Why Were The Loudest Anti-American Voices During Independence Day Black Democrats?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Far left ‘blatantly admits’ hatred of America in July 4th explosion, say critics
Far left ‘blatantly admits’ hatred of America in July 4th explosion, say critics

Mainstream media, Democratic lawmakers bash America throughout Fourth of July weekend

'Conservatives have said for years that the left hates America. Now the left comes out and blatantly admits that it does… on July 4 weekend no less,'


"F--k Independence Day. Not only were we not free, the whole reason the Colonies wanted independence was because Britain was moving toward abolishing slavery. Why would Black people celebrate a day so wrapped up in our enslavement?"
- Former MSNBC anchor Touré Neblett


“When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.”
D-Cori Bush


Crazy California Rep. Maxine Waters went on a bizarre anti-American rant on the Fourth of July.​

“July 4th … & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!”
- D-Maxine Waters

Waters claimed the nation is racist — while she, a black woman, is an elected lawmaker in this country.

Why would people celebrate a country that has grown so much into the most free nation in the world that has more opportunity than any other nation in the world? These race-baiters claim the US is 'systematically racist', oppressive, holds blacks back, where they have a massive lack of opportunity because of their skin color?


Touré Neblett is an American writer, music journalist, cultural critic, podcaster, and television personality. He was a co-host of the TV show The Cycle on MSNBC. He was also a contributor to MSNBC's The Dylan Ratigan Show, and the host of Fuse's Hiphop Shop and On the Record. He serves on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominating Committee. Neblett's annual net worth is reportedly as much as $1 Million.

:itsok: Poor, oppressed individual,, denied opportunities to succeed inthis country....

D-Mo Cori Bush is a member of the United States Congress, making $117,000 per year (not counting contributions, perks, etc...). Her net worth is reportedly $7 MILLION dollars.

:itsok: Poor Cori Bush, a black female elected federal politician who became a millionaire after she became a member of Congress. Doesn't her plight just make your heart ache and your blood boil against this completely 'systematic racist' nation that oppresses blacks and denies them opportunity to succeed?

D-Ca Maxine Waters is a member of Congress. 'Mad Max' does not live in her poor, run-down district - she lives in a gated, security-protected $4 Million dollar MANSION outside of her District, and her latest wealth disclosure shows she is worth $15 Million.

:crybaby: Mad Max's plight brings me to the edge of sobbing....how in the world is this poor black woman supposed to live on $15 Million dollars in a $4 million mansion....while her constituents live in slums, tents, and such negatively fiscally impacted conditions?

How are minorities supposed to succeed in this 'systematically racist' nation? It's not like minorities have any hope of becoming...let's say...Vice President...or President...Oh wait...


Ummmm, never mind....

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Black culture is a blight on society. The black community really needs to fix their long list of issues. At this point their negative contributions outweigh the positive ones. Their awful beliefs are poisonous for their children.
Saying how bad America is, really works for the Democratic party. It helps to solidify their base...
they will never stop.
Black people are still not free??? Why can't we just let Cory Bush go? does anyone know where she want's to go?
The revolutionary war was about taxation, except when you get a woke bullshit affirmative action education.

Most of America always opposed slavery. We had one and only one war over it - the civil war.

Blacks never built anything up north.

Blacks have repaid Union army families by calling them racist and demanding preferential treatment and handouts, and causing massive increases in local crime.
it's boredom. Remember childhood-----when summer vacation became
OPPRESSIVE------maaa I got nuthin' to dooo
Black culture is a blight on society. The black community really needs to fix their long list of issues. At this point their negative contributions outweigh the positive ones. Their awful beliefs are poisonous for their children.

Black culture is divided though, there's a lot of patriots. I think they are aware of the injustices in our history just as well as the America hating crowd... but they are able to grasp what America is and try to be successful for them and their children.
This divide is sometimes a bit mystifying. There are other ones who celebrate running out of Neiman Marcus with armloads of stolen merchandise and somehow feel justified. They would see it not as stealing because they are taking from a society that they hate...
Its like there are two simultaneous worlds trying to coexist
Far left ‘blatantly admits’ hatred of America in July 4th explosion, say critics
Far left ‘blatantly admits’ hatred of America in July 4th explosion, say critics

Mainstream media, Democratic lawmakers bash America throughout Fourth of July weekend

'Conservatives have said for years that the left hates America. Now the left comes out and blatantly admits that it does… on July 4 weekend no less,'

View attachment 509434
"F--k Independence Day. Not only were we not free, the whole reason the Colonies wanted independence was because Britain was moving toward abolishing slavery. Why would Black people celebrate a day so wrapped up in our enslavement?"
- Former MSNBC anchor Touré Neblett

View attachment 509433
“When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.”
D-Cori Bush


Crazy California Rep. Maxine Waters went on a bizarre anti-American rant on the Fourth of July.​

“July 4th … & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!”
- D-Maxine Waters

Waters claimed the nation is racist — while she, a black woman, is an elected lawmaker in this country.

Why would people celebrate a country that has grown so much into the most free nation in the world that has more opportunity than any other nation in the world? These race-baiters claim the US is 'systematically racist', oppressive, holds blacks back, where they have a massive lack of opportunity because of their skin color?


Touré Neblett is an American writer, music journalist, cultural critic, podcaster, and television personality. He was a co-host of the TV show The Cycle on MSNBC. He was also a contributor to MSNBC's The Dylan Ratigan Show, and the host of Fuse's Hiphop Shop and On the Record. He serves on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominating Committee. Neblett's annual net worth is reportedly as much as $1 Million.

:itsok: Poor, oppressed individual,, denied opportunities to succeed inthis country....

D-Mo Cori Bush is a member of the United States Congress, making $117,000 per year (not counting contributions, perks, etc...). Her net worth is reportedly $7 MILLION dollars.

:itsok: Poor Cori Bush, a black female elected federal politician who became a millionaire after she became a member of Congress. Doesn't her plight just make your heart ache and your blood boil against this completely 'systematic racist' nation that oppresses blacks and denies them opportunity to succeed?

D-Ca Maxine Waters is a member of Congress. 'Mad Max' does not live in her poor, run-down district - she lives in a gated, security-protected $4 Million dollar MANSION outside of her District, and her latest wealth disclosure shows she is worth $15 Million.

:crybaby: Mad Max's plight brings me to the edge of sobbing....how in the world is this poor black woman supposed to live on $15 Million dollars in a $4 million mansion....while her constituents live in slums, tents, and such negatively fiscally impacted conditions?

How are minorities supposed to succeed in this 'systematically racist' nation? It's not like minorities have any hope of becoming...let's say...Vice President...or President...Oh wait...

View attachment 509444 View attachment 509446

Ummmm, never mind....

Why Were The Loudest Anti-American Voices During Independence Day Black Democrats?​

Maybe because, generally speaking, they're the loudest voices no matter the topic?...I mean seriously, they're almost always bellering and gesticulating about anything and everything.....Even the *relatively* same among them (i.e. Leo Tyrell, Cornell West) can't go a few minutes without getting worked up into a shouting frenzy.

Yes, there are the exceptions -Jason Whitlock, Lary Elder, Thomas Sowell, et. al. come to mind....But generalities have at least marginal validity for reasons.

Just spitballing here.
Black non-Dems just rock!!

They think.

They ask questions.

They have the ability to observe and calculate.

They are truly FREE.

The only thing that makes blacks NOT FREE is when a black forfeits his right to disagree with the party of the confederacy... For fear of being called names and harassed and bullied and ultimately a Black Death ignored by the media...
Black culture is a blight on society. The black community really needs to fix their long list of issues. At this point their negative contributions outweigh the positive ones. Their awful beliefs are poisonous for their children.
I sure don't understand why rightwingers get a reputation for being racist.........
Black culture is a blight on society. The black community really needs to fix their long list of issues. At this point their negative contributions outweigh the positive ones. Their awful beliefs are poisonous for their children.
I sure don't understand why rightwingers get a reputation for being racist.........
Since when is culture a "race"? :cuckoo:

Black culture is divided though, there's a lot of patriots. I think they are aware of the injustices in our history just as well as the America hating crowd... but they are able to grasp what America is and try to be successful for them and their children.
This divide is sometimes a bit mystifying. There are other ones who celebrate running out of Neiman Marcus with armloads of stolen merchandise and somehow feel justified. They would see it not as stealing because they are taking from a society that they hate...
Its like there are two simultaneous worlds trying to coexist

Most blacks have no idea about the injustices that blacks have gone through, meaning they have no concept of what slavery was like as slavery has not existed was over 100 years ago. Slavery is an EXCUSE and / or a reason for demanding 'reparations' they do not deserve.

I am so sick of blacks blaming their problems on whites while they do their best to ignore the reality of their failures being the result primarily of their own decisions and culture.

Charles Barkley said it best when he exposed the true secret of why Blacks will never be as successful as whites while blaming whites for it:

“As I tell my white friends, we as black people [are] never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you’re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life, from other black people. It’s a dirty dark secret and I’m glad it’s coming out …”

If you do well in school, you’re not “black enough.

“When young black kids do well in school, the loser’s kid tell them, ‘Oh you’re acting white’ … One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole because of other black people … For some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person.”

Why many black sports players go broke.

“One of the reasons a lot of black players go broke, because when you’re successful you’re friends say, ‘Oh, you ain’t cool, you ain’t down with us anymore.’ And you end up giving up all your money to these damn losers and you end up broke again.”

Going to jail is a “good thing” in the black community.

“We’re the only ethnic group to say, ‘Hey if you go to jail, it gives you street cred. That’s just typical B.S. that goes on when you’re black, man."


Why Were The Loudest Anti-American Voices During Independence Day Black Democrats?​

Maybe because, generally speaking, they're the loudest voices no matter the topic?...I mean seriously, they're almost always bellering and gesticulating about anything and everything.....Even the *relatively* same among them (i.e. Leo Tyrell, Cornell West) can't go a few minutes without getting worked up into a shouting frenzy.

Yes, there are the exceptions -Jason Whitlock, Lary Elder, Thomas Sowell, et. al. come to mind....But generalities have at least marginal validity for reasons.

Just spitballing here.
Stereotypes usually exist for a reason. Unfortunately, among democrats, only certain ones are taboo.
None of those people were slaves, nor their parents, nor even their grandparents. They never met anyone who was actually a slave in their life times.

And 4th of july is not about race or skin color or anything. It has never even been associated with it until they did.

They are the racist fucks who need to be deported or put in a hole.

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