Wikileaks Alcohol industry bribed congress to denounce cannabis


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

WikiLeaks: Alcohol Industry Bribed Congress To Denounce Cannabis - Expand your Consciousness

Newly leaked information reveals that officials in some of the top alcohol companies in America spent money on persuading members of Congress to pay attention to the alleged problem of “marijuana-impaired driving.”When one compares the effects of marijuana to alcohol, there really is no competition. To begin with, alcohol is responsible for approximately 88,000 deaths in the United States each year and marijuana… zero.


This is totally logical when you think as a business would. Cannabis is becoming a great investment in stocks, it really has been proven to be exceptional medicine. By making it recreationally legal the booze industry would lose billions.

Many people aware of this would rather have a pot head walking around than some drunk jekyl and hyde violent, raping drunk.
Because the reality is people who smoke pot do not get violent and if they do because MSM liars tell you this msm is either totally full of it, or the person also was drinking on top of smoking it. Not to mention the possibility of taking pills.

Pot alone does not cause anything the lying MSM bs ads tell you.
Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.
Pot shouldn't be smoked at work(well I guess depending on what your job is...). People high shouldn't drive.
The same standards for alcohol should be applied to pot.
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Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.

Have you ever seen in real life anyone on pot? Not tv commercials .
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Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.

Baked - Episode 5: Ex-Cops Smoking Weed: Full Video

Baked - Episode 1: Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time (Extended Cut)

these are actually kind of funny

But have serious points behind why these videos were made.

Alcohol is like ether, yet is sold on street corners and served in huge glasses....Yet grown humans in charge of our govt. can't tell the difference unless bribed..Now who is high and who is stupid?
Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.

Nobody should be on anything if they are around equipment. The problem is that you can do a quick test to see if you are effected by alcohol right now, but with weed, they can't tell if you are high now or if it was last weekend.
The CBD's in pot doesn't get you high, you just get the benefits of it.
The Big Pharma doesn't want that out, so they are behind paying off Congress as well, bunch of crooks.

Both alcohol and pot release a brain hormone called dopamine..
So just like any drug , pot should not be used at work or while driving...

I love this..

Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.

Have you ever seen in real life anyone on pot? Not tv commercials .
Yes. I have two children and they have grown children. I was a single mother of two at the age of eighteen when I divorce their drug and sex addicted nasty ass biological father. One of my children was an honor student with an exceptional bright future. Smart as a whip that one walked and talked well enough to carry on a comprehensive conversation at the age of 13 months believe or not. School was like walking through a sunlit park for that one. That one also wanted to be a doctor but got married instead. They imbibed in the recreational use of pot. That one ended up in a divorce later. Once the decision and the ability to return to school was available that one did not have that edge any longer that it takes to be tops. Anyhow if I was talented and educated enough to be a writer I could write a book on what I have seen happen to people I have personally known over the years that this and alcohol affected.

I wouldn't begrudge anyone that choice of using pot or alcohol nor would I recommend it. Simply put it needs to be regulated.
Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.

Nobody should be on anything if they are around equipment. The problem is that you can do a quick test to see if you are effected by alcohol right now, but with weed, they can't tell if you are high now or if it was last weekend.
I could see where that testing may be a problem so the regulators will have to take that all into consideration.
Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.

Nobody should be on anything if they are around equipment. The problem is that you can do a quick test to see if you are effected by alcohol right now, but with weed, they can't tell if you are high now or if it was last weekend.

Then its up to government and industry to figure out a test for THC in the bloodstream, and set an intoxication point, similar to BAC.
Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.

Nobody should be on anything if they are around equipment. The problem is that you can do a quick test to see if you are effected by alcohol right now, but with weed, they can't tell if you are high now or if it was last weekend.
I could see where that testing may be a problem so the regulators will have to take that all into consideration.

They do. If they find you have any weed in your system at all, you don't get on equipment. I spent years avoiding even being around pot because of that. Since retirement, I'm making up for it.
Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.

Nobody should be on anything if they are around equipment. The problem is that you can do a quick test to see if you are effected by alcohol right now, but with weed, they can't tell if you are high now or if it was last weekend.
I could see where that testing may be a problem so the regulators will have to take that all into consideration.

They do. If they find you have any weed in your system at all, you don't get on equipment. I spent years avoiding even being around pot because of that. Since retirement, I'm making up for it.
I worked for decades around equipment while stoned...I never had any problems and made a good living...Now those meth heads, coke heads, pill poppers, drunks and synthetic pot smokers I wouldn't want to be around, oh fuck, I was a drunk at one time also..But that habit made me only want to chase broads and hang out in beer joints....
Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.

Nobody should be on anything if they are around equipment. The problem is that you can do a quick test to see if you are effected by alcohol right now, but with weed, they can't tell if you are high now or if it was last weekend.

Then its up to government and industry to figure out a test for THC in the bloodstream, and set an intoxication point, similar to BAC.

I've been saying that since the first time I had to pee in a jar more than 20 years ago. Nothing yet
Not sure about how everyone else feels but I prefer fully sober people to be around equipment. I do know that some potheads can and have put others at risk on construction sites. If someone want to imbibe that is fine but don't do it when they are situations where they can be putting others at risk with their hobby.

Nobody should be on anything if they are around equipment. The problem is that you can do a quick test to see if you are effected by alcohol right now, but with weed, they can't tell if you are high now or if it was last weekend.
I could see where that testing may be a problem so the regulators will have to take that all into consideration.

They do. If they find you have any weed in your system at all, you don't get on equipment. I spent years avoiding even being around pot because of that. Since retirement, I'm making up for it.
I have known instances where employers didn't test and allowed potheads on equipment. I can see if it is legalized that may come up as a problem for employers who do not mandate drug testing. If someone was hurt from another employee doing drugs attorneys could have a ball. Employee drug testing is an added expense and burden for the employer so that could also burden smaller businesses more than larger ones.

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