Why when Liberals protest it becomes violent

It amazes me how you guys can be so deathly afraid of "the government" coming to get you - but seem to completely support violent tactics used by police against people you don't agree with.

It is not support for police stupidity. It is calling the latest movements out for the violence that they entailed. Can you not understand that they are separate issues?

IF you believe that the may day protest violence was due to police misconduct, then put up your argument. All you are doing now is attacking character. That does not support your position.

You're not understanding me.

I have no idea what happened in Seattle. I wasn't there. I don't know if the "violence" was started by protesters, or by the cops.

Neither do you.

Many "conservatives" in this thread are choosing to believe "the governments" side of the story - which I think is very funny when they then turn around and decry how evil and terrible "the government" is as soon as the topic changes to something else.

Well, not really. They are going off of the information they have which is what is in the media, on the internet and from any testimonials that they can find. That is not the government. As much as some on the right want to declare that the media is ‘in it for Obama’ they are not the government and it is all we have to go on. Basically, if you only have an opinion on what you experience firsthand, you are not only going to have almost no opinion at all but it is likely that you are going to be wholly ignorant as well. Honestly, you are not going to get a whole lot of experience with some of these things if you live in the Tennessee marshes but that does not mean that you cannot collect information and make an informed opinion based on the facts that you gather.
It amazes me how you guys can be so deathly afraid of "the government" coming to get you - but seem to completely support violent tactics used by police against people you don't agree with.

It is not support for police stupidity. It is calling the latest movements out for the violence that they entailed. Can you not understand that they are separate issues?

IF you believe that the may day protest violence was due to police misconduct, then put up your argument. All you are doing now is attacking character. That does not support your position.

You're not understanding me.

I have no idea what happened in Seattle. I wasn't there. I don't know if the "violence" was started by protesters, or by the cops.

Neither do you.

Many "conservatives" in this thread are choosing to believe "the governments" side of the story - which I think is very funny when they then turn around and decry how evil and terrible "the government" is as soon as the topic changes to something else.
"Once the crowd of marchers dispersed, dozens of black clad rioters began an unauthorized march heading for the business district. Police, who were out in full force, began to herd the rioters toward an industrial area.

All hell broke loose.

It sounds as if the police demonstrated an admirable level of restraint in the face of extreme provocation. Seattle police have grown used to these stunts by violent children and have apparently been well trained in how to keep both lives and property relatively safe.

What makes the anarchists so dangerous is their incoherence. Most of them believe that food, clothing, and shelter should be free for everyone, that there should be no ownership of private property, that markets, money, and government should be eliminated. It is the means of revolution that makes them a problem. They see small groups of anarchists fomenting violent revolution until the utopia they seek is established."

Read more: Blog: Anarchists riot in Seattle in May Day protest
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