Will The Same Factor Influence Your Vote?

Progressive ideology is behind all of these: socialism, infanticide, anti-white racism, censorship of alternative viewpoints, and opposition to law and order......in short, the Democrat agenda.

The claim in this article is that a drop in government school enrollment is related to the above.

"Blue State Blues: Record Number of Students Flee Nation's Largest Public School Districts

This week the three largest public school districts in the U.S. announced that they are in the middle of a massive and continuing problem: record low enrollment numbers.

The New York Times reported that since the fall of 2019 enrollment in New York City’s (NYC) public school system—the nation’s largest district—has dropped by about 50,000 students or 4.5%. The numbers are even worse in the nation’s second-largest public school district, where the Los Angeles Times reported the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) lost a record of more than 27,000 students or 6.0% of its enrollment since 2019. The third-largest district’s numbers are just as bad in Chicago’s public schools (CPS), where WTTW reported enrollment is down nearly 25,000 students or 3.0% over the same time.

....claimed the “drop was likely driven by a number of factors, including parents choosing to home-school their children either temporarily or long-term, families leaving the city during the pandemic and some parents delaying the start of school for their young children altogether.”

...on the surface, urban parents may not seem to have many issues in common with parents in the suburbs and rural areas of the country, but one issue they all share is wanting what’s best for their children. Each of these districts has imposed the very same woke racist curriculum, draconian mask regulations, and intrusive vaccine mandates that parents all over the country have been fighting against.

Many urban parents, especially minority parents, don’t necessarily agree with the radical left’s teaching of Critical Race Theory or “ethnic studies” that portray their children as oppressed victims and white children as oppressors; thus many are choosing charter schools and homeschooling."

In the last election, if we can state arguendo, that it wasn't a stolen election, then the people broke a cardinal rule of political science: folks vote their pocketbook.

Will they recognize that their children are being sacrificed to ideology by a vote for Democrats?

One would certainly hope so.
You're first paragraph has not one sceric over evidence to link it to democrats. It is a blatant lie and another ignorant opinion from a loopie Republican filled with hate.
While it is possible that the declines in enrollment in big city public schools is related to Covid or lack of reliable transportation or some other factor, but one need not conduct (or cite) a STUDY to see that the Left has introduced infuriating subjects, influences, and subversive Narratives into American public education which SURELY are antagonizing parents, and at least has them wishing for alternatives to educate their children in the manner that they wish them educated.

Whether this is the impetus for the declines in enrollment is yet to be seen. But it is not implausible.

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