Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

The US gets most of it’s intelligence and military technology from Jew Boys and Jew Girls.
I know that causes you untold of agony.

In a part of the world we ONLY care about because the Zionist Entity subverts our policies.

40 years of the ZIonists dragging us into wars... If we took half the money we spend playing hall monitor in the middle east, and spent it on energy independence, we'd be much better off.
In a part of the world we ONLY care about because the Zionist Entity subverts our policies.

40 years of the ZIonists dragging us into wars... If we took half the money we spend playing hall monitor in the middle east, and spent it on energy independence, we'd be much better off.
It's a good thing that no Arab nations are at war with each other! :laughing0301:
How stupid are you?
Never mind India and Pakistan.
Never mind the Balkans.
Never mind the Chinese abusing their own people.

You're either stupid or just another loser Jew hater.
Never mind India and Pakistan.

We aren't involved in that, and India and Pakistan haven't been at war since the 1970's...

Never mind the Balkans.

Again, we aren't directly involved....

Never mind the Chinese abusing their own people.

I wasn't aware we were sending billions in aid to China... or constantly fighting wars for them like we do for the zionists.

You're either stupid or just another loser Jew hater.

Yes, the Zionist excuse... anyone questions what we do, just complain they are being mean to you.
We aren't involved in that, and India and Pakistan haven't been at war since the 1970's...

Again, we aren't directly involved....

I wasn't aware we were sending billions in aid to China... or constantly fighting wars for them like we do for the zionists.

Yes, the Zionist excuse... anyone questions what we do, just complain they are being mean to you.
What bull!
We are monetarily involved in every conflict on earth.
China...we have made them the most powerful nation on earth by using their slave labor.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?

Because they're repelled by the Trump cult.

Once you realize this, and that you are a hindrance to America, you'll be better able to deal with progressives.
They don't need one, moron; we need them for slave labor and we're all already aware that you're a racist.

Actually, the Chinese are becoming very affluent... so much so that companies looking to do manufacturing overseas are looking at India, Vietnam, Malaysia because Chinese labor is too expensive now.

What you don't see is a bunch of Chinese bullying Congress into doing its will. That would be the Zionists.

Which is why we get THIS...

You didn't see us storming the capital to kill as many cops as we can to bring down our democracy and country, to force in a piece of shit as a dictator.


The credibility of that bullshit is the same as claiming dePape is MAGA.

UnderwearGate 3.0 had to be quickly retracted by NBC for admitting Paul pelosi and dePape are pals who know each other quite well...

When will your side release UnderwearGate 4.0?

We're waiting....
Actually, the Chinese are becoming very affluent... so much so that companies looking to do manufacturing overseas are looking at India, Vietnam, Malaysia because Chinese labor is too expensive now.

What you don't see is a bunch of Chinese bullying Congress into doing its will. That would be the Zionists.

Which is why we get THIS...

View attachment 723949
That's funny...
If you start a business in China and it fails, you starve.
Most businesses in China fail.

If you get COVID in China, they lock up your building and everyone is left to starve to death.

You're so fucked up in the head you think every nation is great except the US and Israel.
That's funny...
If you start a business in China and it fails, you starve.
Most businesses in China fail.

Most businesses in America fail.
My girlfriend is Chinese, she'd find most of your claims laughable.

You're so fucked up in the head you think every nation is great except the US and Israel.

No, just Israel. America needs to fix it's problems, to be sure, but she is still great. You guys are the ones claiming it isn't, or you wouldn't scream MAGA. That implies that America stopped being great at some point.

For other countries problems, I can't be responsible for those.

I've said, our foreign policy should look like Star Trek's prime directive... we don't interfere in your internal affairs because we will just fuck it up.
Most businesses in America fail.
My girlfriend is Chinese, she'd find most of your claims laughable.

No, just Israel. America needs to fix it's problems, to be sure, but she is still great. You guys are the ones claiming it isn't, or you wouldn't scream MAGA. That implies that America stopped being great at some point.

For other countries problems, I can't be responsible for those.

I've said, our foreign policy should look like Star Trek's prime directive... we don't interfere in your internal affairs because we will just fuck it up.
I work with someone who has a business in China and several other countries so I don't give a crap about the lies your current squeeze tells you.
My son has worked with Chinese suppliers whose businesses went under and they were terrified of their fate.

Tell us that China has open borders and allows anyone to enter and undercut their citizens.

We all know you hate White people and think Blacks are dumb.
Anyone not White or Black turns you on.
I work with someone who has a business in China and several other countries so I don't give a crap about the lies your current squeeze tells you.
My son has worked with Chinese suppliers whose businesses went under and they were terrified of their fate.

I work with Chinese suppliers all the time... and, no, it's nowhere near that.

Tell us that China has open borders and allows anyone to enter and undercut their citizens.

Not really relevant to the situation. The Chinese do invite people in from the Philippines and Vietnam to work in their factories when they need extra labor. It's why Covid has been hard on both China and Taiwan's economies, their inability to import labor.

We all know you hate White people and think Blacks are dumb.
Anyone not White or Black turns you on.

Actually, I've dated black women and I've dated white women.... so, um, no. Current one is Chinese.
I work with Chinese suppliers all the time... and, no, it's nowhere near that.

Not really relevant to the situation. The Chinese do invite people in from the Philippines and Vietnam to work in their factories when they need extra labor. It's why Covid has been hard on both China and Taiwan's economies, their inability to import labor.

Actually, I've dated black women and I've dated white women.... so, um, no. Current one is Chinese.
I guess you looked over the fact that FoxConn had to come up with methods to stop suicides.
And that Brown people South of the Border are desperate to escape from their Brown Leaders.
And that Africans are always at war with each other and can't build a toilet without help from White people.

But you go right ahead and think of more reasons why the US sucks.
Wow, did you just say that out loud?
Yeah; I have bleeding heart LibTard relatives who went to nations in Africa to help modernize and the natives couldn't get anything done.
The Whites who came to help wound up doing all the work.

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