Wildfire smoke covering half the country, no problem.

But suggest that wood be burned cleanly for heat or electricity generation and the enviro wackos heads explode.
I once worked for a company that used paper products in production. I suggested to a higher-up that fire walls be build while logging. I was ignored.
Another thread where I have no idea what the argument is supposed to be?

Make wildfires illegal?

There are standing dead trees everywhere that are not being harvested.
Well, it's 50/50 whether the tree would be of any use if it's "dead". Would depend on its viability.
If it's full of wood boring beetles or some other fungus. It probably won't be of any use.

The fires in Canada were largely started by lighting...in an already dry year for precipitation.
Well, it's 50/50 whether the tree would be of any use if it's "dead". Would depend on its viability.
If it's full of wood boring beetles or some other fungus. It probably won't be of any use.

The fires in Canada were largely started by lighting...in an already dry year for precipitation.

I and others harvest dead trees in our state forests. Great firewood. There is so much that goes to waste it boggles the mind.

My favorites are standing dead trees that have lost all their bark. No mess, bone dry and ready to burn. Bugs are never a problem as they are long gone when the sap dries up.
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