WI Teachers are falsifying gov't documents; Setting example for kids?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The people entrusted with teaching our children not only academics, but to be being a model of integrity are now committing an unlawful act by falsifying a government document.

25,000 teachers called in "sick" to protest. They must fill out a government sick leave slip, aka, a government document. And obviously, they aren't sick. Thats why they're getting docs to make false notes.

They are falsifying governmnet documents in the name of 60's style street protests. And telling our children that it's ok.

Here is a link of many cases where government employees were fired or even charged for falsifying sick leave:

Sick Leave & Abuse

The teachers are breaking the law. Fire their asses if it continues. Unless they want to government to order an audit of all 25,000, done by, oh, lets see, government doctors to verify illness?
Its okay to lie as long as it is for something you think its okay to lie for. Right?
I'd fire every damn one of them. They are obviously not sick.

Replace them with recent college grads who are energetic and motivated for a job. Tell them up front "No more collective bargaining, but if you work hard and are effective, you'll be rewarded within reason of what a taxpayer funded job can do."

The beauty of this though is the unions are gonna inevitably lose. The WI governor won't give in.

It's almost like a football game in which the score is 50-3 in the 4th quarter, but the losing team is still fighting. Outcome is already determined. Just waiting the clock out.
What kind of example would they send kids if the tuck their tails and gave in to bullies. They are teaching their students to stand up for their rights to have unions stand up for them. IT is teaching them a lesson on why unions are needed and Scott Walker dictating them is not.
Its okay to lie as long as it is for something you think its okay to lie for. Right?

I've heard this theory somewhere before,,,,,,, I just can't seem to place it at the moment. :terror:

Yep, so have I.

But it's one thing to simply lie.

A whole other thing to falsify a government document. Which is what the teachers are doing, AND telling their students it's ok to do.

So teachers are telling the kids "When you don't get your way, lie, falsify a document, go to the streets and protest!!!"

Our future generations are being served well.
What kind of example would they send kids if the tuck their tails and gave in to bullies. They are teaching their students to stand up for their rights to have unions stand up for them. IT is teaching them a lesson on why unions are needed and Scott Walker dictating them is not.

They are telling them that when you don't get your way, to lie, falsify a document, and run around like spoiled kids in the street.

They are telling their students that it's OK to skip work and lie about it.

How about stay at your job, and meet up AFTER the day's work is done.

I'd respect them a lot more if they did that. But they're acting like children.

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