Will the Republican Members of Congress pass Biden's attempt to raise taxes for the Wealthy?

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
"Biden’s plan to raise taxes on business and the wealthy will have to come later, if at all. There are some “payfors” in the IIJA, but they’re mostly arcane user fees or budget gimmickry that hardly anybody will notice. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the IIJA will add $256 billion to the national debt during the next decade, which made some Republicans squishy. But that’s disingenuous. Every Republican in Congress voted for the 2017 Trump tax cuts, which is on track to add $1.5 trillion to the national debt. Any Republican who was fine with that can’t credibly object to an amount of debt financing one-sixth as large."

Link to the above: "This week in Bidenomics: A bridge to somewhere"

It's clear that no one likes taxes and the national debt. We've lived for 40 years seeing the effects of "Trickle Down Economics" or Voodoo economics as George H. W. Bush called them during the summer of 1979.

The following and many more issues are the consequences of three budgets during the past four decades:
  • A constant growing of the divide of wealth
    • more poverty
    • death to the American Dream
    • Children unable to afford higher education
    • Families with no savings for a rainy day, thus
      • Unable to pay the rent
      • Unable to feed their families
  • Kicking the can down the road to repair or replace our rusting infrastructure
    • failing to look to the future
    • Waiting until failures to repair or replace or to be protected
      • bridges
      • roads
      • tunnels
      • dams
      • flooding (canals & rivers)
      • ports (air and sea)
      • electrical grid
      • Internet access
"Biden’s plan to raise taxes on business and the wealthy will have to come later, if at all. There are some “payfors” in the IIJA, but they’re mostly arcane user fees or budget gimmickry that hardly anybody will notice. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the IIJA will add $256 billion to the national debt during the next decade, which made some Republicans squishy. But that’s disingenuous. Every Republican in Congress voted for the 2017 Trump tax cuts, which is on track to add $1.5 trillion to the national debt. Any Republican who was fine with that can’t credibly object to an amount of debt financing one-sixth as large."

Link to the above: "This week in Bidenomics: A bridge to somewhere"

It's clear that no one likes taxes and the national debt. We've lived for 40 years seeing the effects of "Trickle Down Economics" or Voodoo economics as George H. W. Bush called them during the summer of 1979.

The following and many more issues are the consequences of three budgets during the past four decades:
  • A constant growing of the divide of wealth
    • more poverty
    • death to the American Dream
    • Children unable to afford higher education
    • Families with no savings for a rainy day, thus
      • Unable to pay the rent
      • Unable to feed their families
  • Kicking the can down the road to repair or replace our rusting infrastructure
    • failing to look to the future
    • Waiting until failures to repair or replace or to be protected
      • bridges
      • roads
      • tunnels
      • dams
      • flooding (canals & rivers)
      • ports (air and sea)
      • electrical grid
      • Internet access
raising taxs on the wealthy is raising taxs on the poor..

Will the Republican Members of Congress pass Biden's attempt to raise taxes for the Wealthy?​

Is Biden going to limit the SALT write-offs for the wealthy?
do tell me,,
what causes a person to have an account for 12 yrs and only start posting this yr???

I'm thinking its a bot account,, so what other name do you go by??
Progressive hunter, Supposn is a VIP member. Messages2,179, Reaction score148, Tropy points 85.

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