Will it really be that terrible if Hillary becomes president, honestly?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
She's going to be the Democratic candidate. She's going to have the full and unwavering support of all of the media that isn't explicitly conservative (with explicitly conservative media primarily being Fox News, NewsMax, and most of talk radio) and every liberal celebrity and wealthy liberal donor. You already know she's got the convicted felon and illegal immigrant votes cinched just for her party affiliation, as well as the female bloc for her gender and probably the young adult one too for a combination of both reasons. The GOP is most likely going to fail to find a competitive candidate just like they have for the last two elections. If they find anyone even close to palatable to the American public, it's still a given that the full weight of the media will be brought down on them and any deep dark secrets they may have or can be made to have will be the only headlines for months. All of these factors together tell me we're most likely seeing another President Clinton and very well might not see another GOP president at all for a long time.

So my question is, will that probable future really be so terrible, or even that much different than what we have now? It's not like she'll do or say much that Obama hasn't already done. We'll probably see the ACA strengthened. GOP attempts to vote on its legality or strike it down will probably be vetoed immediately. The restrictions on Cuba and maybe Iran will be loosened or lifted entirely. I can see Israel being cut loose in a misguided and ultimately futile attempt to make peace with the Islamic world. How will it be anything except for eight more years of the same?
Ah, it would be a disaster. Hell a good portion of her own party dislikes her, did you forget how they threw her under the bus in 2008?
She's going to be the Democratic candidate. She's going to have the full and unwavering support of all of the media that isn't explicitly conservative (with explicitly conservative media primarily being Fox News, NewsMax, and most of talk radio) and every liberal celebrity and wealthy liberal donor. You already know she's got the convicted felon and illegal immigrant votes cinched just for her party affiliation, as well as the female bloc for her gender and probably the young adult one too for a combination of both reasons. The GOP is most likely going to fail to find a competitive candidate just like they have for the last two elections. If they find anyone even close to palatable to the American public, it's still a given that the full weight of the media will be brought down on them and any deep dark secrets they may have or can be made to have will be the only headlines for months. All of these factors together tell me we're most likely seeing another President Clinton and very well might not see another GOP president at all for a long time.

So my question is, will that probable future really be so terrible, or even that much different than what we have now? It's not like she'll do or say much that Obama hasn't already done. We'll probably see the ACA strengthened. GOP attempts to vote on its legality or strike it down will probably be vetoed immediately. The restrictions on Cuba and maybe Iran will be loosened or lifted entirely. I can see Israel being cut loose in a misguided and ultimately futile attempt to make peace with the Islamic world. How will it be anything except for eight more years of the same?
She cannot become President honestly.

Tide is turning, chances are she does not even get to run.

Far left is about to do her in.
Lets not waist the historic first woman president on that amateur lying dishonest hack. We already wasted the historic first black president on some clown from Chicago with no experience.
I would rather not find out, thank you very much.

The nasty, diseased scrunt won't even get close. Believe it.

If the criminal organization called the democrat party wants ANY shot at a 3rd term in the white house, they need to dump the bitch.

But I don't think they believe they have a shot.

And, frankly, neither does any other astute observer of the American Political scene.

Republicans win in a walkover. We might even pick up a couple more Senate Seats.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is hiding how sick of obama the people are...

Think this will be the lead headline on the nightly DISGUSTING FILTH called ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and pMSNBC..... Right

Crash And Burn: Americans Stop Buying Obama’s Class Warfare Schtick, 66% Say His Policies Favor Rich Over Middle Class…

Bummer for Barry.

Via Daily Caller:

A new Pew Research Center survey shows most Americans believe President Barack Obama’s two terms in office have favored the rich, and have not benefited the middle class or the poor.

Those negative attitudes are justified by much negative economic data, and could help GOP candidates in 2015 and 2016 who offer a populist criticism of “crony capitalism.”

The data may also nudge the Democrats’ 2016 candidate to run a populist anti-government campaign, despite Obama’s eight-year tenure.

Sixty-six percent of Pew’s 1,504 respondents say “government economic policies since the recession have helped” wealthy people a “great deal” or a “fair amount.” Only 29 percent said the wealthy were helped “not too much/not at all.”

In contrast, only 26 percent of respondents said middle-class people were helped a great deal or a fair amount.
Hillary Clinton would make a pretty good Republican President.

She supports big business and the goals of the .1%.

She, like her husband, holds working people in contempt.

And , if past republican candidates are any indication, she will be many times better than the future Republican runner.

Any working person who has been paying attention will vote third party.
Yes. Everything that the Echo Chamber claimed was going to happen under Obama, will most definitely happen under Clinton.
The meaning of inane phrases like "that terrible" could range from mildly inconvenient to the Hiroshima bomb depending on your point of view. Personally I think Hillary would be the most corrupt politician in history with the possible exception of Barry Sotoro to inhabit the White House if (God forbid) she is elected. That's pretty terrible.

I wish Michio Kaku would run for president and propel this country into a new era of unrivaled scientific and technological achievements...

Ah, it would be a disaster. Hell a good portion of her own party dislikes her, did you forget how they threw her under the bus in 2008?
For the first black male president, yes. That's how it works in this country/that party: first the black guy gets picked, then the white woman. It's hard not to notice that she's been anointed his successor now that he's had his time.
Given the way Her own party has thrown Her under the bus in recent days it's probable that the only way Hillary might become president is through an armed coup.

So the chances ARE rather alarmingly high......
The meaning of inane phrases like "that terrible" could range from mildly inconvenient to the Hiroshima bomb depending on your point of view. Personally I think Hillary would be the most corrupt politician in history with the possible exception of Barry Sotoro to inhabit the White House if (God forbid) she is elected. That's pretty terrible.

She's already a proven criminal and a known liar.

Think her character would improve in the white house?
Given the way Her own party has thrown Her under the bus in recent days it's probable that the only way Hillary might become president is through an armed coup.

So the chances ARE rather alarmingly high......

I have a case of popcorn at the ready its going to be quite the show watching the Democrats destroy her a second time. lol
She would be 10 times worse than Obama. Obama is grossly incompetent. Hilllary is actually fairly smart and shrewd. That makes her much more dangerous. She is a known radical who will turn this country into a dictatorshio.
Fortunately she is finished. She lacks that "new car smell" and wont get the nomination.
Hillary Clinton would make a pretty good Republican President.

She supports big business and the goals of the .1%.

She, like her husband, holds working people in contempt.

And , if past republican candidates are any indication, she will be many times better than the future Republican runner.

Any working person who has been paying attention will vote third party.
So youneed someone who really cares about working people. Someone like Lizzy Cheekbones, right? LOL!

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