Will GOP cut spending or not?

Probably not but we already know Obama and the Democrats wont so what is the choice vote for the probably wont cut spending or the definitely wont cut spending.

Sounds like a pointless choice to me.
Pretty much is everyone knows you can't get out of this mess without both big spending cuts and tax increases but no one has the courage to say this much less do it.
The Republicans are truly gifted with the ability to lie to their constituents and then do exactly the opposite of the lies. They say they want "smaller" government while they pass laws to take rights away from Americans.

Right now, they're on yet another vacation. This one will mean they've been on vacation almost half of this year and taxpayers DO pay for much of their fun and games. But, very wisely, they leak lies about the Obama's vacations and rw's will blindly believe everything the R tells them. Even when they are told the truth, they will blindly believe what their Overseers tell them to believe.

Bush Spent 5 Times More On Flights To Texas Than Obama

...W. wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in US history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president.

Yes, of course the Rs will cut spending ... Head Start, Meals On Wheels, Planned Parenthood - We all know its miniscule compared to what our tax dollars spent on R's AND their cronies the one percenters but hey, what do they or the rw's care about starving seniors or prenatal care or cancer screening for poor men and women, compared to buying the wealthy another yacht?

The rest of us just have to get our priorities screwed on straight, tighten out belts, get a second job, grow a pot garden ...

oops, don't know how that one got in there but betcha the rw's will blow a collective gasket sputtering about it.

Gullible jackasses.
The Republicans are truly gifted with the ability to lie to their constituents and then do exactly the opposite of the lies. They say they want "smaller" government while they pass laws to take rights away from Americans.

Right now, they're on yet another vacation. This one will mean they've been on vacation almost half of this year and taxpayers DO pay for much of their fun and games. But, very wisely, they leak lies about the Obama's vacations and rw's will blindly believe everything the R tells them. Even when they are told the truth, they will blindly believe what their Overseers tell them to believe.

Bush Spent 5 Times More On Flights To Texas Than Obama

...W. wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in US history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president.
Yes, of course the Rs will cut spending ... Head Start, Meals On Wheels, Planned Parenthood - We all know its miniscule compared to what our tax dollars spent on R's AND their cronies the one percenters but hey, what do they or the rw's care about starving seniors or prenatal care or cancer screening for poor men and women, compared to buying the wealthy another yacht?

The rest of us just have to get our priorities screwed on straight, tighten out belts, get a second job, grow a pot garden ...

oops, don't know how that one got in there but betcha the rw's will blow a collective gasket sputtering about it.

Gullible jackasses.
The private sector can give every human need you mentioned above far more money that the government can.

If we work together, it can happen, and the government can shrink back and let the generous American consumer help take care of those who need care.

America rocks that way. Everybody's beautiful! :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmAo19K_E8o]Everything is beautiful - Ray Stevens - YouTube[/ame]​
Dems have been stopped from doing it, or ANYTHING.

Last year McCain said they would not do anything, the year before, scummy DeMint said they would do everything they could to stop the government from functioning and now, Boehner said they won't do anything and then he went on vacation. Dems wanted the R's to stay and work on the various jobs bills as well as teh Jobs Act but, well, those R's really love to play on the taxpayer's money.

BTW, how can we tell when Boehner is on vacation? When he's NOT vacationing, he's playing golf, boozing it up and chain smoking. How is that different from when he goes on yet another vacation?

Hey, how about a fond memory .. Remember when the hypocritical rw's whined and moaned that Obama was smoking?

Then, the president quit smoking but Boehner is still smoking. The rw's surely did get all kinds of quiet. :eusa_whistle::lol::eusa_whistle::lol:
President Romney will NOT cut taxes.

That is NOT what that lying SOB said.

He has said he will cut taxes even more for the one percenters because, just any day now, they'll get around to creating a job.

He also said he will RAISE taxes on the working class.

This has been posted repeatedly. If you look on the site in my sig, its there, in his own dulcet tones.

And, he also said that if he told us what he plans to do, we wouldn't vote for him. He's wrong. The rw's will vote for any jackass, as long as he's white.
We keep telling you that voting for either party isn't going to change much. The special interests,lobbies, corps all too intertwined with our government now. Bills are combined with other bills to get them to pass.

If its not entitlements which the right are really for,but not publically, or the military nothing will really get cut. Well except those few real social welfare programs that really impact people.
That's why you vote for tea party candidates who believe in smaller government and destruction of the beltway system.

No, because they are too stupid and extreme
Well ain't you the economic authority, Deceptitard.
Probably not but we already know Obama and the Democrats wont so what is the choice vote for the probably wont cut spending or the definitely wont cut spending.

Sounds like a pointless choice to me.
Pretty much is everyone knows you can't get out of this mess without both big spending cuts and tax increases but no one has the courage to say this much less do it.
Not till you get a Scott Walker in power with enough people behind him to say "fuck you special interests" I don't care if you take me out, you're going down."

But strangely, Walker didn't go down. I know they're hoping to make a run at him like they did Palin and make him run, or catch him in something illegal like how Blago getting caught fucked up the chicago machine.

But that is what must happen at the federal level. A 'fuck you all' moment, this is the hard choice you wouldn't make and now I'm going to make it whether you like it or not.

Till then, they'll keep going till the gun is to their temple or the floor falls out underneath them and they can't stop the laws of economics doing the job for them.
until it's not possible anymore due to outside factors they can't control.
Talking the talk, but not walking the walk. Most know me as a fiscal conservative, and the Cato Institute to be a conservative website. Imagine my surprise when I read this stuff:

" Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) introduced three amendments to the recently passed Energy & Water appropriations bill that would have eliminated a slew of business subsidies at the Department of Energy. Unfortunately, House Republicans once again teamed up with their Democratic colleagues to keep the corporate welfare spigot flowing.

From The Hill:
The largest spending cut proposal came from Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.), which would have eliminated the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy account at the Department of Energy and used the $1.45 billion in savings toward deficit reduction. Like other Republicans, McClintock argued that this account needlessly spends money on questionable private investments that have not led to any measurable returns. But the House rejected McClintock’s amendment in a 113-275 vote, in which 113 Republicans voted for it but 107 Republicans joined every Democrat in opposition.

From a second article from The Hill:
Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) proposed ending all nuclear energy research subsidies to private companies, which would have saved $514 million and used that money to lower the deficit. But the House rejected that amendment in a 106-281 vote that divided Republicans 91-134. McClintock also proposed language cutting fossil energy research subsidies, which would have saved $554 million. But the House killed that amendment 138-249, as Republicans split again 102-123. "

And then the kicker:

" An amendment was introduced by Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and McClintock that would have shut down the Department of Energy’s Title 17 loan guarantee program. That’s the program that gave us Solyndra. The amendment failed 136-282 with 127 Republicans joining 155 Democrats to defeat the amendment. That the Republican-led House couldn’t get rid of the program that begot Solyndra is about as low as it gets. "

Republicans Join Democrats to Save Corporate Welfare (Again) | Cato @ Liberty

Don't know what to say. It's an election year, I get that. But for the House, every other year is an election year, when the hell are they going to actually cut this crap?

As long as the MIC ships "products," even if defective, overpriced, and unnecessary, most, not all, Republicans, AND a good number of Democrats, will keep the debt soaring. Cheney's company went from shaky financial ground to a BOOM stock quickly.

The B-1 bomber fiasco, and the $50.00 light bulbs will keep Americans in debt.
Why are you surprised? When was the last time spending was actually cut by Republicans?

I agree, but I am glad Demint and teaprties are putting up primary challengers to hopefully get rid of the country clubbers and get some useful politicians in. One can dream.

People like Rand Paul and Mike Lee are truly interested in cutting spending, but Demint is a fraud.

Don't know if this means anything to you but in the Senate 6 republicans voted against the Ryan budget. Rand Paul was one of them.
So did Reagan cut spending, did Bush cut spending? Did either of the two Republican starlets reduce the size of government? Only one president ever went beyond cutting spending and paid off America's debt and he was a Democrat.
I agree, but I am glad Demint and teaprties are putting up primary challengers to hopefully get rid of the country clubbers and get some useful politicians in. One can dream.

People like Rand Paul and Mike Lee are truly interested in cutting spending, but Demint is a fraud.

Don't know if this means anything to you but in the Senate 6 republicans voted against the Ryan budget. Rand Paul was one of them.

It's something I agreed with Rand on 100%. The Ryan budget was a joke.
People like Rand Paul and Mike Lee are truly interested in cutting spending, but Demint is a fraud.

Don't know if this means anything to you but in the Senate 6 republicans voted against the Ryan budget. Rand Paul was one of them.

It's something I agreed with Rand on 100%. The Ryan budget was a joke.

What does Rand support? I'm guessing it's something along the lines of the Republican Study Committee's proposal, which is so radical it can't command a majority of the Republican caucus in the House.
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Don't know if this means anything to you but in the Senate 6 republicans voted against the Ryan budget. Rand Paul was one of them.

It's something I agreed with Rand on 100%. The Ryan budget was a joke.

What does Rand support? I'm guessing it's something along the lines of the Republican Study Committee's proposal, which is so radical it can barely command a majority of the Republican caucus in the House.

He has his own budget.

Real Conservative Senators Should Vote For Senator Rand Paul's Budget | FreedomWorks

Yes, Freedom Works is a partisan organization, but it does have details about Rand's budget.

And no, Rand's budget would never get passed by a Republican Senate, let alone a Democratic one.
Talking the talk, but not walking the walk. Most know me as a fiscal conservative, and the Cato Institute to be a conservative website. Imagine my surprise when I read this stuff:

" Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) introduced three amendments to the recently passed Energy & Water appropriations bill that would have eliminated a slew of business subsidies at the Department of Energy. Unfortunately, House Republicans once again teamed up with their Democratic colleagues to keep the corporate welfare spigot flowing.

From The Hill:
The largest spending cut proposal came from Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.), which would have eliminated the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy account at the Department of Energy and used the $1.45 billion in savings toward deficit reduction. Like other Republicans, McClintock argued that this account needlessly spends money on questionable private investments that have not led to any measurable returns. But the House rejected McClintock’s amendment in a 113-275 vote, in which 113 Republicans voted for it but 107 Republicans joined every Democrat in opposition.

From a second article from The Hill:
Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) proposed ending all nuclear energy research subsidies to private companies, which would have saved $514 million and used that money to lower the deficit. But the House rejected that amendment in a 106-281 vote that divided Republicans 91-134. McClintock also proposed language cutting fossil energy research subsidies, which would have saved $554 million. But the House killed that amendment 138-249, as Republicans split again 102-123. "

And then the kicker:

" An amendment was introduced by Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and McClintock that would have shut down the Department of Energy’s Title 17 loan guarantee program. That’s the program that gave us Solyndra. The amendment failed 136-282 with 127 Republicans joining 155 Democrats to defeat the amendment. That the Republican-led House couldn’t get rid of the program that begot Solyndra is about as low as it gets. "

Republicans Join Democrats to Save Corporate Welfare (Again) | Cato @ Liberty

Don't know what to say. It's an election year, I get that. But for the House, every other year is an election year, when the hell are they going to actually cut this crap?


Us libertarians have been screaming about it but no one else wants to listen.

Democrats? Big business wins. Republicans? Big business wins.

It's not going to stop until we stop playing their game.
It's something I agreed with Rand on 100%. The Ryan budget was a joke.

What does Rand support? I'm guessing it's something along the lines of the Republican Study Committee's proposal, which is so radical it can barely command a majority of the Republican caucus in the House.

He has his own budget.

Real Conservative Senators Should Vote For Senator Rand Paul's Budget | FreedomWorks

Yes, Freedom Works is a partisan organization, but it does have details about Rand's budget.

And no, Rand's budget would never get passed by a Republican Senate, let alone a Democratic one.

They're just hosting the link. You're not using the link to make an argument, so it's legit sourcing.

And yeah, taking a look at Rand's budget, it's even more loony than the the Republican Study Committee one that couldn't even get a majority of House Republicans behind it.

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