Will the Kavanaugh Coin be Repaid After Jan 21st, 2025?

I did read it probably 40 years ago America under this AH is going down

If you plowed through 6 volumes of Gibbon then you will have read Suetonius? A much more pleasant read. I reread The 12 Caesars at least once a year.

So at the risk of engaging a sufferer of TDS in civil conversation...give me a point of similarity between something in Gibbon's (or Sutonius') writing and anything today.
you're on a higher limb than I ,,,,,except for politics and finances lol
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
Perhaps you should go teach that lesson to the progressive media. Maybe then they'll understand why they are so hated.
maybe they're hated but mostly they're on the money the biggest smack talker in our WH EVER has been the pos trump
I did read it probably 40 years ago America under this AH is going down

If you plowed through 6 volumes of Gibbon then you will have read Suetonius? A much more pleasant read. I reread The 12 Caesars at least once a year.

So at the risk of engaging a sufferer of TDS in civil conversation...give me a point of similarity between something in Gibbon's (or Sutonius') writing and anything today.
I've only got as far as the Illiad and Odyessy
Trump will be worse political poison than Dubya once he’s out. He’ll vanish or become another Infowars type voice; completely irrelevant. Plus, as he’s an old, obese asshole, who’s like to croak sooner than later.

He'll most likely be dodging prosecution in Moscow like the deposed Putin Puppet from Ukraine
I did read it probably 40 years ago America under this AH is going down

If you plowed through 6 volumes of Gibbon then you will have read Suetonius? A much more pleasant read. I reread The 12 Caesars at least once a year.

So at the risk of engaging a sufferer of TDS in civil conversation...give me a point of similarity between something in Gibbon's (or Sutonius') writing and anything today.
I've only got as far as the Illiad and Odyessy

What the hell? Anyhow lets dont get distracted by nonsense. Get on Amazon and buy The 12 Caesars. Should be cheap. And its a quick read. Then tell me who Trump is from that era (which seems to be what you are implying)
Trump will be worse political poison than Dubya once he’s out. He’ll vanish or become another Infowars type voice; completely irrelevant. Plus, as he’s an old, obese asshole, who’s like to croak sooner than later.

He'll most likely be dodging prosecution in Moscow like the deposed Putin Puppet from Ukraine

You should vote more Democrats into office in your state so they can raise your property taxes more and you can blame Trump for it and make us all laugh again.
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.

And Trump will shit on those values as well. Like the left he lacks moral boundaries.

Mark my words. He will be the worst when it comes to running his mouth post presidency
You should vote more Democrats into office in your state so they can raise your property taxes more and you can blame Trump for it and make us all laugh again.

Tell it to the Republicans in my state who got their taxes raised by REPUBLICANS.

I'm SURE they'll jump at the chance to vote for Republican Congresscritters again
I did read it probably 40 years ago America under this AH is going down

If you plowed through 6 volumes of Gibbon then you will have read Suetonius? A much more pleasant read. I reread The 12 Caesars at least once a year.

So at the risk of engaging a sufferer of TDS in civil conversation...give me a point of similarity between something in Gibbon's (or Sutonius') writing and anything today.
I've only got as far as the Illiad and Odyessy

What the hell? Anyhow lets dont get distracted by nonsense. Get on Amazon and buy The 12 Caesars. Should be cheap. And its a quick read. Then tell me who Trump is from that era (which seems to be what you are implying)
DOTR I was born and bred in NY I know who and what Trump is ,,,and it ain't pretty
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.

And Trump will shit on those values as well. Like the left he lacks moral boundaries.

Mark my words. He will be the worst when it comes to running his mouth post presidency

My point being the values are gone. So why wouldnt Trump do it? Hes got billions. Why wouldnt Trump fund PIs to follow every Democrat senator around for however long he lives after leaving office in 2024? Why wouldnt he fund a meeting, like Obama did when they came up with the "lost kids" strategy?
Be nice if we werent at this point but we are. So we sent a street fighter to deal with it.

It has taken like 5 posts to get this across! While I am saddened at yet another cultural value destroyed by liberals I am not bemoaning it. Just as I wish the Democrats hadn't killed the filibuster. But I'll get over it..so long as I see our President take advantage of it.
Trump will be worse political poison than Dubya once he’s out. He’ll vanish or become another Infowars type voice; completely irrelevant. Plus, as he’s an old, obese asshole, who’s like to croak sooner than later.

He'll most likely be dodging prosecution in Moscow like the deposed Putin Puppet from Ukraine

You should vote more Democrats into office in your state so they can raise your property taxes more and you can blame Trump for it and make us all laugh again.
who just f'ed with NY's taxes? yeah it was trump the AH, with NY's deductions
You should vote more Democrats into office in your state so they can raise your property taxes more and you can blame Trump for it and make us all laugh again.

Tell it to the Republicans in my state who got their taxes raised by REPUBLICANS.

I'm SURE they'll jump at the chance to vote for Republican Congresscritters again

Now there is a lie. Congress critters dont set your property tax. The individual states of the Union are the only powers that can raise your property taxes. Democrats run your state. And they gave you huge property tax bills. We all laughed.
You should vote more Democrats into your state government. Its working so well :)
You should vote more Democrats into office in your state so they can raise your property taxes more and you can blame Trump for it and make us all laugh again.

Tell it to the Republicans in my state who got their taxes raised by REPUBLICANS.

I'm SURE they'll jump at the chance to vote for Republican Congresscritters again

Wait...maybe this IS the problem. Maybe you really didnt know that "congress critters" dont set state taxes. You are a mentally ill democrat after all and they stay in power with this kind of ignorance. But see post 32. Your ignorance will be lessened a small bit. Your welcome.
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Trump will be worse political poison than Dubya once he’s out. He’ll vanish or become another Infowars type voice; completely irrelevant. Plus, as he’s an old, obese asshole, who’s like to croak sooner than later.

He'll most likely be dodging prosecution in Moscow like the deposed Putin Puppet from Ukraine

You should vote more Democrats into office in your state so they can raise your property taxes more and you can blame Trump for it and make us all laugh again.
who just f'ed with NY's taxes? yeah it was trump the AH, with NY's deductions

Trump doesn't set New Yorks taxes. Trump doesn't set any state taxes. You and Lesh the lush should get together and see if you two can together come up with a high school education.
And no I am not questioning your description of New York taxes. I know they are incredibly high. But I cant do anything about it. Nor can Trump. You elected the socialist democrats there (and just elected another one who plans to spend 40 trillion!!! FORTY TRILLION!!!). Shocking you have to pay for their Utopia. But there you go. Cause and effect.
Dont bother letting me know how it comes out. I KNOW how electing democrats comes out.

socialism (1)111.jpg
This a real “Wow!” essay. I have no idea where the author came up with this but it not only makes perfect sense, it hits right to the very core of Donald J. Trump’s personality.

Donald Trump will not be president forever, but when he leaves office either after a first term or a second he will once a again be a private citizen with vast resources at his disposal and a very long memory. Given how the Democrats and the media have treated him culminating with the current attack on Brett Kavanaugh what do you think the odds are that he decides to invest in such an enterprise? I think right now the odds favor it.

Given Trump’s billions it would be very possible for citizen Trump to dedicate $125 million dollars to such an enterprise. Based on my $125K per figure quote that I gave he could finance investigations of 1,000 such public figures. That would be enough to crawl up the ass of every sitting Democrat member of congress and every single sitting federal judge who was appointed by a democrat with money left over to include every single ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS television host who has gone after him and most if not all of the talking heads to boot.

Now normally an ex president doesn’t get involved in such things after leaving office but with the incredible attacks on him combined with Barack Obama breaking this tradition do you really think for one moment that Donald Trump will sit back and not take revenge on these people once he’s out of office, and remember he was deeply involved in many of them and likely has heard plenty of stories about these jokers to start with over the decades.

I think these people have no idea what they are going to unleash and if they are the slightest bit smart will start to reverse course or they will wish they were the thug from that Batman comic.

From Expect the #KavanaughCoin to be repaid to Dems Starting either Jan 21st 2021 or Jan 21st 2025
Damn can you imagine Trump helping get GOP candidates elected after he is done with his 2 terms? ALL that money,the organization he has with his supporters....wowza....talk about awesome.
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
No surprise this idiot leftist doesn't see the difference here. For FIVE YEARS Trump was a private citizen who had EVERY RIGHT like all private citizens did to criticize Hussein Obama....Bush didn't bash Obama after he succeeded him,but like a typical Anti American Democrat he has done nothing but trash President Trump so I very much look forward to President Trump staying involved after his 2 terms are up.
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
No surprise this idiot leftist doesn't see the difference here. For FIVE YEARS Trump was a private citizen who had EVERY RIGHT like all private citizens did to criticize Hussein Obama....Bush didn't bash Obama after he succeeded him,but like a typical Anti American Democrat he has done nothing but trash President Trump so I very much look forward to President Trump staying involved after his 2 terms are up.
Repay this Odium
WASHINGTON — A former schoolmate of Brett Kavanaugh's accuser wrote a Facebook post saying she recalls hearing about the alleged assault incident involving the future Supreme Court nominee, though she says she has no first-hand information to corroborate the accuser's claims.

"Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me," wrote the woman, Cristina Miranda King, who now works as a performing arts curator in Mexico City. "I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen."

She added, "Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine's vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true."

Ford, a research psychologist in Northern California, has accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her more than 30 years ago at a drunken high school party. He denies the allegation
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
No surprise this idiot leftist doesn't see the difference here. For FIVE YEARS Trump was a private citizen who had EVERY RIGHT like all private citizens did to criticize Hussein Obama....Bush didn't bash Obama after he succeeded him,but like a typical Anti American Democrat he has done nothing but trash President Trump so I very much look forward to President Trump staying involved after his 2 terms are up.
Trump won't dare open any investigations after his Presidency EVERY dem and their mother in laws will be after his ass

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