Will Mike Pence ever stand up for himself?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
President Trump sent an angry mob after his Vice President and Mike Pence barely escaped the clutches of the mob who was screaming to hang him. Yet, Pence has yet to publicly denounce the actions of Trump on that day.

The former vice president earned something of a reputation as a lapdog while serving under Donald Trump,
The Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol should have changed everything. Pence rightly refused Trump's demand that he attempt to block certification of the 2020 election. Trump, in turn, incited the crowd that broke into the House and Senate chambers, with some rioters chanting "Hang Mike Pence!"

If you can't be angry at the guy who almost got you killed, who can you be mad at?
President Trump sent an angry mob after his Vice President and Mike Pence barely escaped the clutches of the mob who was screaming to hang him. Yet, Pence has yet to publicly denounce the actions of Trump on that day.

The former vice president earned something of a reputation as a lapdog while serving under Donald Trump,
The Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol should have changed everything. Pence rightly refused Trump's demand that he attempt to block certification of the 2020 election. Trump, in turn, incited the crowd that broke into the House and Senate chambers, with some rioters chanting "Hang Mike Pence!"

If you can't be angry at the guy who almost got you killed, who can you be mad at?
Pretty amazing that he showed in NH. He seems to think he has relevance.

This, after the leader of the party damn near got him killed.
President Trump sent an angry mob after his Vice President and Mike Pence barely escaped the clutches of the mob who was screaming to hang him. Yet, Pence has yet to publicly denounce the actions of Trump on that day.

The former vice president earned something of a reputation as a lapdog while serving under Donald Trump,
The Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol should have changed everything. Pence rightly refused Trump's demand that he attempt to block certification of the 2020 election. Trump, in turn, incited the crowd that broke into the House and Senate chambers, with some rioters chanting "Hang Mike Pence!"

If you can't be angry at the guy who almost got you killed, who can you be mad at?

To do so would mean the end of his political career. Trump owns the Republican party..for the moment. 3/4 of Republicans think Pence is a RINO who isn't vocal enough in his support of Trump. He tries to be the good soldier but that doesn't mean anything to most right wingers anymore. It's all about the Mar-A-Lago clown now.
President Trump sent an angry mob after his Vice President and Mike Pence barely escaped the clutches of the mob who was screaming to hang him. Yet, Pence has yet to publicly denounce the actions of Trump on that day.

The former vice president earned something of a reputation as a lapdog while serving under Donald Trump,
The Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol should have changed everything. Pence rightly refused Trump's demand that he attempt to block certification of the 2020 election. Trump, in turn, incited the crowd that broke into the House and Senate chambers, with some rioters chanting "Hang Mike Pence!"

If you can't be angry at the guy who almost got you killed, who can you be mad at?

No. He’s a conservative, which makes him a natural follower. Conservatives and followers only understand compliance and blind devotion to authority without question.
President Trump sent an angry mob after his Vice President and Mike Pence barely escaped the clutches of the mob who was screaming to hang him.
And of course you're simply lying again, as usual.

You're a TDS afflicted moron.

History has already reported Trumps tweets condemning Pences patriotism WHILE the rioters were storming the Capitol

Led to chants of... Hang Mike Pence
Mike is a nice guy and nice guys always finish last.

Pence has no spine

Reminds me a lot of Gore.
How so?
This should be interesting

never in the limelight, quiet, never raising a hand.
(Like most previous VPs)

and even Bill wouldn't support his run for president.
I didn’t see Bill Clinton send an angry mob to get Al Gore

But you are correct in one regard
Al Gore certified the election results of George Bush even though it cost him the Presidency
Mike Pence certified the election results of Joe Biden even though it cost him the Vice Presidency
President Trump sent an angry mob after his Vice President and Mike Pence barely escaped the clutches of the mob who was screaming to hang him.
And of course you're simply lying again, as usual.

You're a TDS afflicted moron.
He did send the trump mob of insurrectionists to The Capital and did talk down his VP for not going against the Constitution to support him. The mob did attack The Capital, screaming "Hang Mike Pence". Sounds like stating facts. Are facts TDS just because you are embarrassed about them and wish they were not true?
Mike is a nice guy and nice guys always finish last.

Pence has no spine

Vice President Pence has plenty of "spine". He stood up to the libs for many years, even when they literally crucified him for his adherence to the Pence Rule and refused to bed any woman he isn't married to.

Posturing about Libs is not a spine.

It is like Ted Cruz cowering before Trump after he called his wife ugly
Mike Pence refuses to condemn Trump for jeopardizing his safety instead saying......We do not see eye to eye on Jan 6.

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