Will Cannon survive?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
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The recent news about possible Russian space nukes reminds us that we live in a very insecure world. That is why perhaps none of Donald Trump’s four criminal cases is more troubling than the federal prosecution brought by special counsel Jack Smith for mishandling classified documents. Unfortunately, the judge handling the case, Aileen Cannon—a last-minute appointment rushed through in the waning days of the Trump administration—has proved herself to be by far the worst of the jurists overseeing these momentous cases. Her decisions during the investigative phase of the case strayed wildly from precedent, leading to brutal reversals by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. Now Smith appears to be preparing to ask that body to overturn at least one and possibly two of her decisions. In our view, while he is there on those other issues, he should also petition them to remove her from the case.

Why do we think Smith might be headed to the court of appeals? In part because he has already sought reconsideration for the latest of Cannon’s unlawful orders. This is a step that is warranted only in rare circumstances, including when a judge has made a “clear error” that led to “manifest injustice.” In this instance, at Trump’s behest, Cannon has decided to unseal the identities of two dozen potential witnesses, along with sensitive information they provided to the government. The “clear error” Smith identifies is striking: He alleges that Cannon applied the wrong legal standard in making this decision, requiring him to make a far more stringent showing than should be needed to protect these names. In his motion for reconsideration, Smith shows that the case law—including the very cases Cannon herself cited in her order—does not establish the unreasonable hurdles she wants him to clear.

Is it a surprise that an unqualified hack, loyal to Dear Leader has had two rulings overturned already with a third one potentially on the way? No. Based on this, should she be removed as judge in this case? Yes. Will Trumpworld cry foul? Does a bear.... in the woods?
Aileen Cannon—a last-minute appointment rushed through in the waning days of the Trump administration—has proved herself to be by far the worst of the jurists overseeing these momentous cases.
Consistent with the fact that Trump was the worst of presidents.
It's amusing how liberals have latched on to the Russian space nukes when just last year they were making fun of MTG for mentioning Israel space lasers...
This sounds like an eqregious misscarriage of justice. You should call attention to this immediatley! We cannot have this kind of judicial nonsense coming from our courts.

Hear me out.... the best way to call attention to this transgression is to leap from the balcony of a shopping mall screaming incoherently, and when the rope snaps your neck there will be a LOT of attention paid to what you've scrawled on your chest in red lipstick.

They may even call the judge and tell her to shelter in place while they scour your social media. You will have done your part patriot!
Jack Smith has a lot more to worry about than Judge Cannon. The legality of his office, his possible conspiring with other prosecutors that could result in Title 41 §§ 1983 and 1985 charges brought by Trump.

Judge Cannon, who is merely protecting a defendant's Constitutional rights, as no one is above the law, neither is anyone below the law.
Jack Smith has a lot more to worry about than Judge Cannon. The legality of his office, his possible conspiring with other prosecutors that could result in Title 41 §§ 1983 and 1985 charges brought by Trump.

Judge Cannon, who is merely protecting a defendant's Constitutional rights, as no one is above the law, neither is anyone below the law.
Cannon has been trying to give Trump special rights no one else would get by ignoring binding precedent.
Judge Cannon, who is merely protecting a defendant's Constitutional rights
Her rulings have been overturned twice. And now this........

The “clear error” Smith identifies is striking: He alleges that Cannon applied the wrong legal standard in making this decision, requiring him to make a far more stringent showing than should be needed to protect these names. In his motion for reconsideration, Smith shows that the case law—including the very cases Cannon herself cited in her order—does not establish the unreasonable hurdles she wants him to clear.
This sounds like an eqregious misscarriage of justice. You should call attention to this immediatley! We cannot have this kind of judicial nonsense coming from our courts.

Hear me out.... the best way to call attention to this transgression is to leap from the balcony of a shopping mall screaming incoherently, and when the rope snaps your neck there will be a LOT of attention paid to what you've scrawled on your chest in red lipstick.

They may even call the judge and tell her to shelter in place while they scour your social media. You will have done your part patriot!
I know it's hard, but try not to be such a cuck.
The recent news about possible Russian space nukes reminds us that we live in a very insecure world. That is why perhaps none of Donald Trump’s four criminal cases is more troubling than the federal prosecution brought by special counsel Jack Smith for mishandling classified documents. Unfortunately, the judge handling the case, Aileen Cannon—a last-minute appointment rushed through in the waning days of the Trump administration—has proved herself to be by far the worst of the jurists overseeing these momentous cases. Her decisions during the investigative phase of the case strayed wildly from precedent, leading to brutal reversals by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. Now Smith appears to be preparing to ask that body to overturn at least one and possibly two of her decisions. In our view, while he is there on those other issues, he should also petition them to remove her from the case.

Why do we think Smith might be headed to the court of appeals? In part because he has already sought reconsideration for the latest of Cannon’s unlawful orders. This is a step that is warranted only in rare circumstances, including when a judge has made a “clear error” that led to “manifest injustice.” In this instance, at Trump’s behest, Cannon has decided to unseal the identities of two dozen potential witnesses, along with sensitive information they provided to the government. The “clear error” Smith identifies is striking: He alleges that Cannon applied the wrong legal standard in making this decision, requiring him to make a far more stringent showing than should be needed to protect these names. In his motion for reconsideration, Smith shows that the case law—including the very cases Cannon herself cited in her order—does not establish the unreasonable hurdles she wants him to clear.

Is it a surprise that an unqualified hack, loyal to Dear Leader has had two rulings overturned already with a third one potentially on the way? No. Based on this, should she be removed as judge in this case? Yes. Will Trumpworld cry foul? Does a bear.... in the woods?
Soon enough jack smith will have enoughto askthe court to have her removed from the case.
The recent news about possible Russian space nukes reminds us that we live in a very insecure world. That is why perhaps none of Donald Trump’s four criminal cases is more troubling than the federal prosecution brought by special counsel Jack Smith for mishandling classified documents. Unfortunately, the judge handling the case, Aileen Cannon—a last-minute appointment rushed through in the waning days of the Trump administration—has proved herself to be by far the worst of the jurists overseeing these momentous cases. Her decisions during the investigative phase of the case strayed wildly from precedent, leading to brutal reversals by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. Now Smith appears to be preparing to ask that body to overturn at least one and possibly two of her decisions. In our view, while he is there on those other issues, he should also petition them to remove her from the case.

Why do we think Smith might be headed to the court of appeals? In part because he has already sought reconsideration for the latest of Cannon’s unlawful orders. This is a step that is warranted only in rare circumstances, including when a judge has made a “clear error” that led to “manifest injustice.” In this instance, at Trump’s behest, Cannon has decided to unseal the identities of two dozen potential witnesses, along with sensitive information they provided to the government. The “clear error” Smith identifies is striking: He alleges that Cannon applied the wrong legal standard in making this decision, requiring him to make a far more stringent showing than should be needed to protect these names. In his motion for reconsideration, Smith shows that the case law—including the very cases Cannon herself cited in her order—does not establish the unreasonable hurdles she wants him to clear.

Is it a surprise that an unqualified hack, loyal to Dear Leader has had two rulings overturned already with a third one potentially on the way? No. Based on this, should she be removed as judge in this case? Yes. Will Trumpworld cry foul? Does a bear.... in the woods?
justice cannon? yea. she will be around for a life time.

unless we beat this bastard anyway.
The recent news about possible Russian space nukes reminds us that we live in a very insecure world. That is why perhaps none of Donald Trump’s four criminal cases is more troubling than the federal prosecution brought by special counsel Jack Smith for mishandling classified documents. Unfortunately, the judge handling the case, Aileen Cannon—a last-minute appointment rushed through in the waning days of the Trump administration—has proved herself to be by far the worst of the jurists overseeing these momentous cases. Her decisions during the investigative phase of the case strayed wildly from precedent, leading to brutal reversals by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. Now Smith appears to be preparing to ask that body to overturn at least one and possibly two of her decisions. In our view, while he is there on those other issues, he should also petition them to remove her from the case.

Why do we think Smith might be headed to the court of appeals? In part because he has already sought reconsideration for the latest of Cannon’s unlawful orders. This is a step that is warranted only in rare circumstances, including when a judge has made a “clear error” that led to “manifest injustice.” In this instance, at Trump’s behest, Cannon has decided to unseal the identities of two dozen potential witnesses, along with sensitive information they provided to the government. The “clear error” Smith identifies is striking: He alleges that Cannon applied the wrong legal standard in making this decision, requiring him to make a far more stringent showing than should be needed to protect these names. In his motion for reconsideration, Smith shows that the case law—including the very cases Cannon herself cited in her order—does not establish the unreasonable hurdles she wants him to clear.

Is it a surprise that an unqualified hack, loyal to Dear Leader has had two rulings overturned already with a third one potentially on the way? No. Based on this, should she be removed as judge in this case? Yes. Will Trumpworld cry foul? Does a bear.... in the woods?

The law is clear, and it is EO 13526, from Obama in 2009.
And it says presidents are the arbitrary ultimate authority on all classified docs created during their administration.
This does not and cannot change when out of office, and they are the FIOA guardians with their presidential libraries.

It is Jack Smith who is in total violation of the law, and should be disbarred and prosecuted.

The image is old and has nothing at all to do with the case.
If you were to remove Cannon, then you would also have to remove Jack Smith and anyone who ever supported any political party, ever.
justice cannon? yea. she will be around for a life time.

unless we beat this bastard anyway.

The one violating the law is Jack Smith, not Cannon or Trump.
The law is EO 13526, and it clearly says presidents can do what ever they want with all classified docs.
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