Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

You didn't see us storming the capital to kill as many cops as we can

I don't see ANYONE doing that, shit for brains.

Goddamn leftards LIE. It's ALL they do. If their gums are flapping, they're lying.

The credibility of that bullshit is the same as claiming dePape is MAGA.

UnderwearGate 3.0 had to be quickly retracted by NBC for admitting Paul pelosi and dePape are pals who know each other quite well...

When will your side release UnderwearGate 4.0?

We're waiting....
From the mouth AND mind of a MAGA Maggot Q anon Hate Nazi. . You wakoloons are a gas. No substance, all lies or distortions. Spreading the only thing your group has an abundance of, Hate! There are 15 pages here ,can anyone come up with one thing that a hate party members has said here that is the truth and not some distortion or lie. People don't realize how much these right bangers lie until you watch them try to respond to this request. Watch and learn.
From the mouth AND mind of a MAGA Maggot Q anon Hate Nazi. . You wakoloons are a gas. No substance, all lies or distortions. Spreading the only thing your group has an abundance of, Hate! There are 15 pages here ,can anyone come up with one thing that a hate party members has said here that is the truth and not some distortion or lie. People don't realize how much these right bangers lie until you watch them try to respond to this request. Watch and learn.

And once again the LEFT here goes Q-anon.

You are Q-anon if you notice dePape is left wing gay coke whore....

Q-anon is a left wing fraud run by

I don't see ANYONE doing that, shit for brains.

Goddamn leftards LIE. It's ALL they do. If their gums are flapping, they're lying.

They lie, hate hoax, and steal money from the taxpayer.

That is pretty much all they do...
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?
An equally good question is, why would anyone vote for a Republican.
Wow, you are pretty open on your racism, aren't you? Amusing, because Jews were considered a non-white race until recently.
You reiterate that non-Whites need your help.
Nothing else need be said.
Blacks in AFRICA have accomplished nothing in the last several hundred years due to inter-tribal wars.
Haitians are a waste.
Jamaicans have their act together.
An equally good question is, why would anyone vote for a Republican.
Lower taxes
Secure border
Energy independence
More care that money is spent for the benefit of the people instead of for radical ideology
Ability for states and local governments to respond to the people they represent
Courts that decide cases on the Constitution and law rather than partisan ideology.
Less waste
More liberty for the people to govern themselves as the Constitution intended
And once again the LEFT here goes Q-anon.

You are Q-anon if you notice dePape is left wing gay coke whore....

Q-anon is a left wing fraud run by

You Q anon wackos are out in cloud nine. , who in the hell cares about anything about Depage., He is a typical wack job like the rest of you MAGA Maggots.
Lower taxes
Secure border
Energy independence
More care that money is spent for the benefit of the people instead of for radical ideology
Ability for states and local governments to respond to the people they represent
Courts that decide cases on the Constitution and law rather than partisan ideology.
Less waste
More liberty for the people to govern themselves as the Constitution intended
Lower taxes , stupid when most of the debt belongs to your own hate group you call a party. Secure borders simple change the law that children and parents that are Gun Fodder in other countries can't come here to get away from being murdered, Even though it is against a international treaty that we signed onto, just break the treaty.. Energy independence, what a hoot. Big oil is sitting on 9000 federal permits to explore on government land for oil and hundreds of thousands of permits that they can have for the asking on private land, You people are so willing to show what a dumb fuck you are . This being a great example.. Your states right bullshit when those states are run by your hate group it makes them the most dangerous states to live in where crime and homicide are through the roof where your children are more like to get raped then in any Liberal state, where the level of education is a disaster, , where the center of white supremacy is. in abundance, Where hate crimes are by far the highest in this country, Where the highest welfare states exist where they are the sates that take in more federal money then they contribute , getting it from blue staters across this country. The lowest educated states with the lowest wages. Ya you bet. If you can find one graph that shows anything different from what I've said above , bring it on with the source, or just go away. With your nothing. . Your hate group you call a party contributes nothing to the wellbeing of this country.
These right wing haters are a total joke. , They don't deal in the truth ., if they had to or did, they wouldn't or couldn't exist.

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