CDZ Will college professors and administrators finally reign in campus cancel culture?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Left wing cancel culture is destroying particular, colleges and universities have become totalitarian institutions where the smallest word spoken at the wrong time to the wrong crowd can get professors and administrators fired, and likely banned from being employed in the future.

Will it be this destruction that finally causes left wing professors to back off of cancel culture....since they are not immune from job loss due to cancel culture?

Everyone who has ever raised a kid knows ... if you spoil them, they will ultimately destroy your life.

Dean Bill Treanor was wrong in the firing of Sellers.
Paul Zwier should be fired.

Petty: Tapia is guilty, he is white and she is black. If he would of talked to the teacher, maybe they would have something in common.

The controversy began last semester when Tapia called security on visiting art professor Caitlin Cherry after witnessing her eating breakfast in a room reserved for faculty and graduate students. The lawsuit states that Tapia believed Cherry may have been an undergraduate student who had gained access to the room.

Emory Law School Professor Paul Zwier pursuant to a controversy in which Zwier mentioned the word "******" in several non-racist contexts during discussions with students.
Left wing cancel culture is destroying particular, colleges and universities have become totalitarian institutions where the smallest word spoken at the wrong time to the wrong crowd can get professors and administrators fired, and likely banned from being employed in the future.

Will it be this destruction that finally causes left wing professors to back off of cancel culture....since they are not immune from job loss due to cancel culture?

‘Cancel culture’ is a myth, a partisan rightwing contrivance intended to divide the American people and sow discord perceived by conservatives to benefit them politically.

Conservatives are not ‘victims,’ no one is being ‘canceled' - conservatives need to stop lying that they are.
Left wing cancel culture is destroying particular, colleges and universities have become totalitarian institutions where the smallest word spoken at the wrong time to the wrong crowd can get professors and administrators fired, and likely banned from being employed in the future.

Will it be this destruction that finally causes left wing professors to back off of cancel culture....since they are not immune from job loss due to cancel culture?

How is that any different than the rest of society? Most places you can say the wrong thing and get fired.

Professors are often protected by Tenure, which means firing them is a lot more difficult than some guy working in a cubicle who vented on Facebook one night and forgot he friended his boss.

Of course, there is no "Cancel Culture", there is "Consequence Culture". You do dumb stuff, there are consequences.

The funny thing is, you guys were all for Cancel Culture when it was Jane Fonda, the Dixie Chicks, or Colin Kaepernick. You boycotted NFL games because you didn't like some of the black players were kneeling.

Now, actually reading your article from "Just the News", a right wing site with no journalistic credibility.

The one example they give is an adjunct professor who pretty much admitted she was biased against black students. And she was dumb enough to say it on a video call!

The other case was a professor who said the N-word repeatedly in a non-racial context. Um, I'm sorry, exactly what context is there where the N-word isn't racist?

The other case was some Karen who called campus security on a black professor he say eating in the lunch room. Um. Yeah. He kind of deserved to be fired.

I always find it amusing the same people who have spent the last 50 years stripping American workers of any rights vs. their employers are now shocked, just shocked, that employers are getting rid of problematic employees with very little due process.
Left wing cancel culture is destroying particular, colleges and universities have become totalitarian institutions where the smallest word spoken at the wrong time to the wrong crowd can get professors and administrators fired, and likely banned from being employed in the future.

Will it be this destruction that finally causes left wing professors to back off of cancel culture....since they are not immune from job loss due to cancel culture?

‘Cancel culture’ is a myth, a partisan rightwing contrivance intended to divide the American people and sow discord perceived by conservatives to benefit them politically.

Conservatives are not ‘victims,’ no one is being ‘canceled' - conservatives need to stop lying that they are.

Really? Are you serious?
Left wing cancel culture is destroying particular, colleges and universities have become totalitarian institutions where the smallest word spoken at the wrong time to the wrong crowd can get professors and administrators fired, and likely banned from being employed in the future.

Will it be this destruction that finally causes left wing professors to back off of cancel culture....since they are not immune from job loss due to cancel culture?

How is that any different than the rest of society? Most places you can say the wrong thing and get fired.

Professors are often protected by Tenure, which means firing them is a lot more difficult than some guy working in a cubicle who vented on Facebook one night and forgot he friended his boss.

Of course, there is no "Cancel Culture", there is "Consequence Culture". You do dumb stuff, there are consequences.

The funny thing is, you guys were all for Cancel Culture when it was Jane Fonda, the Dixie Chicks, or Colin Kaepernick. You boycotted NFL games because you didn't like some of the black players were kneeling.

Now, actually reading your article from "Just the News", a right wing site with no journalistic credibility.

The one example they give is an adjunct professor who pretty much admitted she was biased against black students. And she was dumb enough to say it on a video call!

The other case was a professor who said the N-word repeatedly in a non-racial context. Um, I'm sorry, exactly what context is there where the N-word isn't racist?

The other case was some Karen who called campus security on a black professor he say eating in the lunch room. Um. Yeah. He kind of deserved to be fired.

I always find it amusing the same people who have spent the last 50 years stripping American workers of any rights vs. their employers are now shocked, just shocked, that employers are getting rid of problematic employees with very little due process.

Already went through the colin kapernick, dixie chick and jane fonda lies.....I showed you that none of them were canelled........but you go on to post that.......
Already went through the colin kapernick, dixie chick and jane fonda lies.....I showed you that none of them were canelled........but you go on to post that.......

You tried to claim that... but you came up short.

You guys are fine with Cancel Culture when it's people you don't like.

This has nothing to do with employers making business decisions that, "Maybe this isn't someone we should keep on the payroll, as he offends our customers or his co-workers."

Now, bringing this back to colleges. Colleges are a business. They stopped being academies of learning some time ago when we all decided you needed to have a Bachelor's degree to sit in a cubicle and file paperwork. If you want to get that sweet, sweet tuition money, you can't go around insulting your customers. Just like any other business.

So no surprise, when you catch a professor making racist comments on how stupid her black students (CUSTOMERS) are, she's going to get fired just like the guy behind the counter who gets caught talking about how lazy the black customers are.
The point of this thread is that the frankenstein monster of cancel culture, nurtured and spread by left wing college professors is claiming left wing professors as victims...will these left wing professors try to stop the monster they have helped create?
The point of this thread is that the frankenstein monster of cancel culture, nurtured and spread by left wing college professors is claiming left wing professors as victims...will these left wing professors try to stop the monster they have helped create?

Unlikely... they don't want to work with racists, either.

Of course, the examples they gave, people would have been fired Cancel culture or not.
An American college campus is the last freaking place on the freaking planet that people should be punished or intimidated for speaking their mind.

It shouldn't happen in the first place in this country, but definitely not there.

Wow, really?

Real world, people self-censor all the time. If they didn't, we'd have fist fights at the workplace every day.

When your co-worker came in wearing a dress that was a size too small, did you say, "Man, that dress really makes you look fat." Nope. did you think it? Yup. You don't tell the client he's an idiot, even if you think he's an idiot.

Just because you CAN say a thing, most of the time, it's best NOT to say a thing.

So here's the thing. The story that they made a big deal about was an adjunct professor saying that black students always got worse grades. And she was dumb enough to say it on a conference call that someone was monitoring. Frankly, if I were a black student, I'd have really serious concerns about this person grading my work. I'd wonder if she could be fair and objective.

This isn't a small matter from the student's perspective. this person could potentially have an influence on his entire life going forward.
Seems Its ok to take everything and anything & fit the facts to some personal reality. With very little resemblance to the truth. As with colleges some are ultra conservative some very liberal some are middle ground. Blanket statements are often incorrect.
Were the school administrators and professors in 1923 Germany who thought the national Socialists were just what Germany needed able to rein in the Nazis?
I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
I never said you were trying to convince me

you are very dismissive of trump voters and I‘m sure that includes me

unless of course you glob onto Romney as your standard bearer in 2024 after the disappointment of senile Old Joe

then you will expect unity from the GOP base that the never trumper swamp rats never displayed themselves

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