Wikipedia censors Ben Carson's comments on affirmative action


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Until recently wiki had this quote from Ben in their article on him.

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

But now it's gone.

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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I've been expecting this censorship for quite some time. Ben is clearly a white-hater and that's not gonna sit well with conservatives. Maybe he removed the quote himself.
You can use WIKI for a select few things. but I wouldn't rely on them for much

From what I've heard they can be edited by the people using it

I never go there or used them in all the years I've been on here and that's over 10 years
When anyone can edit Wiki content, it's foolish to use it as a source. I've seen more accurate sources written on the walls of a shitter stall.
When anyone can edit Wiki content, it's foolish to use it as a source. I've seen more accurate sources written on the walls of a shitter stall.

There's not an accredited college in the US or Canada that allows Wikipedia to be used as a reference source for term papers, etc. At one time the Wikipedia article on Stalin's gulag stated that 90,000 people died in the slave labor camps. 90,000! Russia admits to four million, but the truth is probably much closer to 17 million. If online bullshit, especially left-wing online bullshit, was bricks and mortar, we could build a highway to the moon.
When anyone can edit Wiki content, it's foolish to use it as a source. I've seen more accurate sources written on the walls of a shitter stall.

Wikipedia entries are generally supported with footnoted outside links.

I imagine someone on the right took down the affirmative action quote by Carson.
When anyone can edit Wiki content, it's foolish to use it as a source. I've seen more accurate sources written on the walls of a shitter stall.

Wikipedia entries are generally supported with footnoted outside links.

I imagine someone on the right took down the affirmative action quote by Carson.

More likely a far left drone like you did it..
Who believes that the OP has been standing guard on Ben Carson's Wikipedia page....waiting for the quote to be removed?

Damn.......stupid people always think everyone around them is stupid.

To conservatively purify Carson's image. He's the new great black hope for the RWnuts. You don't want him coming off like Colin Powell.

Conservatives like him because they don't know him. When they find out he's a white-hating racist who wants to expand affirmative action, they will turn on himj.
When anyone can edit Wiki content, it's foolish to use it as a source. I've seen more accurate sources written on the walls of a shitter stall.

Wikipedia entries are generally supported with footnoted outside links.

I imagine someone on the right took down the affirmative action quote by Carson.

Really? I have the power to take things down from Wikipedia? Wait....I think my head's about to explode. This is too much power for such a humble right winger like me.
I imagine someone on the right took down the affirmative action quote by Carson.

Why would a rightist do it? Maybe a rino but they are not rightists.

To conservatively purify Carson's image. He's the new great black hope for the RWnuts. You don't want him coming off like Colin Powell.

So you admit that conservatives take a stand AGAINST the racism promoted by you Leftists.

Thank you.

To conservatively purify Carson's image. He's the new great black hope for the RWnuts. You don't want him coming off like Colin Powell.

Conservatives like him because they don't know him. When they find out he's a white-hating racist who wants to expand affirmative action, they will turn on himj.

As well we should. We aren't the racists, you are. If he's a racist, he's one of you.
When anyone can edit Wiki content, it's foolish to use it as a source. I've seen more accurate sources written on the walls of a shitter stall.

Wikipedia entries are generally supported with footnoted outside links.

I imagine someone on the right took down the affirmative action quote by Carson.
Almost certainly they did.
Almost certainly if libtards claim the right did you can bet the right didn't.

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