Will Osama bin Laden be seen as a Robin Hood in the Future?

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
By today's standards Robin Hood would be classified as a terrorist and a candidate for Gitmo.

Yet Robin Hood is seen as a Hero and a mythical figure who fought against injustice and has movies and children's books written about his adventures.

Question: In a few hundred years from now. Will Osama bin Laden also be seen as a mythical figure. Who lived in a cave, kinda like Batman, and only came out to fight injustice and government tyranny.

Will Bush/Obama be seen like the Sheriff of Nottingham who's bumbling soldiers couldn't catch this illusive figure.

And will the adventures of Osama become the subject of childrens books and Disney like movies?
By today's standards Robin Hood would be classified as a terrorist and a candidate for Gitmo.

Yet Robin Hood is seen as a Hero and a mythical figure who fought against injustice and has movies and children's books written about his adventures.

Question: In a few hundred years from now. Will Osama bin Laden also be seen as a mythical figure. Who lived in a cave, kinda like Batman, and only came out to fight injustice and government tyranny.

Will Bush/Obama be seen like the Sheriff of Nottingham who's bumbling soldiers couldn't catch this illusive figure.

And will the adventures of Osama become the subject of childrens books and Disney like movies?

Robin Hood was only involved with the British and within a weak British system, which had not the capabilities of State authority like States have today. If Osama would operate out of a forest near Manhattan, they would capture him.

You do also have no chance with this Robin-Batman style of coming out of a cave to advance certain interests within world. The rules are known how Countries fight for interest in international arena, this simply goes through economics.
As a non-state player you do not achieve anything.
Considering the way Moslems breed, it is quite possible that in a few hundred years when they are the predominate ethnic/religious group on the planet and have rewritten the history books, OBL will be seen as some sort of Robin Hood like figure.

As for the innocents they've murdered, the won't be seen as innocents but rather as evil Satan worshipers who needed to be eliminated.

Luckily, none of us will be around to see that outcome.
Some people think Hussein Obama is actually Osama Bin Laden, in disguise.

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Considering the way Moslems breed, it is quite possible that in a few hundred years when they are the predominate ethnic/religious group on the planet

You are so right...watch this:

By today's standards Robin Hood would be classified as a terrorist and a candidate for Gitmo.

Yet Robin Hood is seen as a Hero and a mythical figure who fought against injustice and has movies and children's books written about his adventures.

Question: In a few hundred years from now. Will Osama bin Laden also be seen as a mythical figure. Who lived in a cave, kinda like Batman, and only came out to fight injustice and government tyranny.

Will Bush/Obama be seen like the Sheriff of Nottingham who's bumbling soldiers couldn't catch this illusive figure.

And will the adventures of Osama become the subject of childrens books and Disney like movies?

Osama's family is uber rich, I dont think this is possible unless people are willing to lie in childrens books.....oh wait the federal education system already does that through ommission.
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By today's standards Robin Hood would be classified as a terrorist and a candidate for Gitmo.

Yet Robin Hood is seen as a Hero and a mythical figure who fought against injustice and has movies and children's books written about his adventures.

Question: In a few hundred years from now. Will Osama bin Laden also be seen as a mythical figure. Who lived in a cave, kinda like Batman, and only came out to fight injustice and government tyranny.

Will Bush/Obama be seen like the Sheriff of Nottingham who's bumbling soldiers couldn't catch this illusive figure.

And will the adventures of Osama become the subject of childrens books and Disney like movies?

So let me get this right.... You do not believe OSAMA BIN LADEN is a terrorist that murders innocents but rather a Muslim savior that fights for Muslims all across the world? Do I have that right?

Ok Liberals and others that think there are moderate Muslims.... Here you have one of the supposed Moderates advocating that not only isn't OBL a mass murdering terrorist, he is a do gooder fighting for justice.

To make it more plain Sunni man CONVERTED to Islam, he was born in the United States and is not now or ever been an Arab or a Persian. He was in the US Army as I recall and CLAIMS to be a loyal American citizen.
Sarge, Sarge, Sarge,

Get a grip....

This is only a hypothetical question and has ZERO to do with what I believe or don't believe. :doubt:
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Nah, he will be seen as a jitney Savranola or a Torquemada wanna be. When his name is mentioned Muslims the world over will cough and say "They weren't all as bad as him."
Many historical figures get rehabilitated as time goes by.

A couple of hundred years ago the French hated Napoleon and blamed him for the destruction of their country.

Now in France he is seen as a great man and a symbol of French pride and nationalism.

So I wouldn't be surprised if in a couple of hundred years from now.

Hitler will be seen as a good guy in Germany and a source of German pride.
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If by "Robin Hood" you mean flying airplanes into buildings, killing thousands of innocent people so he can impose a repressive society which turns back the clock 13 centuries, then yes, Osama bin Laden will be seen as a Robin Hood in the future.
If by "Robin Hood" you mean flying airplanes into buildings, killing thousands of innocent people so he can impose a repressive society which turns back the clock 13 centuries, then yes, Osama bin Laden will be seen as a Robin Hood in the future.

Personally, I'm more inclined to conceptualize bin Laden and his followers as vermin like rats.
See my satirical image "The Greater Threat to America..."
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Many historical figures get rehabilitated as time go by.

A couple of hundred years ago the French hated Napoleon and blamed him for the destruction of their country.

Now in France he is seen as a great man and a symbol of French pride and nationalism.

So I wouldn't be surprised if in a couple of hundred years from now.

Hitler will be seen as a good guy in Germany and a source of German pride.


Youre such a stupid faggot, but I do enjoy reading the dumbass things you say on these boards. It amuses me that you are so fucking clueless. You deserve your stupidity.
Many historical figures get rehabilitated as time go by.

A couple of hundred years ago the French hated Napoleon and blamed him for the destruction of their country.

Now in France he is seen as a great man and a symbol of French pride and nationalism.

So I wouldn't be surprised if in a couple of hundred years from now.

Hitler will be seen as a good guy in Germany and a source of German pride.

Napoleon ran Europe from Moscow to Lisbon, mostly on the blood of Poles, Austrians, Germans, Spaniards and Italians. It was a French empire, and all blew apart in the short span of 18 months. The French can be forgiven, even though the man himself was Italian.
France itself wound up bigger than when he started. And better off. He left behind the metric system from the Vistula to Gibraltar, and the Code Napoleon even further than that.

Hitler was responsible for the deaths of millions, the division of Germany into pieces dominated by foreign powers for two generations, and the substantial shrinking of what had been the german lands, including the loss of Silesia and Pomerania, which had been German since the 14th century.
Germany still is under the thumb of the conquering powers, and occupied by them. That will last until the last WWII veteran passes on in 25 years or so.
There is no way germans will ever see him as anything but a disaster.

Osama set back the progress of Islam into the west. Maybe for a generation. He is also responsible for the quick military defeat and colonization of two islamic states in the course of a year.

Osama has no victories, except the murder of a few thousand civilians. Which are are forgotten in the fullness of time. The disasters to the cause of Islam he caused are longer standing and more intense.

It will be "0sama who" in very short order.
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I don't think OBL will ever be portrayed as a Robin Hood type figure in the US. However, I can see that happening throughout Afghanistan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, if it hasn't already happened.

As time passes on, we tend to be selective in our memories and perspectives. Billy the Kid is one example of a romanticized "hero." Fact is that he was a cold-blooded killer. Jesse James, a more or less contemporary Robin Hood, was in it for himself and equally ruthless as Billy the Kid. Similar Robin Hood-type stories have circulated about Al Capone. In fact, I know someone whose grandmother used to work at a speakeasy during that time and Big Al would flirt with her. She said he was charming and scary at the same time. And while he looked after her, she was always scared of what else he might do. Fortunately, he had other distractions and soon lost interest in her. Still, the point is that he was a very violent person.

We probably made a mistake in singling out OBL for the 9/11 attacks. I say that because in failing to capture or kill him, we've added to the "legend" that may eventually make him out to be a Robin Hood type figure in the Muslim culture.
The reverse can also happen to historical figures.

When I grew up as a kid.

Christopher Columbus was taught in school as a great man, adventurer, and valiant explorer.

Today in universities he is now vilified as a blood thirsty european who committed genocide and helped spread deadly plagues to indigenous peoples.
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