Will the Kavanaugh Coin be Repaid After Jan 21st, 2025?

Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
No surprise this idiot leftist doesn't see the difference here. For FIVE YEARS Trump was a private citizen who had EVERY RIGHT like all private citizens did to criticize Hussein Obama....Bush didn't bash Obama after he succeeded him,but like a typical Anti American Democrat he has done nothing but trash President Trump so I very much look forward to President Trump staying involved after his 2 terms are up.
Repay this Odium
WASHINGTON — A former schoolmate of Brett Kavanaugh's accuser wrote a Facebook post saying she recalls hearing about the alleged assault incident involving the future Supreme Court nominee, though she says she has no first-hand information to corroborate the accuser's claims.

"Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me," wrote the woman, Cristina Miranda King, who now works as a performing arts curator in Mexico City. "I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen."

She added, "Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine's vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true."

Ford, a research psychologist in Northern California, has accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her more than 30 years ago at a drunken high school party. He denies the allegation
"recalls hearing" LMAO....you do realize hearsay is not admissable in court and wouldn't be allowed to be used right? LMAO....hilarious stuff.
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
No surprise this idiot leftist doesn't see the difference here. For FIVE YEARS Trump was a private citizen who had EVERY RIGHT like all private citizens did to criticize Hussein Obama....Bush didn't bash Obama after he succeeded him,but like a typical Anti American Democrat he has done nothing but trash President Trump so I very much look forward to President Trump staying involved after his 2 terms are up.
Trump won't dare open any investigations after his Presidency EVERY dem and their mother in laws will be after his ass
He is opening them RIGHT NOW....I can't wait until the papers are declassified and see who resigns before they are fired and charged.
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Do you seriously have 10+ pages in your signature about Judge Kavenaugh's credit cards? What is that obsession about? I read one of the articles and dont see anything out of the ordinary. His credit cards were zeroed periodically. I do the same thing up to and including, yes, buying baseball tickets for friends. I get the points and it makes no difference to them how they pay.
One of the writers snippily mentioned "high interest charges for baseball tickets for friends?" BS. I dont know for sure but he is probably like me. I never pay interest. I pay them off every month.
I know the dems are throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks..but monthly credit card bills?
She added, "Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine's vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true."

Oh holy shit we are facing a deeply third world opposition...from the literal third world (Mexico City). "Her vivid recollection should be enough to truly, deeply know..."? Sheesh it is getting to a mystical level now. Not just knowing from her vivid memory...but "deeply" and "truly"...a mind meld. If she "vividly" remembers we can be set free from doubt!

These people have to be annihilated and we will start over. Deport them to Venezuela.
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
No surprise this idiot leftist doesn't see the difference here. For FIVE YEARS Trump was a private citizen who had EVERY RIGHT like all private citizens did to criticize Hussein Obama....Bush didn't bash Obama after he succeeded him,but like a typical Anti American Democrat he has done nothing but trash President Trump so I very much look forward to President Trump staying involved after his 2 terms are up.

He sees the difference. He doesn't care. That the ruling elites keep the checks coming and the daughter in abortion clinics is what he cares about.
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
No surprise this idiot leftist doesn't see the difference here. For FIVE YEARS Trump was a private citizen who had EVERY RIGHT like all private citizens did to criticize Hussein Obama....Bush didn't bash Obama after he succeeded him,but like a typical Anti American Democrat he has done nothing but trash President Trump so I very much look forward to President Trump staying involved after his 2 terms are up.
Trump won't dare open any investigations after his Presidency EVERY dem and their mother in laws will be after his ass

Every dem, Hollywood celebrity, billionaire, corporate board, deep state mole is after him now. Cant stump the Trump. He thrives on it.
"recalls hearing" LMAO....you do realize hearsay is not admissable in court and wouldn't be allowed to be used right? LMAO....hilarious stuff.

Shouldnt that be "suddenly" recalls hearing?
Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
That's the point of the OT where trump and and the liberals talking smack about him are concerned...he is claiming trump is going to go after them, providing you were telling the truth and that is how life works.

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