements:
-coal plants.. wanted them bankrupt
-1,400 health insurance companies he wanted to see go out of businesses...companies that employ/pay taxes provide coverage... he wanted them gone!
- wanted electric utility rates to in his words "skyrocket"!
- Wanted the USA to become even more energy dependent on foreign countries... see below regarding Brazil
- Preferred higher gas prices!
- Wanted the oceans polluted by favoring 1 million barrel oil tankers on open ocean vs Keystone ...again see below.

All of the below were overturned and improved our economy... Gas today is under $2.00 in my state!
Trump's most lasting impact on the country will be the reshaping of the federal judiciary.

So far, Trump has installed three Supreme Court justices and 220 judges overall to the federal bench — all for lifetime appointments. Amy Coney Barrett became Trump's third Supreme Court justice on October 26, barely a week before Election Day.

By December 2019, Trump nominees made up roughly 25% of all US circuit court judges, according to an analysis by The Washington Post.

He's appointed 53 judges on the 13 US circuit courts. To put this into perspective, former President Barack Obama appointed 55 circuit judges in his two terms in the White House.

The courts get the final say in US politics, setting precedents that can shape the country for years to come.

Even though Trump was not reelected in 2020, his presidency will continue to have an influence on the direction of the US because of the sheer number of conservative federal judges ...

Trump, in his final days, goes full King Lear

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As President Trump behaves ever more erratically in the waning weeks of his term, Republicans and Democrats alike wonder: What’s he thinking?
To all those who would divine in the president’s floundering a grand strategy, or even a small one, let me offer some caution: If you go rummaging around in Trump’s brain right now, you’re going to emerge empty-handed.

He labeled it a “disgrace” — the covid-relief package his treasury secretary negotiated, in part because it was paired with spending items that Trump himself had proposed. After threatening the nation with a government shutdown, he signed the bill anyway.
He vetoed a crucial $741 billion defense bill that provides funding for military programs and gives the troops a pay raise — because of a personal beef he’s having with Twitter and Facebook and because he wants to keep the names of Confederate generals on military bases. On Monday, the House overrode the veto by an overwhelming 322 to 87.
He pardoned lawbreaking cronies and, according to President-elect Joe Biden, the “political leadership” of Trump’s team has blocked the incoming administration from learning about foreign threats, a vulnerability “our adversaries may try to exploit.”
Trump continues his quixotic and lonely bid to overturn the results of the election he lost. He’s now lashing out at Republican leaders who have finally opted to follow the constitutional order rather than continuing to indulge his clownish attempt at a coup.
Even the Murdoch-owned New York Post, which endorsed Trump and ran with Hunter Biden allegations that other outlets could not substantiate, questioned the madness. An editorial in Monday’s edition urged Trump to stop “cheering for an undemocratic coup” and avoid being the “King Lear of Mar-a-Lago, ranting about the corruption of the world.”
The widely-read morning tip sheet, Politico Playbook, marveled over the “bizarre, embarrassing episode for the president” in which he unsuccessfully threatened the covid-relief bill with “no discernible strategy” to make good on his bellicose statements. “He folded, and got nothing besides a few days of attention and chaos,” it concluded.
Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic
Ah, but that is exactly what he wanted. Attention is his lifeblood, and chaos its delivery vehicle. There is no strategy or policy.
Arguably, there never was. But in these final days, we see a defeated president abandoning all things — national security, democratic elections and any pretense of handling the duties of the presidency — as he does anything and everything to keep the spotlight on himself.
In tribute to this late-stage Trumpian lunacy, I’m writing these words wearing my back-ordered T-shirt that just arrived from Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia, with the slogan “Make America Rake Again.” (My wife has the other version: “Lawn & Order.”) After the Trump campaign chose this location (near a porn shop and crematorium) for an election-challenge news conference, millions have posed the same question: Why?
New York magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi last week gave us the definitive 5,000-word account. And Nuzzi concludes, more or less, that there was no good explanation. “As one Philadelphia Republican official told me: ‘Duuuuuude! … It’s the height of idiocy!’” she writes. “It was probably always that simple.”
On Monday, the House returned early from its Christmas break to deal with the latest instabilities and idiocies induced by the stable genius.
First, Democrats exploited Trump’s last-minute demand for $2,000 checks for Americans by forcing Republicans to vote on exactly that.
“Democrats agree that families deserve more,” Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) argued, so their new bill would “increase the payments in the relief package to $2,000, the exact amount the president said he wants.”
The ranking Republican, Rep. Kevin Brady (Tex.), was forced in the position of disagreeing publicly with Trump, saying the bill “does nothing to help get people back to work” and amounts to spending "another trillion dollars so hastily.” Still, he admitted, “we expect a number of Republicans to support this bill.”
Forty-four of them did.
Then, the House took up its override of Trump’s pointless veto of the defense bill, which threatened an annual defense authorization for the first time in 59 years.
Rep. Mac Thornberry (Tex.), the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee, said, “I continue to support this bill as more than 80 percent of the House did just 20 days ago.” He made it clear, as Biden did earlier in the day, that Trump’s madness is jeopardizing national security.
“The president has exercised his constitutional prerogative,” Thornberry said. “Now, Madam Speaker, it’s up to us. The troops, the country, indeed the world is watching. … Put the best interest of the country first. There is no other consideration that should matter.”
On Monday, 109 House Republicans defied Trump and joined the successful veto override — a first for his presidency. Such a public rejection of Trump’s position by Republicans would have been unthinkable over the past four years. But as his spotlight-grabbing madness worsens, some Republicans are making their belated reacquaintance with sanity.
if Biden were to prove a crass, lying, divisive, egomaniacal pifflewit who scoffs at science

This snippet says it all. Shallow minded twits who only care about being coddleled by their leaders. 95% of the of the reason that 100% of dimwitted, childish Democrats voted against Trump was because they thought he was a poo poo head. It had very little to do with policy or the country or any practical matter whatsoever.
Trump has been the best and most effective President in modern times.

In contrast to that worthless piece of shit Obama who is undoubtedly the worst President in the history of the Republic.
Your aberrant views are noted. There is little evidence that they will ever become the consensus.

In stark contrast to your bias, President Obama completed his two terms to which he was elected with over 50% of the popular vote with an approval level of 60-62%

Trump was elected with only 46.42% of the vote, with 2.9 million more Americans voting for his opponent, and was defeated by nearly 7 million votes at the electorate's first chance to officially register the relentless disapproval of Trump that they had indicated in survey after survey for four years, currently assigning him a little over 42% approval.

Of course, that is the empirical data, and individuals are free to pleasure themselves with their emotional preferences.

Maybe, somewhere out there, their is a diehard Filmore fanatic who is trashing Lincoln.

Maybe you two should get together (masked and socially-distanced, of course.)
Trump has been the best and most effective President in modern times.

In contrast to that worthless piece of shit Obama who is undoubtedly the worst President in the history of the Republic.
Your aberrant views are noted. There is little evidence that they will ever become the consensus.

In stark contrast to your bias, President Obama completed his two terms to which he was elected with over 50% of the popular vote with an approval level of 60-62%

Trump was elected with only 46.42% of the vote, with 2.9 million more Americans voting for his opponent, and was defeated by nearly 7 million votes at the electorate's first chance to officially register the relentless disapproval of Trump that they had indicated in survey after survey for four years, currently assigning him a little over 42% approval.

Of course, that is the empirical data, and individuals are free to pleasure themselves with their emotional preferences.

Maybe, somewhere out there, their is a diehard Filmore fanatic who is trashing Lincoln.

Maybe you two should get together (masked and socially-distanced, of course.)

Oh there is, unfortunately for you they’re from your side of the isle....
It's always amused me to hear the same people who didn't care about Bill Clinton's extra marital affairs rant about Trump's extra marital affairs!
Who would they be?

That holier-than-thou bible thumpers would go gaga over either skank is for them to explain.

In any event, Trump's numbers appear permanently in the toilet, and Clinton's have diminished somewhat after leaving office with 66% approval.
It's always amused me to hear the same people who didn't care about Bill Clinton's extra marital affairs rant about Trump's extra marital affairs!
Who would they be?

That holier-than-thou bible thumpers would go gaga over either skank is for them to explain.

In any event, Trump's numbers appear permanently in the toilet, and Clinton's have diminished somewhat after leaving office with 66% approval.

To be fair, I didn’t think Clinton did a horrible job, especially when he realized that he had to moderate, and work with the republicans in his second term.
Pretty simple... All of the attached examples of Obama's Anti-American statements and policies were refuted by Trump's efforts.
Obama wanted companies to go bankrupt per his below statements:
-coal plants.. wanted them bankrupt
-1,400 health insurance companies he wanted to see go out of businesses...companies that employ/pay taxes provide coverage... he wanted them gone!
- wanted electric utility rates to in his words "skyrocket"!
- Wanted the USA to become even more energy dependent on foreign countries... see below regarding Brazil
- Preferred higher gas prices!
- Wanted the oceans polluted by favoring 1 million barrel oil tankers on open ocean vs Keystone ...again see below.

All of the below were overturned and improved our economy... Gas today is under $2.00 in my state!
View attachment 434661
Profusely citing diversionary, ideologically-dogmatic sources in no way confronts Trump's historical status.

His legacy is not looking good...

Screen Shot 2020-12-29 at 7.32.14 AM.png

... and there is little prospect of a massive turn-around in which he is ever going to be venerated at a big, beautiful wailing wall along the Southern border that Mexico pays for.

It shall be posterity's determination, but I descry nothing to suggest Cry Baby Loser's resurrection.
This snippet says it all. Shallow minded twits who only care about being coddleled by their leaders. 95% of the of the reason that 100% of dimwitted, childish Democrats voted against Trump was because they thought he was a poo poo head. It had very little to do with policy or the country or any practical matter whatsoever.
From my perspective, there is an authoritarian element - fortunately a minority in the U.S. populace - who are sufficiently naïve that they can be rabble-roused by a blowhard failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer who can lead them by their brown noses until more sensible folks intervene and make him go away.

America's imminent recovery is embraced by all patriotic Americans, but it won't be easy, and the chronic snivelers will be perverted by their petty resentments.
Trump's most lasting impact on the country will be the reshaping of the federal judiciary.

So far, Trump has installed three Supreme Court justices and 220 judges overall to the federal bench — all for lifetime appointments. Amy Coney Barrett became Trump's third Supreme Court justice on October 26, barely a week before Election Day.

By December 2019, Trump nominees made up roughly 25% of all US circuit court judges, according to an analysis by The Washington Post.

He's appointed 53 judges on the 13 US circuit courts. To put this into perspective, former President Barack Obama appointed 55 circuit judges in his two terms in the White House.

The courts get the final say in US politics, setting precedents that can shape the country for years to come.

Even though Trump was not reelected in 2020, his presidency will continue to have an influence on the direction of the US because of the sheer number of conservative federal judges ...

Trump did make some great appointments to the courts.

However, just like we have found out recently, we can't depend upon the Judicial Branch to protect our Liberty any more than we can depend upon the Legislative or Executive Branch.

That is why we have the Second Amendment.
Trump's most lasting impact on the country will be the reshaping of the federal judiciary.

So far, Trump has installed three Supreme Court justices and 220 judges overall to the federal bench — all for lifetime appointments. Amy Coney Barrett became Trump's third Supreme Court justice on October 26, barely a week before Election Day.

By December 2019, Trump nominees made up roughly 25% of all US circuit court judges, according to an analysis by The Washington Post.

He's appointed 53 judges on the 13 US circuit courts. To put this into perspective, former President Barack Obama appointed 55 circuit judges in his two terms in the White House.

The courts get the final say in US politics, setting precedents that can shape the country for years to come.

Even though Trump was not reelected in 2020, his presidency will continue to have an influence on the direction of the US because of the sheer number of conservative federal judges ...

If you`re a Talibangelical I`m sure you`re pleased with the crackpots he put on the SC. If I wanted a religious government I would move to Iran or Saudi Arabia.
Trump NEVER said that all immigrants were rapists and drug dealers, but rapists and drug dealers do come across the border. So do we want to continue to let them in?
I never said that Trump's evoking his rapists and drug dealers was an exhaustive, inclusive description of migrants. To the contrary, it was extremely selective.

I doubt if even he would try to claim the children he had snatched from their parents were rapists and drug dealers.

Do you consider the 70,000 illegal crossings in November a confirmation of his success?
Tell me this, who joined Trump in agreeing to secure the border? He can't do it alone. Neither party wanted to help.
Tell me this, who joined Trump in agreeing to secure the border? He can't do it alone. Neither party wanted to help.
I don't think Trump or either party has ever adopted a realistic, comprehensive immigration policy.

His quixotic gambit to make Mexico pay for a big, beautiful wall was a con, a glitzy self-promotion, scare-mongering about invading caravans being part of the scam.

Last edited:
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)

All that matters is the D.

What's going to matter over the next four years is how bad of a President Joe Biden turns out to be. The American people are smart enough to grasp when things were good and when they turn to shit. Joe Biden's policies...what he ran on...will turn the US economy to shit.

Liberals thrive on misery.

Yes, that's why the top 10 happiest nations on earth are all liberal countries.

They're all high and have zero responsibilities.

Really? Then how do we earn the money that provides us with this quality of living? Government revenues aren't manufactured out of thin air. Best country in the world to live in. Top 3 education systems. Fastest growing middle class. This is what happens when governments invest in people, not wars and military, and tax cuts for the wealthy.

Our populations are healthier, happier, and we live longer, more productive, independent lives. We control our governments, not the other way around.

Large land mass occupied by relatively small Honky population.
Seems like a recipe for success.
The 250K+ Observant Jews in Toronto are not Liberals so stating that a country is Liberal is rather foolish.

Toronto is an NDP/Liberal bastion surrounded by the Tory Blue 905. Conservatives don't even run real candidates in Toronto. It's hopeless.
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)

All that matters is the D.

What's going to matter over the next four years is how bad of a President Joe Biden turns out to be. The American people are smart enough to grasp when things were good and when they turn to shit. Joe Biden's policies...what he ran on...will turn the US economy to shit.

Liberals thrive on misery.

Yes, that's why the top 10 happiest nations on earth are all liberal countries.

  1. Finland
  2. Denmark
  3. Switzerland
  4. Iceland
  5. Norway
  6. Netherlands
  7. Sweden
  8. New Zealand
  9. Austria
  10. Luxembourg
  11. Canada
  12. Australia
  13. United Kingdom
  14. Israel
  15. Costa Rica
  16. Ireland
  17. Germany
  18. United States
  19. Czech Republic
  20. Belgium

What do you think are the 10 most unhappy States in the US, Dragonlady?
You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)
Lashing out in advance to malign the individual who is preferred by seven million voters only demeans the Loser to that extent.

"Wow! The Cry Baby failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer was so bad, the American people chose him as the superior option?"
I guess we'll see...won't we? Joe Biden was actually a worse candidate than Hillary Clinton...a man who's only chance at being elected was if the Main Stream Media protected him vigilantly throughout the entire campaign! That's what happened. They allowed him to stay in his basement for six months...not answer questions about Burisma...his son Hunter and the Chinese...and hide how bad his dementia really was. OK...so now he's President. Now he has to do the job...a job that it's pretty obvious he doesn't have the mental or physical capability to do! A job that ages much younger men at a startling rate. I'm not "lashing out" at Joe Biden...I'm simply shaking my head at the people who put him in office!

I'm shaking my head at your charactization of Joe Biden, which has no basis in reality at all. It's simply a recitation of all of the lies Donald Trump told about Joe Biden throughout the campaign. If you're stupid enough to believe the lies Trump told you, your criticial thinkin abilities are highly suspect.

Trump is the worst candidate I've ever seen. His addled and frankly dangerous ramblings at the daily Task Force press conferences were frightening. The look on Deborah Birx' face when Trump asked her if they could look into injecting disinfectants as a cure for covid. Then the scientists had to try to walk back everything he said.

Trump sickened and killed his voters with his maskless rallies, and leaving his supporters out in the middle of nowhere to freeze. Trump travelled throughout the country sickening his staff, over 200 Secret Service workers, while hosting super spreader events at the White House. Trump conducted his election campaign like there was no corona virus, and left a trail of outbreaks and deaths behind in every country where he held his rallies.

Donald Trump is 3 years younger than Joe Biden, and he's in much worse physical shape than Biden. Unlike Biden, Trump shows multiple signs of dementia, including his deteriorating ability to speak in sentences or hold a train of thought. Trump's hand shakes when he drinks water, and he needs support to go up and down stairs or ramps. Last but not least, Fred Trump died of Alzheimers and dementia is hereditary.
Trump NEVER said that all immigrants were rapists and drug dealers, but rapists and drug dealers do come across the border. So do we want to continue to let them in?
I never said that Trump's evoking his rapists and drug dealers was an exhaustive, inclusive description of migrants. To the contrary, it was extremely selective.

I doubt if even he would try to claim the children he had snatched from their parents were rapists and drug dealers.

Do you consider the 70,000 illegal crossings in November a confirmation of his success?
Tell me this, who joined Trump in agreeing to secure the border? He can't do it alone. Neither party wanted to help.

The border was already secure. Illegal border crossing were at their lowest levels in 50 years when Trump took office. Trump created the problem on the border, by threatening to close the border, frightening people to try to cross before he did.

Trump deported far fewer people in his first term in office than Obama did in his first term. Obama deported 1.18 million people in his first 3 years in office, while Trump deported 800,000. Trump talks about doing things, but doesn't actually do them.

Furthermore, when Trump took office, there were fewer than 10,000 people in ICE detention. Before the pandemic, Trump had 40,000 people in ICE custody, in cramped overcrowded conditions, in "for-profit" prison camps at a cost to the American taxpayer of $700 per day. You can stay in a 4 star hotel for $400 a day, but Trump was keeping 40,000 non-criminal people locked up - some for more than 2 years, at taxpayer expense, and paying $700 a day per prisoner, to keep them in squalor.

When you consider that Trump stopped all prosecution of corporations hiring illegals, and his locking people up to the benefit of the for-profit prison industry without deporting them, it makes me think that Trump's policies on the southern border around immigration were more about rewarding his donors in the for-profit prison, and inflicting cruelty on refugees.

In Trumpland, the cruelty is a feature, not a bug.

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