Will the Tea Party demand budget cuts to offset the Disaster Relief?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
It seems that is their MO up to this point. I am very serious!
Would we have funds for disaster relief if obama hadn't squandered the stimulus money on his green energy slush funds?
It seems that is their MO up to this point. I am very serious!

When we have an unexpected event like disaster aid where does the money come from? If you had an unexpected cost personally, say your transmission goes out on your car, what do you do? Pay for it and cut back on other things until it's paid off? Put it on a credit card and forget about it? If your smart you could take it out of the savings you have for emergency. Seeing as our government isn't very smart we have no savings for emergency. The Tea Party would take the first option and pay for it and cut back on other things until it's paid off. Most, probably all, libs would put it on the credit card and try to forget about it which will eventually will lead to a bankruptcy. Which would be the smarter path ?
Oh yes, but they are going to wait until after the election to sabotage the relief operation, until then they will be acting as if they give a shit.
It seems that is their MO up to this point. I am very serious!

Of course they will...if anything, the TeaTards are consistent

Make welfare families pay for disaster relief
Sooner or later, democrats are going to realize that most of the damage occurred in the most affluent areas and scream about helping out all those rich people.
It seems that is their MO up to this point. I am very serious!
You agree that disaster relief should be paid for then?

Because, budget cuts is the only place you'll find the money for disaster relief.

I suppose you want to pass taxes that will go into effect in 12 months.

Are we now going to make the people of New Jersey to wait 12 months for disaster relief?
It seems that is their MO up to this point. I am very serious!

The Rivers and Harbors Bill was a bill passed by Congress in 1846 to provide $500,000 to improve rivers and harbors. When the Senate passed the Rivers and Harbors Bill 34 to 16 on July 24, 1846, opponents lobbied for a presidential veto.[1]

It was vetoed by President James K. Polk on August 3. The bill would have provided for federally funded internal improvements on small harbors, many of them on the Great Lakes. Polk believed that this was unconstitutional because the bill unfairly favored particular areas, including ports which had no foreign trade. Polk believed that these problems were local and not national.

Polk feared that passing the Rivers and Harbors Bill would encourage legislators to compete for favors for their home districts – a type of corruption that would spell doom to the virtue of the republic.[2] In this regard he followed his hero Andrew Jackson, who had vetoed the Maysville Road Bill in 1830 on similar grounds.[3]
Rivers and Harbors Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just print the money, pass it out and the we'll all absorb the hidden tax. Neither party, no one in govt. has any intentions of truly cutting spending. This whole good guy, bad guy bit in politics regarding spending is stale.

The problem is that we are a nation of consumers and borrows. Not builders and savers. It goes right to the very top of our countries monetary and fiscal policies. It isn't going to change until the drunkards run out of sauce. That will mean the end of the current fiat policies. Until then, print it up! Hand it out, spend spend spend.

Future generations will be more than happy to be born into what amounts to nothing short of slavery.
If we got rid of FEMA, there would be millions for disaster relief that would go to the states. FEMA has to go.
I don't know what the Tea Partiers in your area are doing. Here they're busy collecting non-perishables such as blankets, and coats and other things in short supply and getting those to the Salvation Army, the Red Cross and other relief organizations as well as soliciting cash donations.
Just print the money, pass it out and the we'll all absorb the hidden tax. Neither party, no one in govt. has any intentions of truly cutting spending. This whole good guy, bad guy bit in politics regarding spending is stale.

The problem is that we are a nation of consumers and borrows. Not builders and savers. It goes right to the very top of our countries monetary and fiscal policies. It isn't going to change until the drunkards run out of sauce. That will mean the end of the current fiat policies. Until then, print it up! Hand it out, spend spend spend.

Future generations will be more than happy to be born into what amounts to nothing short of slavery.

FACTUAL post**
If we got rid of FEMA, there would be millions for disaster relief that would go to the states. FEMA has to go.

FEMA is ready to respond to all emergency's, they just purchased 1.2million rounds of hollow point ammo. They will deliver them as needed. Get in line and shut up.
It seems that is their MO up to this point. I am very serious!

When we have an unexpected event like disaster aid where does the money come from? If you had an unexpected cost personally, say your transmission goes out on your car, what do you do? Pay for it and cut back on other things until it's paid off? Put it on a credit card and forget about it? If your smart you could take it out of the savings you have for emergency. Seeing as our government isn't very smart we have no savings for emergency. The Tea Party would take the first option and pay for it and cut back on other things until it's paid off. Most, probably all, libs would put it on the credit card and try to forget about it which will eventually will lead to a bankruptcy. Which would be the smarter path ?


But it should not be a 'tea party' thing.. it should be a COMMON SENSE thing... not that uber-progressives have any
It seems that is their MO up to this point. I am very serious!

Of course they will...if anything, the TeaTards are consistent

Make welfare families pay for disaster relief

Make welfare families start providing for themselves and stop draining the economy and federal government and maybe there would be emergency funds saved up to help in national disasters
Just print the money, pass it out and the we'll all absorb the hidden tax. Neither party, no one in govt. has any intentions of truly cutting spending. This whole good guy, bad guy bit in politics regarding spending is stale.

The problem is that we are a nation of consumers and borrows. Not builders and savers. It goes right to the very top of our countries monetary and fiscal policies. It isn't going to change until the drunkards run out of sauce. That will mean the end of the current fiat policies. Until then, print it up! Hand it out, spend spend spend.

Future generations will be more than happy to be born into what amounts to nothing short of slavery.

Is it possible that the Founders were so brilliant, or inspired by Providence, that they wrote a Constitution that foresaw the problem, and declined the power to directly tax income....and it fell to the Progressives to insert said poison pill?

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