Wikileaks to speed up release of data

Hillary kept the private server so she and Obama could dismantle the Middle East, destabilize it and turn it over to Jihad. That's why Hillary let them die at Benghazi and why Obama called the 4 men "bumps in the road". Because Obama was on Soros's road
BREAKING: Wikileaks Speeding Up Release Of Data

Awesome. Wonder what else we will learn!
No more than you already knew, you need to realize that just because something has been hacked does not mean it is damaging or valuable, it was just private. Of course you will all do as you have been, seizing on off-hand comments from one half of a conversation and building it up until it somehow proves all your conspiracy theories are correct. In the meantime celebrating Russian efforts to damage our democracy has not worked out so well for the right has it?
not like anyone is FORCING YOU to stay here...


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