A fellow named "James," appears to have signed his name to a tract comparing Nixon's "Silent Majority" turnout to a Turnout for Donald Trump: With basis in the Trump supporters having blockaded the Trump event in Chicago. It is nowhere widely noted that preventing entry of dissidents and minority group members, may have been the actual motive of the supporters, outside the event. Sanders campaign members can be included in that description of who was being blockaded from lawful entry into the event(?). Even Trump wondered where the Clinton supporters were, in the crowd: Not too up on the recent election turnouts in the South(?).
If anti-Trump protests grow, they could hand Donald the election: James Robbins
Then tongue-sticking-out(?), "James" reminds everyone of the thousands of police and National Guard at the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention, citing no comparison(?). No comparison is also made with population demographics, or Roman Imperial concepts of "Greatness" for America. The United States would more likely look monstrous billing an economically disadvantaged population for an "aesthetic" fence, for staring at, at a price of some souvenirs. It was already monstrous, terrorizing poor revolutionaries in Southeast Asia. "Making America Great Again," may have a slip showing(?), from an effeminate Trump-Nixon dress(?).
The Trump Health Plan will add $0.5 tril. dollars to the Federal Deficit, and thow 20.0 mil. people out of medical coverage. Now there is getting back to basics, like the "Gold Old Nixon Days(?)!"
That aside, the United States is now more the make-up of a United Nations, as opposed to a "Law and Order," loving, White population more accustomed to derogatory names and job-titles for non-white peoples.
In Hollywood, "James" Robbins can at least change his name, and maybe do well! In fact, anymore, probably so could Richard, "Nixon," which tends to sound, even, White.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe pretty wall able to become venue for North American dice game kind of venue!)
If anti-Trump protests grow, they could hand Donald the election: James Robbins
Then tongue-sticking-out(?), "James" reminds everyone of the thousands of police and National Guard at the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention, citing no comparison(?). No comparison is also made with population demographics, or Roman Imperial concepts of "Greatness" for America. The United States would more likely look monstrous billing an economically disadvantaged population for an "aesthetic" fence, for staring at, at a price of some souvenirs. It was already monstrous, terrorizing poor revolutionaries in Southeast Asia. "Making America Great Again," may have a slip showing(?), from an effeminate Trump-Nixon dress(?).
The Trump Health Plan will add $0.5 tril. dollars to the Federal Deficit, and thow 20.0 mil. people out of medical coverage. Now there is getting back to basics, like the "Gold Old Nixon Days(?)!"
That aside, the United States is now more the make-up of a United Nations, as opposed to a "Law and Order," loving, White population more accustomed to derogatory names and job-titles for non-white peoples.
In Hollywood, "James" Robbins can at least change his name, and maybe do well! In fact, anymore, probably so could Richard, "Nixon," which tends to sound, even, White.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe pretty wall able to become venue for North American dice game kind of venue!)